Lamentations 1

1 Eh quoi! elle est assise solitaire, cette ville si peuplée! Elle est semblable à une veuve! Grande entre les nations, souveraine parmi les états, Elle est réduite à la servitude!
2 Elle pleure durant la nuit, et ses joues sont couvertes de larmes; De tous ceux qui l'aimaient nul ne la console; Tous ses amis lui sont devenus infidèles, Ils sont devenus ses ennemis.
3 Juda est en exil, victime de l'oppression et d'une grande servitude; Il habite au milieu des nations, Et il n'y trouve point de repos; Tous ses persécuteurs l'ont surpris dans l'angoisse.
4 Les chemins de Sion sont dans le deuil, car on ne va plus aux fêtes; Toutes ses portes sont désertes, Ses sacrificateurs gémissent, Ses vierges sont affligées, et elle est remplie d'amertume.
5 Ses oppresseurs triomphent, ses ennemis sont en paix; Car l'Eternel l'a humiliée, A cause de la multitude de ses péchés; Ses enfants ont marché captifs devant l'oppresseur.
6 La fille de Sion a perdu toute sa gloire; Ses chefs sont comme des cerfs Qui ne trouvent point de pâture, Et qui fuient sans force devant celui qui les chasse.
7 Aux jours de sa détresse et de sa misère, Jérusalem s'est souvenue De tous les biens dès longtemps son partage, Quand son peuple est tombé sans secours sous la main de l'oppresseur; Ses ennemis l'ont vue, et ils ont ri de sa chute.
8 Jérusalem a multiplié ses péchés, C'est pourquoi elle est un objet d'aversion; Tous ceux qui l'honoraient la méprisent, en voyant sa nudité; Elle-même soupire, et détourne la face.
9 La souillure était dans les pans de sa robe, et elle ne songeait pas à sa fin; Elle est tombée d'une manière étonnante, et nul ne la console. -Vois ma misère, ô Eternel! Quelle arrogance chez l'ennemi! -
10 L'oppresseur a étendu la main Sur tout ce qu'elle avait de précieux; Elle a vu pénétrer dans son sanctuaire les nations Auxquelles tu avais défendu d'entrer dans ton assemblée.
11 Tout son peuple soupire, il cherche du pain; Ils ont donné leurs choses précieuses pour de la nourriture, Afin de ranimer leur vie. -Vois, Eternel, regarde comme je suis avilie!
12 Je m'adresse à vous, à vous tous qui passez ici! Regardez et voyez s'il est une douleur pareille à ma douleur, A celle dont j'ai été frappée! L'Eternel m'a affligée au jour de son ardente colère.
13 D'en haut il a lancé dans mes os un feu qui les dévore; Il a tendu un filet sous mes pieds, Il m'a fait tomber en arrière; Il m'a jetée dans la désolation, dans une langueur de tous les jours.
14 Sa main a lié le joug de mes iniquités; Elles se sont entrelacées, appliquées sur mon cou; Il a brisé ma force; Le Seigneur m'a livrée à des mains auxquelles je ne puis résister.
15 Le Seigneur a terrassé tous mes guerriers au milieu de moi; Il a rassemblé contre moi une armée, Pour détruire mes jeunes hommes; Le Seigneur a foulé au pressoir la vierge, fille de Juda.
16 C'est pour cela que je pleure, que mes yeux fondent en larmes; Car il s'est éloigné de moi, celui qui me consolerait, Qui ranimerait ma vie. Mes fils sont dans la désolation, parce que l'ennemi a triomphé. -
17 Sion a étendu les mains, Et personne ne l'a consolée; L'Eternel a envoyé contre Jacob les ennemis d'alentour; Jérusalem a été un objet d'horreur au milieu d'eux. -
18 L'Eternel est juste, Car j'ai été rebelle à ses ordres. Ecoutez, vous tous, peuples, et voyez ma douleur! Mes vierges et mes jeunes hommes sont allés en captivité.
19 J'ai appelé mes amis, et ils m'ont trompée. Mes sacrificateurs et mes anciens ont expiré dans la ville: Ils cherchaient de la nourriture, Afin de ranimer leur vie.
20 Eternel, regarde ma détresse! Mes entrailles bouillonnent, Mon coeur est bouleversé au dedans de moi, Car j'ai été rebelle. Au dehors l'épée a fait ses ravages, au dedans la mort.
21 On a entendu mes soupirs, et personne ne m'a consolée; Tous mes ennemis ont appris mon malheur, Ils se sont réjouis de ce que tu l'as causé; Tu amèneras, tu publieras le jour où ils seront comme moi.
22 Que toute leur méchanceté vienne devant toi, Et traite-les comme tu m'as traitée, A cause de toutes mes transgressions! Car mes soupirs sont nombreux, et mon coeur est souffrant.

