Genèse 45

1 Alors Joseph ne put plus se retenir devant tous ceux qui étaient là présents, et il cria: Faites sortir tout le monde. Et nul ne demeura avec Joseph, quand il se fit connaître à ses frères.
2 Et il éleva la voix en pleurant, et les Égyptiens l'entendirent, et la maison de Pharaon l'entendit.
3 Et Joseph dit à ses frères: Je suis Joseph! Mon père vit-il encore? Mais ses frères ne pouvaient lui répondre; car ils étaient troublés de sa présence.
4 Et Joseph dit à ses frères: Approchez donc de moi. Et ils s'approchèrent, et il dit: Je suis Joseph votre frère, que vous avez vendu pour être mené en Égypte.
5 Et maintenant, ne vous affligez pas, et n'ayez point de regret de ce que vous m'avez vendu pour être amené ici; car c'est pour la conservation de votre vie que Dieu m'a envoyé devant vous.
6 Car voici deux ans que la famine est sur la terre, et pendant cinq ans encore il n'y aura ni labour, ni moisson.
7 Mais Dieu m'a envoyé devant vous, pour vous faire subsister sur la terre, et pour vous faire vivre par une grande délivrance.
8 Et maintenant, ce n'est pas vous qui m'avez envoyé ici, mais c'est Dieu; et il m'a établi pour père à Pharaon, et pour seigneur sur toute sa maison, et gouverneur dans tout le pays d'Égypte.
9 Hâtez-vous de monter vers mon père, et dites-lui: Ainsi a dit ton fils Joseph: Dieu m'a établi seigneur sur toute l'Égypte; descends vers moi, ne t'arrête point.
10 Tu habiteras au pays de Gossen, et tu seras près de moi, toi, tes enfants, et les enfants de tes enfants, tes brebis et tes bœufs, et tout ce qui est à toi.
11 Et je t'y entretiendrai (car il y a encore cinq ans de famine), de peur que tu ne périsses de pauvreté, toi et ta maison, et tout ce qui est à toi.
12 Et voici, vous voyez de vos yeux, et Benjamin mon frère voit aussi de ses yeux, que c'est moi qui vous parle de ma propre bouche.
13 Racontez donc à mon père toute ma gloire en Égypte, et tout ce que vous avez vu; et hâtez-vous de faire descendre ici mon père.
14 Alors il se jeta au cou de Benjamin son frère, et pleura. Et Benjamin pleura sur son cou.
15 Et il baisa tous ses frères, en pleurant. Après quoi, ses frères s'entretinrent avec lui.
16 Et ce bruit se répandit dans la maison de Pharaon: Les frères de Joseph sont venus. Ce qui plut à Pharaon et à ses serviteurs.
17 Pharaon dit à Joseph: Dis à tes frères: Faites ceci; chargez vos bêtes, et allez, retournez au pays de Canaan;
18 Et prenez votre père et vos familles, et venez vers moi, et je vous donnerai le meilleur du pays d'Égypte; et vous mangerez la graisse de la terre.
19 Or tu reçois l'ordre de leur dire: Faites ceci; prenez pour vous, du pays d'Égypte, des chariots pour vos petits enfants et pour vos femmes, et vous amènerez votre père, et vous viendrez.
20 Et ne regrettez point vos meubles; car le meilleur de tout le pays d'Égypte sera à vous.
21 Les fils d'Israël firent ainsi; et Joseph leur donna des chariots, selon l'ordre de Pharaon; et il leur donna des provisions pour le chemin.
22 Il leur donna à tous des robes de rechange, et à Benjamin il donna trois cents pièces d'argent, et cinq robes de rechange.
23 Il envoya aussi à son père dix ânes chargés de ce qu'il y avait de meilleur en Égypte, et dix ânesses chargées de blé, de pain, et de nourriture pour son père pendant le voyage.
24 Il renvoya donc ses frères, et ils partirent, et il leur dit: Ne vous querellez point en chemin.
25 Et ils remontèrent d'Égypte, et vinrent au pays de Canaan vers Jacob, leur père.
26 Et ils lui firent ce rapport et dirent: Joseph vit encore, et même c'est lui qui gouverne tout le pays d'Égypte. Mais son cœur resta froid, car il ne les crut point.
27 Et ils lui dirent toutes les paroles que Joseph leur avait dites. Et il vit les chariots que Joseph avait envoyés pour le porter. Et l'esprit de Jacob, leur père, se ranima.
28 Et Israël dit: C'est assez; Joseph mon fils vit encore; j'irai, et je le verrai avant que je meure.

