Ésaïe 5

1 Je chanterai à mon bien-aimé Le cantique de mon bien-aimé sur sa vigne. Mon bien-aimé avait une vigne, Sur un coteau fertile.
2 Il en remua le sol, ôta les pierres, et y mit un plant délicieux; Il bâtit une tour au milieu d'elle, Et il y creusa aussi une lsge. Puis il espéra qu'elle produirait de bons raisins, Mais elle en a produit de mauvais.
3 Maintenant donc, habitants de Jérusalem et hommes de Juda, Soyez juges entre moi et ma vigne!
4 Qu'y avait-il encore à faire à ma vigne, Que je n'aie pas fait pour elle? Pourquoi, quand j'ai espéré qu'elle produirait de bons raisins, En a-t-elle produit de mauvais?
5 Je vous dirai maintenant Ce que je vais faire à ma vigne. J'en arracherai la haie, pour qu'elle soit broutée; J'en abattrai la clôture, pour qu'elle soit foulée aux pieds.
6 Je la réduirai en ruine; elle ne sera plus taillée, ni cultivée; Les ronces et les épines y croîtront; Et je donnerai mes ordres aux nuées, Afin qu'elles ne laissent plus tomber la pluie sur elle.
7 La vigne de l'Eternel des armées, c'est la maison d'Israël, Et les hommes de Juda, c'est le plant qu'il chérissait. Il avait espéré de la droiture, et voici du sang versé! De la justice, et voici des cris de détresse!
8 Malheur à ceux qui ajoutent maison à maison, Et qui joignent champ à champ, Jusqu'à ce qu'il n'y ait plus d'espace, Et qu'ils habitent seuls au milieu du pays!
9 Voici ce que m'a révélé l'Eternel des armées: Certainement, ces maisons nombreuses seront dévastées, Ces grandes et belles maisons n'auront plus d'habitants.
10 Même dix arpents de vigne ne produiront qu'un bath, Et un homer de semence ne produira qu'un épha.
11 Malheur à ceux qui de bon matin Courent après les boissons enivrantes, Et qui bien avant dans la nuit Sont échauffés par le vin!
12 La harpe et le luth, le tambourin, la flûte et le vin, animent leurs festins; Mais ils ne prennent point garde à l'oeuvre de l'Eternel, Et ils ne voient point le travail de ses mains.
13 C'est pourquoi mon peuple sera soudain emmené captif; Sa noblesse mourra de faim, Et sa multitude sera desséchée par la soif.
14 C'est pourquoi le séjour des morts ouvre sa bouche, Elargit sa gueule outre mesure; Alors descendent la magnificence et la richesse de Sion, Et sa foule bruyante et joyeuse.
15 Les petits seront abattus, les grands seront humiliés, Et les regards des hautains seront abaissés.
16 L'Eternel des armées sera élevé par le jugement, Et le Dieu saint sera sanctifié par la justice.
17 Des brebis paîtront comme sur leur pâturage, Et des étrangers dévoreront les possessions ruinées des riches.
18 Malheur à ceux qui tirent l'iniquité avec les cordes du vice, Et le péché comme avec les traits d'un char,
19 Et qui disent: Qu'il hâte, qu'il accélère son oeuvre, Afin que nous la voyions! Que le décret du Saint d'Israël arrive et s'exécute, Afin que nous le connaissions!
20 Malheur à ceux qui appellent le mal bien, et le bien mal, Qui changent les ténèbres en lumière, et la lumière en ténèbres, Qui changent l'amertume en douceur, et la douceur en amertume!
21 Malheur à ceux qui sont sages à leurs yeux, Et qui se croient intelligents!
22 Malheur à ceux qui ont de la bravoure pour boire du vin, Et de la vaillance pour mêler des liqueurs fortes;
23 Qui justifient le coupable pour un présent, Et enlèvent aux innocents leurs droits!
24 C'est pourquoi, comme une langue de feu dévore le chaume, Et comme la flamme consume l'herbe sèche, Ainsi leur racine sera comme de la pourriture, Et leur fleur se dissipera comme de la poussière; Car ils ont dédaigné la loi de l'Eternel des armées, Et ils ont méprisé la parole du Saint d'Israël.
25 C'est pourquoi la colère de l'Eternel s'enflamme contre son peuple, Il étend sa main sur lui, et il le frappe; Les montagnes s'ébranlent; Et les cadavres sont comme des balayures au milieu des rues. Malgré tout cela, sa colère ne s'apaise point, Et sa main est encore étendue.
26 Il élève une bannière pour les peuples lointains, Et il en siffle un des extrémités de la terre: Et voici, il arrive avec promptitude et légèreté.
27 Nul n'est fatigué, nul ne chancelle de lassitude, Personne ne sommeille, ni ne dort; Aucun n'a la ceinture de ses reins détachée, Ni la courroie de ses souliers rompue.
28 Ses flèches sont aiguës, Et tous ses arcs tendus; Les sabots de ses chevaux ressemblent à des cailloux, Et les roues de ses chars à un tourbillon.
29 Son rugissement est comme celui d'une lionne; Il rugit comme des lionceaux, il gronde, et saisit la proie, Il l'emporte, et personne ne vient au secours.
30 En ce jour, il y aura près de lui un mugissement, Comme celui d'une tempête sur mer; En regardant la terre, on ne verra que ténèbres, Avec des alternatives d'angoisse et d'espérance; Au ciel, l'obscurité régnera.

