Jeremías 29

Carta a los exiliados

1 Esta es la carta que el profeta Jeremías envió desde Jerusalén al resto de los ancianos que estaban en el exilio, a los sacerdotes y los profetas, y a todo el pueblo que Nabucodonosor había desterrado de Jerusalén a Babilonia.
2 Esto sucedió después de que el rey Jeconías había salido de Jerusalén, junto con la reina madre, los eunucos, los jefes de Judá y de Jerusalén, los artesanos y los herreros.
3 La carta fue enviada por medio de Elasá hijo de Safán, y de Guemarías hijo de Jilquías, a quienes Sedequías, rey de Judá, había enviado al rey Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia. La carta decía:
4 Así dice el SEÑORTodopoderoso, el Dios de Israel, a todos los que he deportado de Jerusalén a Babilonia:
5 «Construyan casas y habítenlas; planten huertos y coman de su fruto.
6 Cásense, y tengan hijos e hijas; y casen a sus hijos e hijas, para que a su vez ellos les den nietos. Multiplíquense allá, y no disminuyan.
7 Además, busquen el bienestar de la ciudad adonde los he deportado, y pidan al SEÑOR por ella, porque el bienestar de ustedes depende del bienestar de la ciudad».
8 Así dice el SEÑOR Todopoderoso, el Dios de Israel: «No se dejen engañar por los profetas ni por los adivinos que están entre ustedes. No hagan caso de los sueños que ellos tienen.[a]
9 Lo que ellos les profetizan en mi nombre es una mentira. Yo no los he enviado», afirma el SEÑOR.
10 Así dice el SEÑOR: «Cuando a Babilonia se le hayan cumplido los setenta años, yo los visitaré; y haré honor a mi promesa en favor de ustedes, y los haré volver a este lugar.
11 Porque yo sé muy bien los planes que tengo para ustedes —afirma el SEÑOR—, planes de bienestar y no de calamidad, a fin de darles un futuro y una esperanza.
12 Entonces ustedes me invocarán, y vendrán a suplicarme, y yo los escucharé.
13 Me buscarán y me encontrarán, cuando me busquen de todo corazón.
14 Me dejaré encontrar —afirma el SEÑOR—, y los haré volver del cautiverio.[b] Yo los reuniré de todas las naciones y de todos los lugares adonde los haya dispersado, y los haré volver al lugar del cual los deporté», afirma el SEÑOR.
15 Ustedes podrán decir: «El SEÑOR nos ha dado profetas en Babilonia»,
16 pero esto es lo que dice el SEÑOR acerca del rey que ocupa el trono de David, y acerca de todo el pueblo que aún queda en esta ciudad, es decir, de sus hermanos que no fueron con ustedes al exilio.
17 Así dice el SEÑOR Todopoderoso: «Voy a mandar contra ellos la espada, el hambre y la pestilencia. Haré que sean como higos podridos, que de tan malos no se pueden comer.
18 Los perseguiré con espada, hambre y pestilencia, y haré que sean motivo de espanto para todos los reinos de la tierra, y que sean maldición y objeto de horror, de burla y de escarnio en todas las naciones por donde yo los disperse.
19 Porque ustedes no han escuchado ni han hecho caso de las palabras que, una y otra vez, les envié por medio de mis siervos los profetas —afirma el SEÑOR—.
20 »Pero ahora todos ustedes los exiliados que hice deportar de Jerusalén a Babilonia, ¡obedezcan mi palabra!»
21 Así dice el SEÑOR Todopoderoso, el Dios de Israel, acerca de Acab hijo de Colaías, y de Sedequías hijo de Maseías, que les profetizan una mentira en mi nombre: «Voy a entregarlos en manos de Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia, y él los matará ante sus propios ojos.
22 Por culpa de ellos, todos los deportados de Judá que están en Babilonia pronunciarán esta maldición: “Que haga el SEÑOR contigo lo mismo que hizo con Sedequías y Acab, a quienes el rey de Babilonia asó en el fuego”.
23 Porque cometieron una infamia en Israel: adulteraron con la mujer de su prójimo y dijeron mentiras en mi nombre, cosas que jamás les ordené. Yo lo sé, y de eso soy testigo», afirma el SEÑOR.

Mensaje de Semaías

24 También a Semaías hijo de Nejelán le comunicarás
25 que así dice el SEÑORTodopoderoso, el Dios de Israel: «Tú, en tu propio nombre, enviaste cartas a todo el pueblo que está en Jerusalén, al sacerdote Sofonías hijo de Maseías, y a todos los sacerdotes. En esas cartas decías:
26 “El SEÑOR te ha puesto como sacerdote en lugar del sacerdote Joyadá, para que vigiles en la casa del SEÑOR. A todo loco que se haga pasar por profeta, lo pondrás en el cepo y en el calabozo.
27 ¿Por qué, pues, no has reprendido a Jeremías de Anatot, que entre ustedes se hace pasar por profeta?
28 Resulta que él nos envió un mensaje a Babilonia, el cual decía: ‘La deportación va a durar mucho tiempo; así que construyan casas, y habítenlas; planten huertos y coman de su fruto’”».
29 El sacerdote Sofonías leyó esta carta al profeta Jeremías.
30 Entonces vino a Jeremías la palabra del SEÑOR:
31 «Comunícales a todos los deportados que así dice el SEÑOR acerca de Semaías de Nejelán: “Puesto que Semaías les ha profetizado sin que yo lo haya enviado, y les ha hecho confiar en una mentira,
32 yo, el SEÑOR, castigaré a Semaías de Nejelán y a su descendencia, porque ha incitado al pueblo a rebelarse contra mí. Ninguno de su familia vivirá para contar el bien que le haré a mi pueblo”», afirma el SEÑOR.

