Compare Translations for Nahum 2:6

6 The river gates are opened, and the palace erodes away.
6 The river gates are opened; the palace melts away;
6 The gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the palace shall be dissolved.
6 Soldiers pour through the gates. The palace is demolished.
6 The gates of the rivers are opened And the palace is dissolved.
6 The river gates are thrown open and the palace collapses.
6 The gates of the rivers are opened, And the palace is dissolved.
6 The river gates have been torn open! The palace is about to collapse!
6 The river gates are opened, the palace trembles.
6 The gates of the rivers are opened, and the palace is dissolved.
6 The river doorways are forced open, and the king's house is flowing away.
6 Las compuertas de los ríos se abren, y el palacio se llena de terror.
6 The gates of the rivers are opened; the palace melts.
6 The gates of the rivers are opened; the palace melts.
6 The gates of the rivers are opened, and the palace melts away.
6 The gates of the rivers are opened, and the palace melteth away.
6 Die Tore an den Strömen sind geöffnet, und der Palast verzagt.
6 Le cateratte de’ fiumi saranno aperte, e i palazzi scoscenderanno.
6 The gates by the river burst open; the palace is filled with terror.
6 The gates by the river burst open; the palace is filled with terror.
6 The gates of the rivers are opened, and the palace melts away.
6 The gates of the rivers are opened, and the palace is dissolved.
6 Las puertas de los ríos se abrirán, y el palacio será destruido
6 The gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the palace shall be destroyed.
6 The gates of the rivers shall be opened , and the palace shall be dissolved .
6 The gates of the river are opened; the palace trembles.
6 Les portes des fleuves sont ouvertes, Et le palais s'écroule!...
6 Aber die Tore an den Wassern werden doch geöffnet, und der Palast wird untergehen.
6 The river gates are thrown open, and the palace is destroyed.
6 They open the gates that hold back the waters of the river. And the palace falls down.
6 The river gates are opened, the palace trembles.
6 ¡Las compuertas del río se abrieron con violencia!
¡El palacio está a punto de desplomarse!
6 pero se abren las compuertas de los ríosy el palacio se derrumba.
6 Les portes des fleuves sont ouvertes, et le palais s'écroule!
6 The gates of the rivers are opened, and the temple is thrown down to the ground.
6 Le porte de’ fiumi s’aprono, e il palazzo crolla.
6 The river gates are opened, the palace is in dismay;
6 The river gates are opened, the palace is in dismay;
6 Las puertas de los ríos se abrirán, y el palacio será destruido.
6 Las puertas de los ríos se abrirán, y el palacio será destruido.
6 De poorten der rivieren zullen geopend worden, en het paleis zal versmelten.
6 The gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the palace shall be dissolved.
6 The gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the palace shall be dissolved.
6 portae fluviorum apertae sunt et templum ad solum dirutum
6 portae fluviorum apertae sunt et templum ad solum dirutum
6 The gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the palace shall be dissolved.
6 The gates of the rivers are opened, and the palace is dissolved.
6 Gates of floods be opened, and the temple is broken down to [the] earth. (The gates by the river be opened, and the palace is broken into, and falleth down to the ground.)
6 Gates of the rivers have been opened, And the palace is dissolved.

Nahum 2:6 Commentaries