Job 31:13

13 “If I have denied justice to any of my servants, whether male or female, when they had a grievance against me,

Job 31:13 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
13 If I did despise the cause of my manservant or of my maidservant, when they contended with me;
English Standard Version (ESV)
13 "If I have rejected the cause of my manservant or my maidservant, when they brought a complaint against me,
New Living Translation (NLT)
13 “If I have been unfair to my male or female servants when they brought their complaints to me,
The Message Bible (MSG)
13 "Have I ever been unfair to my employees when they brought a complaint to me?
American Standard Version (ASV)
13 If I have despised the cause of my man-servant or of my maid-servant, When they contended with me;
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
13 "If I have abused the rights of my servants, male or female, when they have disagreed with me,
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
13 If I have dismissed the case of my male or female servants when they made a complaint against me,
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
13 "Suppose I haven't treated my male and female servants fairly when they've brought charges against me.

Job 31:13 Meaning and Commentary

Job 31:13

If I did despise the cause of my manservant, or of my
Whether it was a cause that related to any controversy or quarrel among themselves when it was brought before him, he did not reject it, because of the meanness of the contending parties, and the state of servitude they were in; but he received it and searched into it, heard patiently what each had to say, examined them thoroughly, entered into the merits of the cause, and either reconciled them, or passed a righteous sentence, punished the delinquent, and protected the innocent; or, if it was a cause relating to himself, any complaint of their work, or wages, or food, or clothing, as it seems to be from what follows:

when they contended with me;
had anything to complain of, or to object to him on the above account, or any other, where there was any show or colour of foundation for it; otherwise it cannot be thought he would indulge a saucy, impudent, and contradicting behaviour in them towards him: masters in those times and countries had an unlimited, and exercised a despotic power over their servants, and used them with great rigour, and refused to do them justice upon complaints; but Job behaved as if he had had the rules of the apostle before him to act by in his conduct towards his servants, ( Ephesians 6:9 ) ( Colossians 4:1 ) ; and even condescended to submit the cause between him and his servants to other judges or arbitrators, or rather took cognizance of it himself, heard patiently and carefully what they had to allege, and did them justice.

Job 31:13 In-Context

11 For that would have been wicked, a sin to be judged.
12 It is a fire that burns to Destruction ; it would have uprooted my harvest.
13 “If I have denied justice to any of my servants, whether male or female, when they had a grievance against me,
14 what will I do when God confronts me? What will I answer when called to account?
15 Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?

Cross References 2

  • 1. S Deuteronomy 5:14
  • 2. Exodus 21:2-11; Leviticus 25:39-46; Deuteronomy 24:14-15
Scripture quoted by permission.  Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®.  NIV®.  Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica.  All rights reserved worldwide.