Luke 12:43

43 He is a blessed man if when the master shows up he's doing his job.

Luke 12:43 Meaning and Commentary

Luke 12:43

Blessed is that servant
Who is faithful and wise, rules well, and discharges his trust with integrity, and disposes of the provisions of the house, in his hands, with great discretion and prudence:

whom his Lord, when he cometh;
to take vengeance on the wicked Jews, or by death, or at judgment:

shall find so doing;
behaving as a good ruler, and as a wise and faithful steward.

Luke 12:43 In-Context

41 Peter said, "Master, are you telling this story just for us? Or is it for everybody?"
42 The Master said, "Let me ask you: Who is the dependable manager, full of common sense, that the master puts in charge of his staff to feed them well and on time?
43 He is a blessed man if when the master shows up he's doing his job.
45 But if he says to himself, 'The master is certainly taking his time,' begins maltreating the servants and maids, throws parties for his friends, and gets drunk,
Published by permission. Originally published by NavPress in English as THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language copyright 2002 by Eugene Peterson. All rights reserved.