Romanos 15

1 Vivir para ayudar y edificar a otros
Los que somos fuertes debemos tener consideración de los que son sensibles a este tipo de cosas. No debemos agradarnos solamente a nosotros mismos.
2 Deberíamos ayudar a otros a hacer lo que es correcto y edificarlos en el Señor.
3 Pues ni siquiera Cristo vivió para agradarse a sí mismo. Como dicen las Escrituras: «Los insultos de aquellos que te insultan, oh Dios, han caído sobre mí»
4 Tales cosas se escribieron hace tiempo en las Escrituras para que nos sirvan de enseñanza. Y las Escrituras nos dan esperanza y ánimo mientras esperamos con paciencia hasta que se cumplan las promesas de Dios.
5 Que Dios, quien da esa paciencia y ese ánimo, los ayude a vivir en plena armonía unos con otros, como corresponde a los seguidores de Cristo Jesús.
6 Entonces todos ustedes podrán unirse en una sola voz para dar alabanza y gloria a Dios, el Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
7 Por lo tanto, acéptense unos a otros, tal como Cristo los aceptó a ustedes, para que Dios reciba la gloria.
8 Recuerden que Cristo vino a servir a los judíos
para demostrar que Dios es fiel a las promesas que les hizo a los antepasados de ellos.
9 También vino para que los gentiles
le dieran la gloria a Dios por la misericordia que él tuvo con ellos. A eso se refería el salmista cuando escribió:
«Por eso, te alabaré entre los gentiles,
cantaré alabanzas a tu nombre»
10 Y en otro lugar está escrito:
«Alégrense con el pueblo de Dios,
ustedes, los gentiles»
11 Y además:
«Alaben al Señor
, todos ustedes, los gentiles.
Todos los pueblos de la tierra, alábenlo»
12 Y en otro lugar Isaías dijo:
«El heredero del trono de David
y reinará sobre los gentiles.
Ellos pondrán su esperanza en él»
13 Le pido a Dios, fuente de esperanza, que los llene completamente de alegría y paz, porque confían en él. Entonces rebosarán de una esperanza segura mediante el poder del Espíritu Santo.
14 Propósito de la carta
Mis amados hermanos, estoy plenamente convencido de que ustedes están llenos de bondad. Conocen estas cosas tan bien que pueden enseñárselas unos a otros.
15 Aun así, me atreví a escribirles sobre algunos de estos temas porque sé que lo único que necesitan es recordarlos. Pues, por la gracia de Dios,
16 soy un mensajero especial de Cristo Jesús enviado a ustedes, los gentiles. Les transmito la Buena Noticia para presentarlos como una ofrenda aceptable a Dios, hecha santa por el Espíritu Santo.
17 Así que tengo razón de estar entusiasmado por todo lo que Cristo Jesús ha hecho por medio de mí al servir a Dios.
18 Sin embargo, no me atrevo a jactarme de nada, salvo de lo que Cristo ha hecho por medio de mí al llevar a los gentiles a Dios a través de mi mensaje y de la manera en que he trabajado entre ellos.
19 Los gentiles se convencieron por el poder de señales milagrosas y maravillas, y por el poder del Espíritu de Dios.
De esa manera, presenté con toda plenitud la Buena Noticia de Cristo desde Jerusalén hasta llegar a la región del Ilírico.
20 Mi gran aspiración siempre ha sido predicar la Buena Noticia donde nunca antes se ha oído el nombre de Cristo, y no donde otro ya ha comenzado una iglesia.
21 He seguido el plan que mencionan las Escrituras, donde dice:
«Los que nunca se enteraron de él verán,
y los que nunca oyeron de él entenderán»
22 De hecho, mi visita a ustedes se demoró tanto precisamente porque estuve predicando en esos lugares.
23 Planes de viaje de Pablo
Ahora que terminé mi trabajo en estas regiones y después de todos estos largos años de espera, tengo muchos deseos de ir a verlos.
24 Estoy pensando viajar a España. Cuando lo haga, me detendré en Roma, y luego de disfrutar de la compañía de ustedes por un breve tiempo, podrán ayudarme con lo necesario para mi viaje.
25 Sin embargo, antes de visitarlos, debo ir a Jerusalén para llevar una ofrenda a los creyentes
de allí.
26 Pues, les cuento, los creyentes de Macedonia y Acaya
con entusiasmo juntaron una ofrenda para los creyentes de Jerusalén que son pobres.
27 Lo hicieron con gusto porque se sienten en deuda con ellos. Dado que los gentiles recibieron las bendiciones espirituales de la Buena Noticia por parte de los creyentes de Jerusalén, sienten que lo menos que pueden hacer por ellos a cambio es ayudarlos económicamente.
28 En cuanto yo entregue ese dinero y termine esa buena acción de los gentiles, iré a visitarlos a ustedes de camino a España.
29 Cuando vaya, estoy seguro de que Cristo bendecirá en abundancia el tiempo que pasemos juntos.
30 Mis amados hermanos, les pido encarecidamente en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo que se unan a mi lucha orando a Dios por mí. Háganlo por el amor que me tienen, ese amor que el Espíritu Santo les ha dado.
31 Pídanle que me libre de los que están en Judea que se niegan a obedecer a Dios. Pídanle también que los creyentes de allí estén dispuestos a aceptar la ofrenda
que llevo a Jerusalén.
32 Entonces, por la voluntad de Dios, podré ir a verlos con un corazón alegre, y nos alentaremos unos a otros.
33 Y que Dios, quien nos da su paz, esté con todos ustedes. Amén.

