Jeremías 10

Dios y los ídolos

1 Escucha, pueblo de Israel, la palabra del SEÑOR.
2 Dice así:«No aprendan ustedes la conducta de las naciones,ni se aterroricen ante las señales del cielo,aunque las naciones les tengan miedo.
3 Las costumbres de los pueblosno tienen valor alguno.Cortan un tronco en el bosque,y un artífice lo labra con un cincel.
4 Lo adornan con oro y plata,y lo afirman con clavos y martillopara que no se tambalee.
5 »Sus ídolos no pueden hablar;¡parecen espantapájarosen un campo sembrado de melones!Tienen que ser transportados,porque no pueden caminar.No les tengan miedo,que ningún mal pueden hacerles,pero tampoco ningún bien».
6 ¡No hay nadie como tú, SEÑOR!¡Grande eres tú,y grande y poderoso es tu nombre!
7 ¿Quién no te temerá, Rey de las naciones?¡Es lo que te corresponde!Entre todos los sabios de las naciones,y entre todos los reinos,no hay nadie como tú.
8 Todos son necios e insensatos,educados por inútiles ídolos de palo.
9 De Tarsis se trae plata laminada,y de Ufaz se importa oro.Los ídolos, vestidos de púrpura y carmesí,son obra de artífices y orfebres;¡todos ellos son obra de artesanos!
10 Pero el SEÑOR es el Dios verdadero,el Dios viviente, el Rey eterno.Cuando se enoja, tiembla la tierra;las naciones no pueden soportar su ira.
11 «Así les dirás: “Los dioses que no hicieron los cielos ni la tierra, desaparecerán de la tierra y de debajo del cielo”».[a]
12 Dios hizo la tierra con su poder,afirmó el mundo con su sabiduría,¡extendió los cielos con su inteligencia!
13 Cuando él deja oír su voz,rugen las aguas en los cielos;hace que vengan las nubesdesde los confines de la tierra.Entre relámpagos hace llover,y saca de sus depósitos al viento.
14 La humanidad es necia e ignorante;todo orfebre se avergüenza de sus ídolos.Sus imágenes son un engaño,y no hay en ellas aliento de vida.
15 No valen nada, son obras ridículas;cuando llegue el día de su castigo, serán destruidas.
16 La heredad de Jacob no es como ellos,porque él es quien hace todas las cosas;su nombre es el SEÑORTodopoderoso,e Israel es la tribu de su herencia.

Destrucción inminente

17 Recoge del suelo tus cosas,tú que te encuentras sitiado.
18 Porque así dice el SEÑOR:«Esta vez arrojaré a los habitantes del paíscomo si los lanzara con una honda.Los pondré en aprietosy dejaré que los capturen».
19 ¡Ay de mí, que estoy quebrantado!¡Mi herida es incurable!Pero es mi enfermedad,y me toca soportarla.
20 Devastada está mi carpa,y rotas todas mis cuerdas.Mis hijos me han abandonado;han dejado de existir.Ya no hay nadie que arme mi carpa,y que levante mis toldos.
21 Los pastores se han vuelto necios,no buscan al SEÑOR;por eso no han prosperado,y su rebaño anda disperso.
22 ¡Escuchen! ¡Llega un mensaje!Un gran estruendo viene de un país del norte,que convertirá las ciudades de Judáen guarida de chacales, en un montón de ruinas.

Oración de Jeremías

23 SEÑOR, yo sé que el hombreno es dueño de su destino,que no le es dado al caminantedirigir sus propios pasos.
24 Corrígeme, SEÑOR, pero con justicia,y no según tu ira, pues me destruirías.
25 Derrama tu furorsobre las naciones que no te reconocen,y sobre las familias que no invocan tu nombre.Porque se han devorado a Jacob;se lo han tragado por completo,y han asolado su morada.

Jeremías 10 Commentary

Chapter 10

The absurdity of idolatry. (1-16) Destruction denounced against Jerusalem. (17-25)

Verses 1-16 The prophet shows the glory of Israel's God, and exposes the folly of idolaters. Charms and other attempts to obtain supernatural help, or to pry into futurity, are copied from the wicked customs of the heathen. Let us stand in awe, and not dare provoke God, by giving that glory to another which is due to him alone. He is ready to forgive, and save all who repent and believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ. Faith learns these blessed truths from the word of God; but all knowledge not from that source, leads to doctrines of vanity.

Verses 17-25 The Jews who continued in their own land, felt secure. But, sooner or later, sinners will find all things as the word of God has declared, and that its threatenings are not empty terrors. Submission will support the believer under every grief allotted to him; but what can render the load of Divine vengeance easy to be borne by those who fall under it in sullen despair? Those cannot expect to prosper, who do not, by faith and prayer, take God with them in all their ways. The report of the enemy's approach was very dreadful. Yet the designs which men lay deep, and think well formed, are dashed to pieces in a moment. Events are often overruled, so as to be quite contrary to what we intended and expected. If the Lord has directed our steps into the ways of peace and righteousness, let us entreat him to enable us to walk therein. Say not, Lord, do not correct me; but, Lord, do not correct me in anger. We may bear the smart of God's rod, but we cannot bear the weight of his wrath. Those who restrain prayer, prove that they know not God; for those who know him will seek him, and seek his favour. If even severe corrections lead sinners to be convinced of wholesome truths, they will have abundant cause for gratitude. And they will then humble themselves before the Lord.

Footnotes 1

  • [a]. Este versículo está escrito en arameo.

Chapter Summary


This chapter shows that there is no comparison to be made between God and the idols of the Gentiles; represents the destruction of the Jews as near at hand; and is closed with some petitions of the prophet. It begins by way of preface with an exhortation to hear the word of the Lord, and a dehortation not to learn the way of the Heathens, or be dismayed at their signs, since their customs were in vain, Jer 10:1-3 which lead on to expose their idols, and set forth the greatness and glory of God. Their idols are described by the matter and makers of them, Jer 10:3,4,9 and from their impotence to speak, to stand, to move, or do either good or evil, Jer 10:4,5, but, on the other hand, God is described by the greatness of his name and power, and by the reverence that belongs unto him; in comparison of whom all the wise men of the nations are brutish, foolish, and vain, Jer 10:6-8, by the epithets of true, living, and everlasting, and by the terribleness of his wrath, Jer 10:10, by his power and wisdom, in making the heavens and the earth, in causing thunder and lightning, wind and rain, when the gods that have no share in these shall utterly perish, Jer 10:11-13 their makers being brutish, and brought to shame; and they falsehood and breathless vanity, the work of errors, and so shall come to ruin, Jer 10:14,15, but he, who is Jacob's portion, and whose inheritance Israel is, is not like them; being the former of all things, and his name the Lord of hosts, Jer 10:16 and next follows a prophecy of the destruction of the Jews; wherefore they are bid to gather up their wares, since in a very little time, and at once, the Lord would fling them out of the land, and bring them into distress, Jer 10:17,18, upon which the prophet expresses his sympathy with his people in trouble, and the part of grief he took and bore with them, Jer 10:19, the particulars of his distress, through the desolation of the land, and the captivity of the people, with the cause and authors of it, by whose means these things were brought upon them, are mentioned, Jer 10:20,21, and the Chaldean army, the instruments of their ruin, are represented as just at hand, Jer 10:22, when the prophet, directing himself to God, acknowledges the impotence of man in general to help and guide himself, deprecates correction in anger to himself in particular, and prays that the wrath of God might be poured down upon the Heathens, by whom his people were devoured, consumed, and made desolate, Jer 10:23-25.

Jeremías 10 Commentaries

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