Genèse 14

1 Dans le temps d'Amraphel, roi de Schinear, d'Arjoc, roi d'Ellasar, de Kedorlaomer, roi d'Elam, et de Tideal, roi de Gojim,
2 il arriva qu'ils firent la guerre à Béra, roi de Sodome, à Birscha, roi de Gomorrhe, à Schineab, roi d'Adma, à Schémeéber, roi de Tseboïm, et au roi de Béla, qui est Tsoar.
3 Ces derniers s'assemblèrent tous dans la vallée de Siddim, qui est la mer Salée.
4 Pendant douze ans, ils avaient été soumis à Kedorlaomer; et la treizième année, ils s'étaient révoltés.
5 Mais, la quatorzième année, Kedorlaomer et les rois qui étaient avec lui se mirent en marche, et ils battirent les Rephaïm à Aschteroth-Karnaïm, les Zuzim à Ham, les Emim à Schavé-Kirjathaïm,
6 et les Horiens dans leur montagne de Séir, jusqu'au chêne de Paran, qui est près du désert.
7 Puis ils s'en retournèrent, vinrent à En-Mischpath, qui est Kadès, et battirent les Amalécites sur tout leur territoire, ainsi que les Amoréens établis à Hatsatson-Thamar.
8 Alors s'avancèrent le roi de Sodome, le roi de Gomorrhe, le roi d'Adma, le roi de Tseboïm, et le roi de Béla, qui est Tsoar; et ils se rangèrent en bataille contre eux, dans la vallée de Siddim,
9 contre Kedorlaomer, roi d'Elam, Tideal, roi de Gojim, Amraphel, roi de Schinear, et Arjoc, roi d'Ellasar: quatre rois contre cinq.
10 La vallée de Siddim était couverte de puits de bitume; le roi de Sodome et celui de Gomorrhe prirent la fuite, et y tombèrent; le reste s'enfuit vers la montagne.
11 Les vainqueurs enlevèrent toutes les richesses de Sodome et de Gomorrhe, et toutes leurs provisions; et ils s'en allèrent.
12 Ils enlevèrent aussi, avec ses biens, Lot, fils du frère d'Abram, qui demeurait à Sodome; et ils s'en allèrent.
13 Un fuyard vint l'annoncer à Abram, l'Hébreu; celui-ci habitait parmi les chênes de Mamré, l'Amoréen, frère d'Eschcol et frère d'Aner, qui avaient fait alliance avec Abram.
14 Dès qu'Abram eut appris que son frère avait été fait prisonnier, il arma trois cent dix-huit de ses plus braves serviteurs, nés dans sa maison, et il poursuivit les rois jusqu'à Dan.
15 Il divisa sa troupe, pour les attaquer de nuit, lui et ses serviteurs; il les battit, et les poursuivit jusqu'à Choba, qui est à la gauche de Damas.
16 Il ramena toutes les richesses; il ramena aussi Lot, son frère, avec ses biens, ainsi que les femmes et le peuple.
17 Après qu'Abram fut revenu vainqueur de Kedorlaomer et des rois qui étaient avec lui, le roi de Sodome sortit à sa rencontre dans la vallée de Schavé, qui est la vallée du roi.
18 Melchisédek, roi de Salem, fit apporter du pain et du vin: il était sacrificateur du Dieu Très-Haut.
19 Il bénit Abram, et dit: Béni soit Abram par le Dieu Très-Haut, maître du ciel et de la terre!
20 Béni soit le Dieu Très-Haut, qui a livré tes ennemis entre tes mains! Et Abram lui donna la dîme de tout.
21 Le roi de Sodome dit à Abram: Donne-moi les personnes, et prends pour toi les richesses.
22 Abram répondit au roi de Sodome: Je lève la main vers l'Eternel, le Dieu Très-Haut, maître du ciel et de la terre:
23 je ne prendrai rien de tout ce qui est à toi, pas même un fil, ni un cordon de soulier, afin que tu ne dises pas: J'ai enrichi Abram. Rien pour moi!
24 Seulement, ce qu'ont mangé les jeunes gens, et la part des hommes qui ont marché avec moi, Aner, Eschcol et Mamré: eux, ils prendront leur part.