Images for Romanos 15

Romanos 15 Commentary

Chapter 15

Directions how to behave towards the weak. (1-7) All to receive one another as brethren. (8-13) The writing and preaching of the apostle. (14-21) His purposed journeys. (22-29) He requests their prayers. (30-33)

Verses 1-7 Christian liberty was allowed, not for our pleasure, but for the glory of God, and the good of others. We must please our neighbour, for the good of his soul; not by serving his wicked will, and humouring him in a sinful way; if we thus seek to please men, we are not the servants of Christ. Christ's whole life was a self-denying, self-displeasing life. And he is the most advanced Christian, who is the most conformed to Christ. Considering his spotless purity and holiness, nothing could be more contrary to him, than to be made sin and a curse for us, and to have the reproaches of God fall upon him; the just for the unjust. He bore the guilt of sin, and the curse for it; we are only called to bear a little of the trouble of it. He bore the presumptuous sins of the wicked; we are called only to bear the failings of the weak. And should not we be humble, self-denying, and ready to consider one another, who are members one of another? The Scriptures are written for our use and benefit, as much as for those to whom they were first given. Those are most learned who are most mighty in the Scriptures. That comfort which springs from the word of God, is the surest and sweetest, and the greatest stay to hope. The Spirit as a Comforter, is the earnest of our inheritance. This like-mindedness must be according to the precept of Christ, according to his pattern and example. It is the gift of God; and a precious gift it is, for which we must earnestly seek unto him. Our Divine Master invites his disciples, and encourages them by showing himself as meek and lowly in spirit. The same disposition ought to mark the conduct of his servants, especially of the strong towards the weak. The great end in all our actions must be, that God may be glorified; nothing more forwards this, than the mutual love and kindness of those who profess religion. Those that agree in Christ may well agree among themselves.

Verses 8-13 Christ fulfilled the prophecies and promises relating to the Jews, and the Gentile converts could have no excuse for despising them. The Gentiles, being brought into the church, are companions in patience and tribulation. They should praise God. Calling upon all the nations to praise the Lord, shows that they shall have knowledge of him. We shall never seek to Christ till we trust in him. And the whole plan of redemption is suited to reconcile us to one another, as well as to our gracious God, so that an abiding hope of eternal life, through the sanctifying and comforting power of the Holy Spirit, may be attained. Our own power will never reach this; therefore where this hope is, and is abounding, the blessed Spirit must have all the glory. "All joy and peace;" all sorts of true joy and peace, so as to suppress doubts and fears, through the powerful working of the Holy Spirit.