Images for Jeremías 29

Jeremías 29 Commentary

Chapter 29

Two letters to the captives in Babylon; In the first, they are recommended to be patient and composed. (1-19) In the second, judgments are denounced against the false prophets who deceived them. (20-32)

Verses 1-7 The written word of God is as truly given by inspiration of God as his spoken word. The zealous servant of the Lord will use every means to profit those who are far off, as well as those who are near him. The art of writing is very profitable for this end; and by the art of printing it is rendered most beneficial for circulating the knowledge of the word of God. God's sending to the captives by this letter would show that he had not forsaken them, though he was displeased, and corrected them. If they live in the fear of God, they may live comfortably in Babylon. In all conditions of life, it is our wisdom and duty not to throw away the comfort of what we may have, because we have not all we would have. They are directed to seek the good of the country where they were captives. While the king of Babylon protected them, they must live quiet and peaceable lives under him, in all godliness and honesty; patiently leaving it to God to work deliverance for them in due time.

Verses 8-19 Let men beware how they call those prophets whom they choose after their own fancies, and how they consider their fancies and dreams to be revelations from God. False prophets flatter people in their sins, because they love to be flattered; and they speak smoothly to their prophets, that their prophets may speak smoothly to them. God promises that they should return after seventy years were accomplished. By this it appears, that the seventy years of the captivity are not to be reckoned from the last captivity, but the first. It will be the bringing to pass of God's good word to them. This shall form God's purposes. We often do not know our own minds, but the Lord is never at an uncertainty. We are sometimes ready to fear that God's designs are all against us; but as to his own people, even that which seems evil, is for good. He will give them, not the expectations of their fears, or the expectations of their fancies, but the expectations of their faith; the end he has promised, which will be the best for them. When the Lord pours out an especial spirit of prayer, it is a good sign that he is coming toward us in mercy. Promises are given to quicken and encourage prayer. He never said, Seek ye me in vain. Those who remained at Jerusalem would be utterly destroyed, notwithstanding what the false prophets said to the contrary. The reason has often been given, and it justifies the eternal ruin of impenitent sinners; Because they have not hearkened to my words; I called, but they refused.

Verses 20-32 Jeremiah foretells judgments upon the false prophets, who deceived the Jews in Babylon. Lying was bad; lying to the people of the Lord, to delude them into a false hope, was worse; but pretending to rest their own lies upon the God of truth, was worst of all. They flattered others in their sins, because they could not reprove them without condemning themselves. The most secret sins are known to God; and there is a day coming when he will bring to light all the hidden works of darkness. Shemaiah urges the priests to persecute Jeremiah. Their hearts are wretchedly hardened who justify doing mischief by having power to do it. They were in a miserable thraldom for mocking the messengers of the Lord, and misusing his prophets; yet in their distress they trespass still more against the Lord. Afflictions will not of themselves cure men of their sins, unless the grace of God works with them. Those who slight the blessings, deserve to lose the benefit of God's word, like Shemaiah. The accusations against many active Christians in all ages, amount to no more than this, that they earnestly counsel men to attend to their true interest and duties, and to wait for the performance of God's promises in his appointed way.

Footnotes 2

  • [a]. "que ellos tienen" . Lit. "que ustedes hacen soñar" .
  • [b]. "los haré volver del cautiverio" . Alt. "cambiaré la suerte de ustedes" .

Chapter Summary


Thus chapter contains a letter of Jeremiah to the captives in Babylon; and gives an account of another sent from thence by Shemaiah to the people at Jerusalem; and is closed with threatening him with punishment for so doing. Jeremiah's letter concerns both the captives at Babylon, and the people left at Jerusalem, The persons to whom and by whom it was sent, and the time of writing and sending it, are mentioned in Jer 29:1-3; and though the prophet was the amanuensis, God was the author of it, as well as of their captivity, Jer 29:4; the contents of, it, respecting the captives, are advices to them to provide for their comfortable settlement in Babylon, and not think of returning quickly, by building houses, planting gardens, marrying, and giving in marriage, Jer 29:5,6; and to seek and pray for the prosperity of the place where they were; in which their own was concerned, Jer 29:7; to give no heed to their false prophets and diviners, Jer 29:8,9; and to expect a return to Jerusalem at the end of seventy years; which they might be assured of, since God had resolved upon it in his own mind, Jer 29:10,11; and especially if they called upon him, prayed to him, and sought him heartily, Jer 29:12-14; the other part of the letter respects the Jews in Jerusalem; concerning whom the captives are directed to observe, that both the king and people should suffer much by sword, famine, pestilence, and captivity, with the reason of it, Jer 29:15-19; particularly it is foretold, that Ahab and Zedekiah, two lying prophets, should be made an example of vengeance; and a proverbial curse should be taken of them, because of their villany, lewdness, and lies, Jer 29:20-23; next follows some account of Shemaiah's letter from Babylon, to the people and priests at Jerusalem, stirring them up against Jeremiah the prophet; which came to be known, by the priests reading it to him, Jer 29:24-29; upon which Shemaiah is threatened with punishment, and his seed after him, Jer 29:30-32.

Jeremías 29 Commentaries

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