Ésaïe 5 Commentary

Chapter 5

The state and conduct of the Jewish nation. (1-7) The judgments which would come. (8-23) The executioners of these judgments. (24-30)

Verses 1-7 Christ is God's beloved Son, and our beloved Saviour. The care of the Lord over the church of Israel, is described by the management of a vineyard. The advantages of our situation will be brought into the account another day. He planted it with the choicest vines; gave them a most excellent law, instituted proper ordinances. The temple was a tower, where God gave tokens of his presence. He set up his altar, to which the sacrifices should be brought; all the means of grace are denoted thereby. God expects fruit from those that enjoy privileges. Good purposes and good beginnings are good things, but not enough; there must be vineyard fruit; thoughts and affections, words and actions, agreeable to the Spirit. It brought forth bad fruit. Wild grapes are the fruits of the corrupt nature. Where grace does not work, corruption will. But the wickedness of those that profess religion, and enjoy the means of grace, must be upon the sinners themselves. They shall no longer be a peculiar people. When errors and vice go without check or control, the vineyard is unpruned; then it will soon be grown over with thorns. This is often shown in the departure of God's Spirit from those who have long striven against him, and the removal of his gospel from places which have long been a reproach to it. The explanation is given. It is sad with a soul, when, instead of the grapes of humility, meekness, love, patience, and contempt of the world, for which God looks, there are the wild grapes of pride, passion, discontent, and malice, and contempt of God; instead of the grapes of praying and praising, the wild grapes of cursing and swearing. Let us bring forth fruit with patience, that in the end we may obtain everlasting life.

Verses 8-23 Here is a woe to those who set their hearts on the wealth of the world. Not that it is sinful for those who have a house and a field to purchase another; but the fault is, that they never know when they have enough. Covetousness is idolatry; and while many envy the prosperous, wretched man, the Lord denounces awful woes upon him. How applicable to many among us! God has many ways to empty the most populous cities. Those who set their hearts upon the world, will justly be disappointed. Here is woe to those who dote upon the pleasures and the delights of sense. The use of music is lawful; but when it draws away the heart from God, then it becomes a sin to us. God's judgments have seized them, but they will not disturb themselves in their pleasures. The judgments are declared. Let a man be ever so high, death will bring him low; ever so mean, death will bring him lower. The fruit of these judgments shall be, that God will be glorified as a God of power. Also, as a God that is holy; he shall be owned and declared to be so, in the righteous punishment of proud men. Those are in a woful condition who set up sin, and who exert themselves to gratify their base lusts. They are daring in sin, and walk after their own lusts; it is in scorn that they call God the Holy One of Israel. They confound and overthrow distinctions between good and evil. They prefer their own reasonings to Divine revelations; their own devices to the counsels and commands of God. They deem it prudent and politic to continue profitable sins, and to neglect self-denying duties. Also, how light soever men make of drunkenness, it is a sin which lays open to the wrath and curse of God. Their judges perverted justice. Every sin needs some other to conceal it.

Verses 24-30 Let not any expect to live easily who live wickedly. Sin weakens the strength, the root of a people; it defaces the beauty, the blossoms of a people. When God's word is despised, and his law cast away, what can men expect but that God should utterly abandon them? When God comes forth in wrath, the hills tremble, fear seizes even great men. When God designs the ruin of a provoking people, he can find instruments to be employed in it, as he sent for the Chaldeans, and afterwards the Romans, to destroy the Jews. Those who would not hear the voice of God speaking by his prophets, shall hear the voice of their enemies roaring against them. Let the distressed look which way they will, all appears dismal. If God frowns upon us, how can any creature smile? Let us diligently seek the well-grounded assurance, that when all earthly helps and comforts shall fail, God himself will be the strength of our hearts, and our portion for ever.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter, under the parable of a vineyard and its ruins, the Jews and their destruction are represented; the reasons of which are given, their manifold sins and transgressions, particularly enumerated, with the punishment threatened to them, and which is delivered in form of a song. The vineyard is described by the owner of it, a well beloved one; by the situation of it, in a fruitful hill; by the fence about it, and care and culture of it; and by its not answering the expectation of the owner, it bringing forth wild grapes instead of good ones, Isa 5:1,2 wherefore the men of Judah and Jerusalem are made judges between the owner and his vineyard, what more could have been done to it, or rather what was now to be done to it, since this was the case; and the result is, that it should be utterly laid waste, and come to ruin; and the whole is applied to the house of Israel, and men of Judah, Isa 5:3-7 whose sins, as the cause of their ruin, are mentioned in the following verses; their covetousness, with the punishment of it, Isa 5:8-10 their intemperance, luxury, and love of pleasure, with the punishment threatened thereunto, Isa 5:11-14 whereby haughty men should be humbled, the Lord be glorified, and at the same time his weak and innocent people would be taken care of, Isa 5:15-17 next, other sins are taken notice of, and woes pronounced on account of them, as, an impudent course of sinning, insolent impiety against God, confusion of good and evil, conceit of their own wisdom, drunkenness, and perversion of justice, Isa 5:18-23 wherefore for these things, and for their contempt and rejection of the law and word of the Lord, utter destruction is threatened them, Isa 5:24 yea, the anger of God had been already kindled against them, and they had felt it in some instances, Isa 5:25 but they are given to expect severer judgments, by means of foreign nations, that should be gathered against them; who are described by their swiftness, strength, and vigilance; by their armour, horses, and carriages; and by their terror and cruelty; the consequence of which would be utter darkness, distress, and calamities, in the land of Judea, Isa 5:26-30.

Ésaïe 5 Commentaries

The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.