Genèse 45 Commentary

Chapter 45

Joseph comforts his brethren, and sends for his father. (1-15) Pharaoh confirms Joseph's invitation, Joseph's gifts to his brethren. (16-24) Jacob receives the news of Joseph's being alive. (25-28)

Verses 1-15 Joseph let Judah go on, and heard all he had to say. He found his brethren humbled for their sins, mindful of himself, for Judah had mentioned him twice in his speech, respectful to their father, and very tender of their brother Benjamin. Now they were ripe for the comfort he designed, by making himself known. Joseph ordered all his attendants to withdraw. Thus Christ makes himself and his loving-kindness known to his people, out of the sight and hearing of the world. Joseph shed tears of tenderness and strong affection, and with these threw off that austerity with which he had hitherto behaved toward his brethren. This represents the Divine compassion toward returning penitents. "I am Joseph, your brother." This would humble them yet more for their sin in selling him, but would encourage them to hope for kind treatment. Thus, when Christ would convince Paul, he said, I am Jesus; and when he would comfort his disciples, he said, It is I, be not afraid. When Christ manifests himself to his people, he encourages them to draw near to him with a true heart. Joseph does so, and shows them, that whatever they thought to do against him, God had brought good out of it. Sinners must grieve and be angry with themselves for their sins, though God brings good out of it, for that is no thanks to them. The agreement between all this, and the case of a sinner, on Christ's manifesting himself to his soul, is very striking. He does not, on this account, think sin a less, but a greater evil; and yet he is so armed against despair, as even to rejoice in what God hath wrought, while he trembles in thinking of the dangers and destruction from which he has escaped. Joseph promises to take care of his father and all the family. It is the duty of children, if the necessity of their parents at any time require it, to support and supply them to the utmost of ( 1 Timothy. 5:4 ) Joseph had embraced Benjamin, he caressed them all, and then his brethren talked with him freely of all the affairs of their father's house. After the tokens of true reconciliation with the Lord Jesus, sweet communion with him follows.

Verses 16-24 Pharaoh was kind to Joseph, and to his relations for his sake. Egypt would make up the losses of their removal. Thus those for whom Christ intends his heavenly glory, ought not to regard the things of this world. The best of its enjoyments are but lumber; we cannot make sure of them while here, much less can we carry them away with us. Let us not set our eyes or hearts upon the world; there are better things for us in that blessed land, whither Christ, our Joseph, is gone to prepare a place. Joseph dismissed his brethren with a seasonable caution, "See that ye fall not out by the way." He knew they were too apt to be quarrelsome; and having forgiven them all, he lays this charge upon them, not to upbraid one another. This command our Lord Jesus has given to us, that we love one another, and that whatever happens, or has happened, we fall not out. For we are brethren, we have all one Father. We are all guilty, and instead of quarrelling with one another, have reason to fall out with ourselves. We are, or hope to be, forgiven of God, whom we have all offended, and, therefore, should be ready to forgive one another. We are "by the way," a way through the land of Egypt, where we have many eyes upon us, that seek advantage against us; a way that leads to the heavenly Canaan, where we hope to be for ever in perfect peace.

Verses 25-28 To hear that Joseph is alive, is too good news to be true; Jacob faints, for he believes it not. We faint, because we do not believe. At length, Jacob is convinced of the truth. Jacob was old, and did not expect to live long. He says, Let my eyes be refreshed with this sight before they are closed, and then I need no more to make me happy in this world. Behold Jesus manifesting himself as a Brother and a Friend to those who once were his despisers, his enemies. He assures them of his love and the riches of his grace. He commands them to lay aside envy, anger, malice, and strife, and to live in peace with each other. He teaches them to give up the world for him and his fulness. He supplies all that is needful to bring them home to himself, that where he is they may be also. And though, when he at last sends for his people, they may for a time feel some doubts and fears, yet the thought of seeing his glory and of being with him, will enable them to say, It is enough, I am willing to die; and I go to see, and to be with the Beloved of my soul.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains an account of Joseph's making himself known to his brethren, which was done when they were alone, Ge 45:1-4; when he encouraged them not to distress themselves on account of their selling him into Egypt, for God in his providence had sent him there for their good, Ge 45:5-8; and he ordered them to go forthwith to Canaan, and acquaint his father with all the honour and glory they saw him in, and to desire him to come thither to him, where he should be provided for during the five years of famine yet to come, in the best part of the land of Egypt, Ge 45:9-13; upon which he expressed the strongest affection to Benjamin, and to all his brethren, Ge 45:14,15; the fame of this was soon spread in the house of Pharaoh, which gave the king great pleasure, who immediately expressed his earnest desire that his father might come and settle in Egypt, and ordered provisions to be sent him, and carriages to bring him down, and all that belonged to him, Ge 45:16-20; and Joseph accordingly delivered to his brethren wagons and provisions for the way, and gave gifts to them, and sent a present to his father, and dismissed his brethren with an exhortation not to fall out by the way, Ge 45:21-24; and when they came to Canaan, they acquainted their father with all these things, who at first could not believe them; but when he saw the wagons, his spirit revived, and determined to go and see his son, Ge 45:25-28.

Genèse 45 Commentaries

The Ostervald translation is in the public domain.