Marc 16

1 Lorsque le sabbat fut passé, Marie de Magdala, Marie, mère de Jacques, et Salomé, achetèrent des aromates, afin d'aller embaumer Jésus.
2 Le premier jour de la semaine, elles se rendirent au sépulcre, de grand matin, comme le soleil venait de se lever.
3 Elles disaient entre elles: Qui nous roulera la pierre loin de l'entrée du sépulcre?
4 Et, levant les yeux, elles aperçurent que la pierre, qui était très grande, avait été roulée.
5 Elles entrèrent dans le sépulcre, virent un jeune homme assis à droite vêtu d'une robe blanche, et elles furent épouvantées.
6 Il leur dit: Ne vous épouvantez pas; vous cherchez Jésus de Nazareth, qui a été crucifié; il est ressuscité, il n'est point ici; voici le lieu où on l'avait mis.
7 Mais allez dire à ses disciples et à Pierre qu'il vous précède en Galilée: c'est là que vous le verrez, comme il vous l'a dit.
8 Elles sortirent du sépulcre et s'enfuirent. La peur et le trouble les avaient saisies; et elles ne dirent rien à personne, à cause de leur effroi.
9 Jésus, étant ressuscité le matin du premier jour de la semaine, apparut d'abord à Marie de Magdala, de laquelle il avait chassé sept démons.
10 Elle alla en porter la nouvelle à ceux qui avaient été avec lui, et qui s'affligeaient et pleuraient.
11 Quand ils entendirent qu'il vivait, et qu'elle l'avait vu, ils ne le crurent point.
12 Après cela, il apparut, sous une autre forme, à deux d'entre eux qui étaient en chemin pour aller à la campagne.
13 Ils revinrent l'annoncer aux autres, qui ne les crurent pas non plus.
14 Enfin, il apparut aux onze, pendant qu'ils étaient à table; et il leur reprocha leur incrédulité et la dureté de leur coeur, parce qu'ils n'avaient pas cru ceux qui l'avaient vu ressuscité.
15 Puis il leur dit: Allez par tout le monde, et prêchez la bonne nouvelle à toute la création.
16 Celui qui croira et qui sera baptisé sera sauvé, mais celui qui ne croira pas sera condamné.
17 Voici les miracles qui accompagneront ceux qui auront cru: en mon nom, ils chasseront les démons; ils parleront de nouvelles langues;
18 ils saisiront des serpents; s'ils boivent quelque breuvage mortel, il ne leur fera point de mal; ils imposeront les mains aux malades, et les malades, seront guéris.
19 Le Seigneur, après leur avoir parlé, fut enlevé au ciel, et il s'assit à la droite de Dieu.
20 Et ils s'en allèrent prêcher partout. Le Seigneur travaillait avec eux, et confirmait la parole par les miracles qui l'accompagnaient.

Marc 16 Commentary

Chapter 16

Christ's resurrection made known the women. (1-8) Christ appears to Mary Magdalene and other disciples. (9-13) His commission to the apostles. (14-18) Christ's ascension. (19,20)

Verses 1-8 Nicodemus brought a large quantity of spices, but these good women did not think that enough. The respect others show to Christ, should not hinder us from showing our respect. And those who are carried by holy zeal, to seek Christ diligently, will find the difficulties in their way speedily vanish. When we put ourselves to trouble and expense, from love to Christ, we shall be accepted, though our endeavours are not successful. The sight of the angel might justly have encouraged them, but they were affrighted. Thus many times that which should be matter of comfort to us, through our own mistake, proves a terror to us. He was crucified, but he is glorified. He is risen, he is not here, not dead, but alive again; hereafter you will see him, but you may here see the place where he was laid. Thus seasonable comforts will be sent to those that lament after the Lord Jesus. Peter is particularly named, Tell Peter; it will be most welcome to him, for he is in sorrow for sin. A sight of Christ will be very welcome to a true penitent, and a true penitent is very welcome to a sight of Christ. The men ran with all the haste they could to the disciples; but disquieting fears often hinder us from doing that service to Christ and to the souls of men, which, if faith and the joy of faith were strong, we might do.

Verses 9-13 Better news cannot be brought to disciples in tears, than to tell them of Christ's resurrection. And we should study to comfort disciples that are mourners, by telling them whatever we have seen of Christ. It was a wise providence that the proofs of Christ's resurrection were given gradually, and admitted cautiously, that the assurance with which the apostles preached this doctrine afterwards might the more satisfy. Yet how slowly do we admit the consolations which the word of God holds forth! Therefore while Christ comforts his people, he often sees it needful to rebuke and correct them for hardness of heart in distrusting his promise, as well as in not obeying his holy precepts.

Verses 14-18 The evidences of the truth of the gospel are so full, that those who receive it not, may justly be upbraided with their unbelief. Our blessed Lord renewed his choice of the eleven as his apostles, and commissioned them to go into all the world, to preach his gospel to every creature. Only he that is a true Christian shall be saved through Christ. Simon Magus professed to believe, and was baptized, yet he was declared to be in the bonds of iniquity: see his history in ( Acts 8:13-25 ) . Doubtless this is a solemn declaration of that true faith which receives Christ in all his characters and offices, and for all the purposes of salvation, and which produces its right effect on the heart and life; not a mere assent, which is a dead faith, and cannot profit. The commission of Christ's ministers extends to every creature throughout the world, and the declarations of the gospel contain not only truths, encouragements, and precepts, but also most awful warnings. Observe what power the apostles should be endued with, for confirming the doctrine they were to preach. These were miracles to confirm the truth of the gospel, and means of spreading the gospel among nations that had not heard it.

Verses 19-20 After the Lord had spoken he went up into heaven. Sitting is a posture of rest, he had finished his work; and a posture of rule, he took possession of his kingdom. He sat at the right hand of God, which denotes his sovereign dignity and universal power. Whatever God does concerning us, gives to us, or accepts from us, it is by his Son. Now he is glorified with the glory he had before the world. The apostles went forth, and preached every where, far and near. Though the doctrine they preached was spiritual and heavenly, and directly contrary to the spirit and temper of the world; though it met with much opposition, and was wholly destitute of all worldly supports and advantages; yet in a few years the sound went forth unto the ends of the earth. Christ's ministers do not now need to work miracles to prove their message; the Scriptures are proved to be of Divine origin, and this renders those without excuse who reject or neglect them. The effects of the gospel, when faithfully preached, and truly believed, in changing the tempers and characters of mankind, form a constant proof, a miraculous proof, that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, of all who believe.

Marc 16 Commentaries

The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.