Lamentations 1 Commentary

Chapter 1

It is evident that Jeremiah was the author of the Lamentations which bear his name. The book was not written till after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans. May we be led to consider sin as the cause of all our calamities, and under trials exercise submission, repentance, faith, and prayer, with the hope of promised deliverance through God's mercy.

The miserable state of Jerusalem, the just consequences of its sins. (1-11) Jerusalem represented as a captive female, lamenting, and seeking the mercy of God. (12-22)

Verses 1-11 The prophet sometimes speaks in his own person; at other times Jerusalem, as a distressed female, is the speaker, or some of the Jews. The description shows the miseries of the Jewish nation. Jerusalem became a captive and a slave, by reason of the greatness of her sins; and had no rest from suffering. If we allow sin, our greatest adversary, to have dominion over us, justly will other enemies also be suffered to have dominion. The people endured the extremities of famine and distress. In this sad condition Jerusalem acknowledged her sin, and entreated the Lord to look upon her case. This is the only way to make ourselves easy under our burdens; for it is the just anger of the Lord for man's transgressions, that has filled the earth with sorrows, lamentations, sickness, and death.

Verses 12-22 Jerusalem, sitting dejected on the ground, calls on those that passed by, to consider whether her example did not concern them. Her outward sufferings were great, but her inward sufferings were harder to bear, through the sense of guilt. Sorrow for sin must be great sorrow, and must affect the soul. Here we see the evil of sin, and may take warning to flee from the wrath to come. Whatever may be learned from the sufferings of Jerusalem, far more may be learned from the sufferings of Christ. Does he not from the cross speak to every one of us? Does he not say, Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? Let all our sorrows lead us to the cross of Christ, lead us to mark his example, and cheerfully to follow him.

Chapter Summary


This book very properly follows the prophecy of Jeremiah, not only because wrote by him, but because of the subject matter of it, the deplorable case of the Jews upon the destruction of their city; and has been reckoned indeed as making one book with it; so Dean Prideaux {a} supposes it was reckoned by Josephus {b}, according to the number of the books of the Old Testament, which he gives; but it does not stand in this order in all printed Hebrew Bibles, especially in those published by the Jews; where it is placed in the Hagiographa, and among the five Megilloth; or with the books of Ruth, Esther, Ecclesiastes, and Solomon's Song, read at their festivals, as this on their public fast, on the ninth of Ab, for the destruction of their city; because they fancy it was not written by the gift of prophecy, but by the Holy Ghost, between which they make a distinction; and therefore remove it from the prophets; but this is the most natural place for it. It is sometimes called by the Jews "Echa", from the first word of it, which signifies "how"; and sometimes "Kinoth", "Lamentations", from the subject of it; and so by the Septuagint version "Threni", which signifies the same; and which is followed by the Vulgate Latin, and others, and by us. That Jeremiah was the writer of it is not questioned; nor is the divine authority of it doubted of. The precise place and time where and when he wrote it is not certain: some say he wrote it in a cave or den near Jerusalem; and Adrichomius {c} makes mention of a place, called