Verses 14-21 The apostle was persuaded that the Roman Christians were filled with a kind and affectionate spirit, as well as with knowledge. He had written to remind them of their duties and their dangers, because God had appointed him the minister of Christ to the Gentiles. Paul preached to them; but what made them sacrifices to God, was, their sanctification; not his work, but the work of the Holy Ghost: unholy things can never be pleasing to the holy God. The conversion of souls pertains unto God; therefore it is the matter of Paul's glorying, not the things of the flesh. But though a great preacher, he could not make one soul obedient, further than the Spirit of God accompanied his labours. He principally sought the good of those that sat in darkness. Whatever good we do, it is Christ who does it by us.

Verses 22-29 The apostle sought the things of Christ more than his own will, and would not leave his work of planting churches to go to Rome. It concerns all to do that first which is most needful. We must not take it ill if our friends prefer work which is pleasing to God, before visits and compliments, which may please us. It is justly expected from all Christians, that they should promote every good work, especially that blessed work, the conversion of souls. Christian society is a heaven upon earth, an earnest of our gathering together unto Christ at the great day. Yet it is but partial, compared with our communion with Christ; for that only will satisfy the soul. The apostle was going to Jerusalem, as the messenger of charity. God loves a cheerful giver. Every thing that passes between Christians should be a proof and instance of the union they have in Jesus Christ. The Gentiles received the gospel of salvation from the Jews; therefore were bound to minister to them in what was needed for the body. Concerning what he expected from them he speaks doubtfully; but concerning what he expected from God he speaks confidently. We cannot expect too little from man, nor too much from God. And how delightful and advantageous it is to have the gospel with the fulness of its blessings! What wonderful and happy effects does it produce, when attended with the power of the Spirit!

Verses 30-33 Let us learn to value the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous. How careful should we be, lest we forfeit our interest in the love and prayers of God's praying people! If we have experienced the Spirit's love, let us not be wanting in this office of kindness for others. Those that would prevail in prayer, must strive in prayer. Those who beg the prayers of others, must not neglect to pray for themselves. And though Christ knows our state and wants perfectly, he will know them from us. As God must be sought, for restraining the ill-will of our enemies, so also for preserving and increasing the good-will of our friends. All our joy depends upon the will of God. Let us be earnest in prayer with and for each other, that for Christ's sake, and by the love of the Holy Spirit, great blessings may come upon the souls of Christians, and the labours of ministers.

