Nahum 3:9

9 Cush[a] and Egypt were her boundless strength; Put and Libya were among her allies.

Nahum 3:9 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
9 Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength, and it was infinite; Put and Lubim were thy helpers.
English Standard Version (ESV)
9 Cush was her strength; Egypt too, and that without limit; Put and the Libyans were her helpers.
New Living Translation (NLT)
9 Ethiopia and the land of Egypt gave unlimited assistance. The nations of Put and Libya were among her allies.
The Message Bible (MSG)
9 Ethiopia stood guard to the south, Egypt to the north. Put and Libya, strong friends, were ready to step in and help.
American Standard Version (ASV)
9 Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength, and it was infinite; Put and Lubim were thy helpers.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
9 Sudan and Egypt were her endless strength. Put and the Lybians were her help.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
9 Cush and Egypt were her endless source of strength; Put and Libya were among her allies.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
9 Cush and Egypt gave it all of the strength it needed. Put and Libya also helped it.

Nahum 3:9 Meaning and Commentary

Nahum 3:9

Ethiopia and Egypt [were] her strength
That is, the strength, support, protection, and defence of No, whether Alexandria, or Thebes, or Memphis: Egypt was, for these cities were in it, and subject to it; or, if this was a free city, as some think, yet in alliance with Egypt, and under its protection; and in like connection it was with Ethiopia, that is, Arabia, a country that lay near to it; and yet, though it was strengthened by such powerful neighbours and allies, it was not secure from the devastation of the enemy: and it [was] infinite;
or there was "no end" F15; of its strength, or of the number of its allies, or the forces they were able to bring in its defence. The Ethiopians were very numerous, as may be learnt from ( 2 Chronicles 14:9 ) and so were the Egyptians, to whom some interpreters strictly connect this sentence. In the times of Amasis, as Mela F16 relates, there were twenty thousand cities inhabited in it; and Josephus F17 says there were in it seven hundred and fifty myriads of men; as Sethon, king of Egypt, and Tirhakah, king of Ethiopia, were about this time the allies of the Jews, in whom they trusted, no doubt they were confederate together, and so both the strength of this city; see ( Isaiah 36:6 ) ( 37:9 ) : Put and Lubim, were thy helpers;
Put, or the Putim, were the people of the Moors, that dwelt in Mauritania; and Lubim were the Lybians that bordered on Egypt, and whose country is sometimes reckoned a part of it. The Jews F18 say Lybia is Egypt; see ( Acts 2:10 ) these several people were the confederates of No; and helped them, not only by their commerce with them, but in time of war assisted them against their enemies; and yet, though so strengthened by alliances, were not safe and secure; and therefore Nineveh could not depend upon such helps and helpers.


F15 (huq Nyaw) "non est finis", Pagninus, Montanus, Munster, Cocceius.
F16 De Orbis Situ. l. 1. c. 9.
F17 De Bello Jud. l. 2. c. 16. sect. 4.
F18 T. Hieros. Celaim, c. 8. fol. 31. 3.

Nahum 3:9 In-Context

7 All who see you will flee from you and say, ‘Nineveh is in ruins—who will mourn for her?’ Where can I find anyone to comfort you?”
8 Are you better than Thebes, situated on the Nile, with water around her? The river was her defense, the waters her wall.
9 Cush and Egypt were her boundless strength; Put and Libya were among her allies.
10 Yet she was taken captive and went into exile. Her infants were dashed to pieces at every street corner. Lots were cast for her nobles, and all her great men were put in chains.
11 You too will become drunk; you will go into hiding and seek refuge from the enemy.

Cross References 3

  • 1. S Genesis 10:6; S 2 Chronicles 12:3
  • 2. S Ezekiel 27:10
  • 3. Ezekiel 30:5

Footnotes 1

  • [a]. That is, the upper Nile region
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