Jérémie 15

1 L'Eternel me dit: Quand Moïse et Samuel se présenteraient devant moi, Je ne serais pas favorable à ce peuple. Chasse-le loin de ma face, qu'il s'en aille!
2 Et s'ils te disent: Où irons-nous? Tu leur répondras: Ainsi parle l'Eternel: A la mort ceux qui sont pour la mort, A l'épée ceux qui sont pour l'épée, A la famine ceux qui sont pour la famine, A la captivité ceux qui sont pour la captivité!
3 J'enverrai contre eux quatre espèces de fléaux, dit l'Eternel, L'épée pour les tuer, Les chiens pour les traîner, Les oiseaux du ciel et les bêtes de la terre Pour les dévorer et les détruire.
4 Je les rendrai un objet d'effroi pour tous les royaumes de la terre, A cause de Manassé, fils d'Ezéchias, roi de Juda, Et de tout ce qu'il a fait dans Jérusalem.
5 Qui aura pitié de toi, Jérusalem, Qui te plaindra? Qui ira s'informer de ton état?
6 Tu m'as abandonné, dit l'Eternel, tu es allée en arrière; Mais j'étends ma main sur toi, et je te détruis, Je suis las d'avoir compassion.
7 Je les vanne avec le vent aux portes du pays; Je prive d'enfants, je fais périr mon peuple, Qui ne s'est pas détourné de ses voies.
8 Ses veuves sont plus nombreuses que les grains de sable de la mer; J'amène sur eux, sur la mère du jeune homme, Le dévastateur en plein midi; Je fais soudain tomber sur elle l'angoisse et la terreur.
9 Celle qui avait enfanté sept fils est désolée, Elle rend l'âme; Son soleil se couche quand il est encore jour; Elle est confuse, couverte de honte. Ceux qui restent, je les livre à l'épée devant leurs ennemis, Dit l'Eternel.
10 Malheur à moi, ma mère, de ce que tu m'as fait naître Homme de dispute et de querelle pour tout le pays! Je n'emprunte ni ne prête, Et cependant tous me maudissent.
11 L'Eternel dit: Certes, tu auras un avenir heureux; Certes, je forcerai l'ennemi à t'adresser ses supplications, Au temps du malheur et au temps de la détresse.
12 Le fer brisera-t-il le fer du septentrion et l'airain?
13 Je livre gratuitement au pillage tes biens et tes trésors, A cause de tous tes péchés, sur tout ton territoire.
14 Je te fais passer avec ton ennemi dans un pays que tu ne connais pas, Car le feu de ma colère s'est allumé, Il brûle sur vous.
15 Tu sais tout, ô Eternel, souviens-toi de moi, ne m'oublie pas, Venge-moi de mes persécuteurs! Ne m'enlève pas, tandis que tu te montres lent à la colère! Sache que je supporte l'opprobre à cause de toi.
16 J'ai recueilli tes paroles, et je les ai dévorées; Tes paroles ont fait la joie et l'allégresse de mon coeur; Car ton nom est invoqué sur moi, Eternel, Dieu des armées!
17 Je ne me suis point assis dans l'assemblée des moqueurs, afin de m'y réjouir; Mais à cause de ta puissance, je me suis assis solitaire, Car tu me remplissais de fureur.
18 Pourquoi ma souffrance est-elle continuelle? Pourquoi ma plaie est-elle douloureuse, et ne veut-elle pas se guérir? Serais-tu pour moi comme une source trompeuse, Comme une eau dont on n'est pas sûr?
19 C'est pourquoi ainsi parle l'Eternel: Si tu te rattaches à moi, je te répondrai, et tu te tiendras devant moi; Si tu sépares ce qui est précieux de ce qui est vil, tu seras comme ma bouche. C'est à eux de revenir à toi, Mais ce n'est pas à toi de retourner vers eux.
20 Je te rendrai pour ce peuple comme une forte muraille d'airain; Ils te feront la guerre, mais ils ne te vaincront pas; Car je serai avec toi pour te sauver et te délivrer, Dit l'Eternel.
21 Je te délivrerai de la main des méchants, Je te sauverai de la main des violents.