``the Prophet Jeremiah's pit, where he sat in the bitterness of his soul, grieving and weeping; and lamented and described the destruction of Jerusalem made by the Chaldeans, in a fourfold alphabet in metre; where Helena the empress, according to Nicephorus, built some wonderful works;''

but it rather seems that he wrote these Lamentations after he was carried away with the rest of the captives to Ramah, and dismissed to Mizpah, at one or other of these places. It is written in Hebrew metre, though now little understood; and the first four chapters in an alphabetical manner; every verse beginning in order with the letters of the alphabet; and in the third chapter it is done three times over; three verses together beginning with the same letter: this seems to be done to make it more agreeable, and to help the memory. Jarchi thinks that this is the same book, which, having been publicly read by Baruch, was cut to pieces by King Jehoiakim, and cast into the fire {d} and burnt; which consisted of the first, second, and fourth chapters, and to which was afterwards added the third chapter; but it is without any reason or foundation; seeing that contained all Jeremiah's prophecies, not only against Israel and Judah, but against all the nations, Jer 32:2; which this book has nothing of; nor even the words, which are particularly said to be in that, respecting the destruction of Jerusalem by the king of Babylon, Jer 32:29; Josephus {e} seems to have been of opinion that this book of Lamentations was written by Jeremy on account of the death of Josiah, 2Ch 35:25; and in which he is followed by many; but the lamentation made in this book is not for a single person only, but for a city, and even for the whole nation of the Jews; nor is there anything suitable to Josiah, and his case; what seems most plausible is in La 4:20; and that better agrees with Zedekiah than with him. It appears plainly to be written after the destruction of the city and temple, and the sad desolation made in the land of Judea, because of the sins of the priests and people; and the design of it is to lament these things; to bring them to repentance and humiliation for their sins, and to give some comfortable hope that God will be merciful to them, and restore them again to their former privileges, for which the prophet prays. The introduction to it, in the Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and Arabic versions, is,

``and it came to pass after Israel was carried captive, and Jerusalem laid waste, Jeremiah sat weeping, and delivered out this lamentation over Jerusalem; and said,''

what follows.

{a} Connexion, par. 1. p. 332. {b} Contr. Apion. l. 1. sect. 8. {c} Theatrum Terrae Sanctae, p. 174. No. 224. {d} Vid. T. Bab. Moed Katon, fol. 26. 1. {e} Antiqu. l. 10. c. 5. sect. 1.


This chapter contains a complaint of the miseries of the city of Jerusalem, and the nation of the Jews; first by the Prophet Jeremiah, then by the Jewish people; and is concluded with a prayer of theirs. The prophet deplores the state of the city, now depopulated and become tributary, which had been full of people, and ruled over others; but now in a very mournful condition, and forsaken and ill used by her lovers and friends, turned her enemies, La 1:1,2; and next the state of the whole nation; being carried captive for their sins among the Heathens; having no rest, being overtaken by their persecutors, La 1:3; but what most of all afflicted him was the state of Zion; her ways mourning; her solemn feasts neglected; her gates desolate; her priests sighing, and virgins afflicted; her adversaries prosperous; her beauty departed; her sabbaths mocked; her nakedness seen; and all her pleasant things in the sanctuary seized on by the adversary; and all this because of her many transgressions, grievous sins, and great pollution and vileness, which are confessed, La 1:4-11; then the people themselves, or the prophet representing them, lament their case, and call upon others to sympathize with them, La 1:12; observing the sad desolation made by the hand of the Lord upon them for their iniquities, La 1:13-15; on account of which great sorrow is expressed; and their case is represented as the more distressing, that they had no comforter, La 1:16,17; then follows a prayer to God, in which his righteousness in doing or suffering all this is acknowledged, and mercy is entreated for themselves, and judgments on their enemies, La 1:18-22.

Lamentations 1 Commentaries

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