Numbers 15:20

20 Present a loaf from the first of your ground meal and present it as an offering from the threshing floor.

Numbers 15:20 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
20 Ye shall offer up a cake of the first of your dough for an heave offering: as ye do the heave offering of the threshingfloor, so shall ye heave it.
English Standard Version (ESV)
20 Of the first of your dough you shall present a loaf as a contribution; like a contribution from the threshing floor, so shall you present it.
New Living Translation (NLT)
20 Present a cake from the first of the flour you grind, and set it aside as a sacred offering, as you do with the first grain from the threshing floor.
The Message Bible (MSG)
20 From the first batch of bread dough make a round loaf for an offering - an offering from the threshing floor.
American Standard Version (ASV)
20 Of the first of your dough ye shall offer up a cake for a heave-offering: as the heave-offering of the threshing-floor, so shall ye heave it.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
20 Shape one part of your dough into a ring the same way you do with the contribution you make from the threshing floor.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
20 You are to offer a loaf from your first batch of dough as a contribution; offer it just like a contribution from the threshing floor.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
20 Bring a loaf that is made from the first flour you grind. Give it as an offering from the threshing floor.

Numbers 15:20 Meaning and Commentary

Numbers 15:20

Ye shall offer up a cake of the first of your dough [for] an
heave offering
Of the first dough made of the first corn that was threshed, winnowed and ground, they were to make a cake, and offer it an heave offering unto the Lord; the quantity of it is not expressed, but was left to the people's generosity; no stinted measure was fixed by the law; but according to the Scribes, or the traditions of the elders, the quantity of the cake was the twenty fourth part of the first dough that was kneaded; not the forty fourth, as Buxtorf F16 through mistake says; so the Targum of Jonathan,

``of the first of your dough, one out of twenty four (i.e. the twenty fourth part of it), ye shall separate a separation for the priests,''

with which agrees the Misnah F17, though according to that, if made to sell publicly it was the forty eighth part of it. Some, because ( Numbers 15:21 ) begins and ends with (m) , "mem", which numerically signifies "forty", think this is an instruction to a bountiful person to give the fortieth part F18:

as [ye do] the heave offering of the threshing floor, so shall ye
heave it;
as the two wave loaves and firstfruits of their harvest, ( Leviticus 23:16 Leviticus 23:17 ) .


F16 Synagog. Jud. c. 34. p. 602.
F17 Challah, c. 2. sect. 7. so Schulchan Aruch, par. 2. c. 322. so Jarchi & Ben Gersom in loc.
F18 Baal Hatturim in loc.

Numbers 15:20 In-Context

18 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter the land to which I am taking you
19 and you eat the food of the land, present a portion as an offering to the LORD.
20 Present a loaf from the first of your ground meal and present it as an offering from the threshing floor.
21 Throughout the generations to come you are to give this offering to the LORD from the first of your ground meal.
22 “ ‘Now if you as a community unintentionally fail to keep any of these commands the LORD gave Moses—

Cross References 3

  • 1. Exodus 34:26; S Leviticus 23:14; Deuteronomy 26:2,10
  • 2. S Leviticus 2:14; S Numbers 18:27
  • 3. S Genesis 50:10
Scripture quoted by permission.  Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®.  NIV®.  Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica.  All rights reserved worldwide.