Jérémie 15 Commentary

Chapter 15

The destruction of the wicked described. (1-9) The prophet laments such messages, and is reproved. (10-14) He supplicates pardon, and is promised protection. (15-21)

Verses 1-9 The Lord declares that even Moses and Samuel must have pleaded in vain. The putting of this as a case, though they should stand before him, shows that they do not, and that saints in heaven do not pray for saints on earth. The Jews were condemned to different kinds of misery by the righteous judgment of God, and the remnant would be driven away, like the chaff, into captivity. Then was the populous city made desolate. Bad examples and misused authority often produce fatal effects, even after men are dead, or have repented of their crimes: this should make all greatly dread being the occasion of sin in others.

Verses 10-14 Jeremiah met with much contempt and reproach, when they ought to have blessed him, and God for him. It is a great and sufficient support to the people of God, that however troublesome their way may be, it shall be well with them in their latter end. God turns to the people. Shall the most hardy and vigorous of their efforts be able to contend with the counsel of God, or with the army of the Chaldeans? Let them hear their doom. The enemy will treat the prophet well. But the people who had great estates would be used hardly. All parts of the country had added to the national guilt; and let each take shame to itself.

Verses 15-21 It is matter of comfort that we have a God, to whose knowledge of all things we may appeal. Jeremiah pleads with God for mercy and relief against his enemies, persecutors, and slanderers. It will be a comfort to God's ministers, when men despise them, if they have the testimony of their own consciences. But he complains, that he found little pleasure in his work. Some good people lose much of the pleasantness of religion by the fretfulness and uneasiness of their natural temper, which they indulge. The Lord called the prophet to cease from his distrust, and to return to his work. If he attended thereto, he might be assured the Lord would deliver him from his enemies. Those who are with God, and faithful to him, he will deliver from trouble or carry through it. Many things appear frightful, which do not at all hurt a real believer in Christ.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains the Lord's answer to the prophet's prayers, in which he declares himself inexorable, and had resolved on the ruin of the Jewish nation for their sins; the prophet's complaint of the hardships he endured, notwithstanding his sincerity and integrity; and the Lord's promise of protection and deliverance, in case of his continuance in the faithful discharge of his office. The Lord denies the request of the prophet, by observing, that if even Moses and Samuel had been the intercessors for the people, he would not have regarded them, being determined upon casting them out, and sending them away captive, Jer 15:1, their punishment is declared, which was resolved on; some for death, or the pestilence; others for the sword; others for famine; and others for captivity; and others to be devoured by dogs, and fowls, and wild beasts, Jer 15:2,3, the cause of which were their sins, particularly their idolatry in the times of Manasseh, Jer 15:4, wherefore they should have no pity from men, nor would the Lord any more repent of the evil threatened, of which he was weary, because of their many backslidings, Jer 15:5,6, which destruction, being determined, is illustrated by a description of the instrument of it; by the multitude of widows, and the distress of mothers bereaved of their children, Jer 15:7-9 on which the prophet takes up a complaint of his being born for strife and contention, and of his being cursed by the people, though no usurer, Jer 15:10, when he is comforted with a promise of being used well by the enemy, both he and his remnant, Jer 15:11, but as for the people of the Jews in general, they would never be able to withstand the northern forces, the army of the Chaldeans; their riches and substance would be delivered into their hands, and their persons also be carried captive into a strange land, and the prophet along with them, because of their sins, and the wrath of God for them, Jer 15:12-14, upon which the prophet prays to the Lord, who knew him, that he would remember and visit him, and avenge him of his persecutors, and not take him away in his longsuffering; he urges, that he had suffered rebuke and reproach for his sake; that he was called by him to his office, which he had cheerfully entered on; he had his mission, commission, and message, from him, which he received with the greatest pleasure, signified by eating his words with joy; and that he had not associated himself with mockers and scoffers at religion and the word of God; and therefore expostulates why he should be put to so much pain, and be used as he was, Jer 15:15-18, wherefore the Lord promises that, upon condition of doing his work faithfully, he should be preserved, protected, and delivered, Jer 15:19-21.

Jérémie 15 Commentaries

The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.