Hosea 10:10

10 When I please, I will punish them; nations will be gathered against them to put them in bonds for their double sin.

Hosea 10:10 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
10 It is in my desire that I should chastise them; and the people shall be gathered against them, when they shall bind themselves in their two furrows.
English Standard Version (ESV)
10 When I please, I will discipline them, and nations shall be gathered against them when they are bound up for their double iniquity.
New Living Translation (NLT)
10 Now whenever it fits my plan, I will attack you, too. I will call out the armies of the nations to punish you for your multiplied sins.
The Message Bible (MSG)
10 I'll come to teach them a lesson. Nations will gang up on them, Making them learn the hard way the sum of Gibeah plus Gibeah.
American Standard Version (ASV)
10 When it is my desire, I will chastise them; and the peoples shall be gathered against them, when they are bound to their two transgressions.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
10 "I will punish them when I'm ready. Armies will gather to attack them. They will be punished for their many sins.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
10 I will discipline them at My discretion; nations will be gathered against them to put them in bondage for their two crimes.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
10 So I will punish you when I want to. Nations will gather together to fight against you. They will put you in chains because you have committed so many sins.

Hosea 10:10 Meaning and Commentary

Hosea 10:10

[It is] in my desire that I should chastise them
Or, "bind them" F1, and carry them captive; and by so doing correct them for their sins they have so long continued in: this the Lord had in his heart to do, and was determined upon it, and would do it with pleasure, for the glorifying of his justice, since they had so long and so much abused his clemency and goodness: and the people shall be gathered against them;
the Assyrians, who, at the command of the Lord, would come and invade their land, besiege their city, and take it, and bind them, and carry them captive: when they shall bind themselves in their two furrows;
when, like heifers untamed, and bound in a yoke to plough, do not make and keep in one furrow, but turn out to the right or left, and make cross furrows; so it is intimated that this was the reason why the Lord would correct Israel, and suffer the nations to gather together against them, and carry them captive, because they did not plough in one furrow, or keep in the true and pure worship of God; but made two furrows, worshipping partly God, and partly idols: or, "when they", their enemies, "shall bind them", being gathered against them, and carry them captive, they shall make them plough in "two furrows", the one up, and the other down; and to this hard service they shall keep them continually. There is a double reading of this clause; the "Cetib", or textual writing or reading, is, "to their two eyes", or "fountains": alluding, as Jarchi observes, to the binding of the yoke on oxen on each side of their eyes: or to the fountains in the land of Israel, the abundance of wine, milk, and honey; for the sake of which the people got together, broke in upon them, and bound them, in order to drink of. So Gussetius F2 renders the words, "and they shall bind them to drink of their fountains". The "Keri" or marginal reading is, "their two iniquities"; which the Septuagint follows, rendering it,

``in chastising them, or when they are chastised for their two iniquities;''
so the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Arabic versions; meaning either their worshipping the two calves at Dan and Bethel; or their corporeal and spiritual adultery; or their forsaking the true God, and worshipping idols; see ( Jeremiah 2:13 ) . Schmidt understands all this, not as a punishment threatened, but as an instance of the love of God to them, in chastising them in a loving and fatherly way; which had a good effect upon them, and brought them to repentance; partly in the times of the judges, but more especially in the days of Samuel, when they behaved well; and particularly in the reigns of David and Solomon; and when the people were gathered, not "against", but "to" them; either became proselytes to them, or tributaries, or coveted their friendship; and when they themselves lived in great concord, in one kingdom, under one king, like oxen ploughing in two contiguous furrows.

F1 (Mroaw) "et, [vel] ut vinciam eos", Junius & Tremellius, Drusius, Grotius; "colligabo eos", Cocceius.
F2 Comment. Ebr. p. 591, 892.

Hosea 10:10 In-Context

8 The high places of wickedness will be destroyed— it is the sin of Israel. Thorns and thistles will grow up and cover their altars. Then they will say to the mountains, “Cover us!” and to the hills, “Fall on us!”
9 “Since the days of Gibeah, you have sinned, Israel, and there you have remained.Will not war again overtake the evildoers in Gibeah?
10 When I please, I will punish them; nations will be gathered against them to put them in bonds for their double sin.
11 Ephraim is a trained heifer that loves to thresh; so I will put a yoke on her fair neck. I will drive Ephraim, Judah must plow, and Jacob must break up the ground.
12 Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.

Cross References 1

  • 1. S Ezekiel 5:13; S Hosea 4:9
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