Genèse 14 Commentary

Chapter 14

The battle of the kings, Lot is taken prisoner. (1-12) Abram rescues Lot. (13-16) Melchizedek blesses Abram. (17-20) Abram restores the spoil. (21-24)

Verses 1-12 The wars of nations make great figure in history, but we should not have had the record of this war if Abram and Lot had not been concerned. Out of covetousness, Lot had settled in fruitful, but wicked Sodom. Its inhabitants were the most ripe for vengeance of all the descendants of Canaan. The invaders were from Chaldea and Persia, then only small kingdoms. They took Lot among the rest, and his goods. Though he was righteous, and Abram's brother's son, yet he was with the rest in this trouble. Neither our own piety, nor our relation to the favourites of Heaven, will be our security when God's judgments are abroad. Many an honest man fares the worse for his wicked neighbours: it is our wisdom to separate, or at least to ( 2 Corinthians. 6:17 ) of Abram should have been a companion and a disciple of Abram. If he chose to dwell in Sodom, he must thank himself if he share in Sodom's losses. When we go out of the way of our duty, we put ourselves from under God's protection, and cannot expect that the choice made by our lusts, should end to our comfort. They took Lot's goods; it is just with God to deprive us of enjoyments, by which we suffer ourselves to be deprived of the enjoyment of him.

Verses 13-16 Abram takes this opportunity to give a real proof of his being truly friendly to Lot. We ought to be ready to succour those in distress, especially relations and friends. And though others may have been wanting in their duty to us, yet we must not neglect our duty to them. Abram rescued the captives. As we have opportunity, we must do good to all.

Verses 17-20 Melchizedek is spoken of as a king of Salem, supposed to be the place afterwards called Jerusalem, and it is generally thought that he was only a man. The words of the apostle, Heb. 7:3 , state only, that the sacred history has said nothing of his ancestors. The silence of the Scriptures on this, is to raise our thoughts to Him, whose generation cannot be declared. Bread and wine were suitable refreshment for the weary followers of Abram; and it is remarkable that Christ appointed the same as the memorials of his body and blood, which are meat and drink indeed to the soul. Melchizedek blessed Abram from God. He blessed God from Abram. We ought to give thanks for other's mercies as for our own. Jesus Christ, our great High Priest, is the Mediator both of our prayers and praises, and not only offers up ours, but his own for us. Abram gave him the tenth of the spoils, ( Hebrews 7:4 ) . When we have received some great mercy from God, it is very fit we should express our thankfulness by some special act of pious charity. Jesus Christ, our great Melchisedek, is to have homage done him, and to be humbly acknowledged as our King and Priest; not only the tithe of all, but all we have, must be given up to him.

Verses 21-24 Observe the king of Sodom's grateful offer to Abram, Give me the souls, and take thou the substance. Gratitude teaches us to recompense to the utmost of our power, those that have undergone fatigues, run hazards, and been at expense for our service and benefit. Abram generously refused this offer. He accompanies his refusal with a good reason, Lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich: which would reflect upon the promise promise and covenant of God, as if He would not have enriched Abraham without the spoils of Sodom. The people of God must, for their credit's sake, take heed of doing any thing that looks mean or mercenary, or that savors of covetousness and self-seeking. Abraham can trust the Possessor of Heaven and earth to provide for him.

Chapter Summary


This chapter gives an account of a war that was waged, and a battle fought between four kings on one side, and five on the other, and of the occasion and issue of it, who were the first kings, and this the first battle the Scriptures speak of, Ge 14:1-11; Lot and his goods being taken and carried off, with those of Sodom, by the conquerors, Abram hearing of it armed his men, and pursued after them, and overtook and overcame them, and rescued Lot and his goods, with others, and returned, Ge 14:12-16; when he was met by the kings of Sodom and Salem, who congratulated him on his victory, Ge 14:17-19; and what passed between him, and those great personages, is related, Ge 14:20-24.

Genèse 14 Commentaries

The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.