Chapter Summary


The apostle in this chapter pursues his exhortation to mutual affection and forbearance, notwithstanding their different sentiments about the use of meats, and observation of days; excuses his writing so freely to them, which they might bear with, in consideration of his being an apostle, especially an apostle of the Gentiles, and which office he magnified and fulfilled everywhere; gives them the reasons why he had not as yet been with them though he greatly desired it, encourages them to expect, a visit from him; and concludes with earnestly entreating them that he might have a share in their prayers: and first, as an inference from what he had said in the preceding chapter, he lays it down as a duty incumbent on himself, and all that were strong in the doctrine of Christian liberty, to bear with the infirmities of weak Christians, and not please themselves, but others, Ro 15:1, which he enforces, from the usefulness of it, it being for the good and edification of others, Ro 15:2, and from the example of Christ, who pleased not himself, Ro 15:3, and which is proved from a passage of Scripture in Ps 69:9, the pertinency of which passage, and the citation and application of it to Christ and the present case, are vindicated from this consideration, that whatever was written in former times, was for the use of the saints under the Gospel dispensation, Ro 15:4, and that the exhortation might have its effect upon them, be puts up a prayer to God for them, that such a temper of mind might be in them, which would be for the glory of God, Ro 15:5,6, and then he repeats his exhortation, Ro 15:7, that they would affectionately receive one another; which he urges by the example of Christ, who had received them to the glory of God; and that they might glorify him, and this was one way of doing it: and that this argument might have the greater weight with both parties, he observes, that Jesus Christ had a special regard to the Jews, and was their minister, sent unto them to fulfil the promises made unto their fathers, and had received them; and therefore though they were weak, they were not to be despised, grieved, and offended, Ro 15:8, and as for the Gentiles, it was a clear case that God had had long ago a design of mercy to them, and that they were to be, and were now received by Christ, and so under obligation to glorify God for his mercy; and therefore not to be judged and condemned, though they did not conform to the ceremonial law; and this he proves in Ro 15:9-12, from several passages of Scripture in \Ps 18:49 De 32:43 Ps 117:1\ Isa 11:10, and closes this argument he had so long insisted on with a prayer to God for them, that they might be in the exercise of faith and hope; and, in the exercise of those graces, be filled with joy and peace, Ro 15:13, and in order to prevent an objection that might be made to these prayers and exhortations of his, that they suggested that they were wicked and ignorant men, devoid of affection, and knew not how to behave to each other, nor to exhort one another, the apostle softens such a resentment, by calling them brethren, and by expressing his persuasion of their abundant goodness, knowledge, and abilities, Ro 15:14, and excuses the freedom he took with them by observing, that he only acted the part of a monitor, Ro 15:15, and the rather this freedom might be allowed him, on account of the great gifts bestowed upon him, qualifying him to be an apostle of Christ; and especially as he was an apostle of the Gentiles and so their apostle, Ro 15:16, and on account of his office, gifts, and usefulness, he had reason to glory; though through Christ only, and in things relating to God, and not himself, Ro 15:17, when he takes an occasion to enlarge on his ministry, and magnify his office; partly from the end and success of it, bringing the Gentiles to the obedience of Christ, Ro 15:18, and partly from the means and causes of such success the preaching of the word, working miracles, and the power of the Holy Ghost; and from the extent of it, reaching from Jerusalem to Illyricum, Ro 15:19, and from the difficulty which attended it, he preaching in places where the Gospel was never preached before, and which he chose to do, Ro 15:20, and which was necessary to be done, according to a prophecy in Isa 52:15, which he cites, Ro 15:21, and observes, that it was his preaching in these many and distant parts that was the reason of his not having been with the saints at Rome, Ro 15:22, but now gives them reason to expect his coming; partly because he had finished his travels in those countries, and partly because of the vehement desire he had to see them, Ro 15:23, and besides, an opportunity seemed to be offering, he intending to take a journey to Spain, when it would lie in his way to come to Rome, and be for his advantage, Ro 15:24, in the mean while he informs them what he was engaged in, to carry the contribution of the Macedonian and Asian churches to Jerusalem, for the poor saints there, Ro 15:25, on which contributions he enlarges, showing not only who made them, and for whom, but the source and spring of them, they arose from their good will and pleasure, Ro 15:26, and yet they were debtors, and under obligation to do what they did; it was but a piece of justice and equity, since those churches had received of the spiritual things of the Jews, Ro 15:27, and as for his coming to them, he acquaints them of the time that it would be, when he had finished the above service and labour of love, and when he should come into Spain, as he had before signified, Ro 15:28, and of the manner in which he should come, of which he was fully persuaded, as that it would be with the fulness of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ, Ro 15:29, and then with great importunity desires them to pray for him, and that very earnestly, Ro 15:30, particularly that he might be delivered from his enemies in Judea, and that the saints there would accept of what he brought them from the Gentiles, Ro 15:31, and that, if it was the will of God, he might come to them and be refreshed with them, Ro 15:32, and then closes the chapter with a salutation of them, or a wish that the God of peace might be with them, Ro 15:33.

Romanos 15 Commentaries

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