Hosea 13:11

11 I gave you a king when I was angry, and I took him away when I was furious.

Hosea 13:11 Meaning and Commentary

Hosea 13:11

I gave thee a king in mine anger
Not the king of Assyria, sent to waste and destroy them, and carry them captive, as some, for of him the next clause cannot be said; nor Jeroboam, the first king of the ten tribes, as others, who was not given in anger to Israel, but to Solomon; rather Saul, as Kimchi and Aben Ezra, the first king of all Israel; and who was given at the request of the people, though in anger and resentment, they rejecting God their King; or it may design the kingly office and power in general, in a succession of kings from him the first of them: and took [him] away in my wrath;
not Jeroboam, who does not appear to be taken away by death in wrath; rather Saul, who died in battle with the Philistines, and fell on the mountains of Gilboa: but it may be rendered better, "I will take him away" F15; and refers not to Zedekiah the last king of Judith, as some in Kimchi; but to Hoshea, the last king of the ten tribes; for it is of there more especially the words, both in the text and context, are spoken; and so it respects the entire removal of kingly power from them, which ceased in Hoshea; see ( Hosea 3:4 ) ( 10:15 ) .


F15 (xqaw) "et auferam", Zanchius, Piscator, Cocceius, V. L. "recipiam", Drusius; "accipiam", Schmidt.

Hosea 13:11 In-Context

9 You are destroying yourself, Israel. You are against me, your helper.
10 "Where, now, is your king, the one who is supposed to save you? Where in all your cities are your judges? You said, 'Give us kings and officials!'
11 I gave you a king when I was angry, and I took him away when I was furious.
12 "Ephraim's wickedness is on record. The record of the people's sins is safely stored away.
13 They have the opportunity to live again, but they are not smart enough to take it. They are like a baby who is about to be born but won't come out of its mother's womb.
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