Luke 24:17

17 And he said to them, "What are you discussing with each other while you walk along?" They stood still, looking sad.

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Luke 24:17 Meaning and Commentary

Luke 24:17

And he said unto them
That is, "Jesus", as the Persic version, or "our Lord", as the Ethiopic version, expresses it:

what manner of communications are these, that ye have one to
another, as ye walk?
what is the subject of your discourse; what is it your conversation one with another turns upon in your journey?

and are sad?
what melancholy story are you telling to one another, which causes such sadness of countenance, and dejection of mind? for Christ by their countenances and gestures, as the shaking of their heads, and lifting up and wringing of their hands, could easily discern as man, as well as know as God, that they were full of sorrow and heaviness, and which were occasioned and increased by what they were talking of.

Luke 24:17 In-Context

15 While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them,
16 but their eyes were kept from recognizing him.
17 And he said to them, "What are you discussing with each other while you walk along?" They stood still, looking sad.
18 Then one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered him, "Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place there in these days?"
19 He asked them, "What things?" They replied, "The things about Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people,

Footnotes 1

  • [a]. Other ancient authorities read [walk along, looking sad?"]
New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.