Compare Translations for Numbers 26:51

51 These registered Israelite men numbered 601,730.
51 This was the list of the people of Israel, 601,730.
51 These were the numbered of the children of Israel, six hundred thousand and a thousand seven hundred and thirty.
51 The total number of the People of Israel: 601,730.
51 These are those who were numbered of the sons of Israel, 601,730 .
51 The total number of the men of Israel was 601,730.
51 These are those who were numbered of the children of Israel: six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty.
51 In summary, the registered troops of all Israel numbered 601,730.
51 This was the number of the Israelites enrolled: six hundred and one thousand seven hundred thirty.
51 These are they that were numbered of the children of Israel, six hundred thousand and a thousand seven hundred and thirty.
51 Those who were numbered of the children of Israel were six hundred and one thousand, seven hundred and thirty.
51 These are the ones enrolled as Israelites: 601,730.
51 These are the ones enrolled as Israelites: 601,730.
51 Thus those who were counted of the people of Isra'el numbered 601,730.
51 These were the numbered of the children of Israel, six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty.
51 The total number of the Israelite men was 601,730.
51 The total number of the Israelite men was 601,730.
51 The total number of Israelite men was 601,730.
51 These are those who were numbered of the children of Yisra'el, six hundred one thousand seven hundred thirty.
51 These are the numbered of the sons of Israel, six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty.
51 These were the numbered of the children of Israel, six hundred thousand and a thousand seven hundred and thirty.
51 These [were] the ones counted of the {Israelites}, six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty.
51 This the numbering of the children of Israel, six hundred and one thousand and seven hundred and thirty.
51 So the total number of the men of Israel was 601,730.
51 The total number of the men of Israel was 601,730.
51 This was the number of the Israelites enrolled: six hundred and one thousand seven hundred thirty.
51 This is the sum of the children of Israel, that were reckoned up, six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty.
51 This was the number of the people of Israel, six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty.
51 This was the number of the people of Israel, six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty.
51 These were the numbered of the children of Israel: six hundred thousand and a thousand seven hundred and thirty.
51 These were the numbered of the children of Israel: six hundred thousand and a thousand seven hundred and thirty.
51 These are the numbres of the childern of Israel: sixe hundred thousande and a thousande vij. hundred and .xxx.
51 ista est summa filiorum Israhel qui recensiti sunt sescenta milia et mille septingenti triginta
51 ista est summa filiorum Israhel qui recensiti sunt sescenta milia et mille septingenti triginta
51 These [were] the numbered of the children of Israel, six hundred thousand and a thousand seven hundred and thirty.
51 These are those who were numbered of the children of Israel, six hundred one thousand seven hundred thirty.
51 This is the sum of the sons of Israel, that were numbered (who were listed, or registered), six hundred thousand and a thousand (and) seven hundred and thirty.
51 These [are] numbered ones of the sons of Israel, six hundred thousand, and a thousand, seven hundred and thirty.

Numbers 26:51 Commentaries