Proverbs 12:27

27 A lazy life is an empty life, but "early to rise" gets the job done.

Proverbs 12:27 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 12:27

The slothful [man] roasteth not that which he took in
Because he takes none. The slothful man takes no pains to get anything for a livelihood, by hunting or otherwise; and though he loves to live well, and eat roast meat, yet what he roasts is not what he has got himself, but what another has laboured for. It is observed


F15 that fowlers burn the wings of birds taken by them, that they may not fly away; to which the allusion may be. Or, "the deceitful" F16 man, as it may be rendered; though he may get much in a fraudulent way, yet it does not prosper with him, he does not enjoy it; it is taken away from him before he can partake of it, or receive any comfort from it, or advantage by it; just as a man that has took anything in hunting, he cannot keep it; it is taken away from him, perhaps by a dog or some man, before he can roast it, and make it fit for eating. Ben Melech, from Joseph Kimchi, observes, that fowlers, when they catch fowls, burn the top of their wings, that they may not fly away at once; and they do not cut their wings off, that they may be left, and appear beautiful to them that buy them: but the slothful or deceitful man does not let the fowl remain in his hands till he burns it; for before that it flies out of his hands, and it is lost to him; which is figuratively to be understood of riches and wealth, gathered by violence and deceit, and lost suddenly. What is ill gotten does not spend well; it does not last long, it is presently gone; there is no true enjoyment of it. Or he will not shut it up within lattices F17 and reserve it, but spend it directly; see ( Song of Solomon 2:9 ) ; but the substance of a diligent man [is] precious;
what is gotten by industry and diligence, and in an honest way, is valuable; it comes with a blessing; there is comfort in the enjoyment of it, and it continues. Some render it, "the substance of a precious man [is] gold" {r}; so the Targum,
``the substance of a man is precious gold;''
and to the same purpose the Vulgate Latin version: a diligent man grows rich; and what he gets spends well, and his substance is daily increasing.
F15 Vid. Schindler. Lexic. col. 653.
F16 (hymr) "vir dolosus", Pagninus, Mercerus, Gejerus, Michaelis; "fraudulentus", Montanus.
F17 Vid. Stockium, p. 388.
F18 (Uwrx rqy Mda Nwh) "substantia hominis pretiosi est aurum", De Dieu, so some in Mercerus; "substantia hominis praestantis est aurum", Gussetius, p. 255.

Proverbs 12:27 In-Context

25 Worry weighs us down; a cheerful word picks us up.
26 A good person survives misfortune, but a wicked life invites disaster.
27 A lazy life is an empty life, but "early to rise" gets the job done.
28 Good men and women travel right into life; sin's detours take you straight to hell.
Published by permission. Originally published by NavPress in English as THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language copyright 2002 by Eugene Peterson. All rights reserved.