Genèse 47

1 Et Joseph vint et fit savoir cela à Pharaon, et lui dit: Mon père et mes frères, avec leurs brebis et leurs bœufs, et tout ce qui est à eux, sont venus du pays de Canaan; et voici, ils sont dans le pays de Gossen.
2 Et il prit cinq hommes d'entre ses frères et les présenta à Pharaon.
3 Et Pharaon dit à ses frères: Quel est votre métier? Et ils répondirent à Pharaon: Tes serviteurs sont bergers, comme l'ont été nos pères.
4 Puis ils dirent à Pharaon: C'est pour séjourner dans le pays que nous sommes venus; car il n'y a plus de pâturage pour les troupeaux de tes serviteurs; car la famine est grande au pays de Canaan. Permets donc à tes serviteurs d'habiter au pays de Gossen.
5 Et Pharaon parla ainsi à Joseph: Ton père et tes frères sont venus vers toi;
6 Le pays d'Égypte est à ta disposition; fais habiter ton père et tes frères dans le meilleur endroit du pays; qu'ils demeurent dans le pays de Gossen. Et si tu connais qu'il y ait parmi eux des hommes capables, tu les établiras chefs de troupeaux sur ce qui m'appartient.
7 Alors Joseph amena Jacob son père, et le présenta à Pharaon. Et Jacob bénit Pharaon.
8 Et Pharaon dit à Jacob: A combien s'élèvent les jours des années de ta vie?
9 Et Jacob répondit à Pharaon: Les jours des années de mes pèlerinages sont de cent trente ans; les jours des années de ma vie ont été courts et mauvais, et ils n'ont point atteint les jours des années de la vie de mes pères, du temps de leurs pèlerinages.
10 Et Jacob bénit Pharaon, puis il sortit de devant Pharaon.
11 Et Joseph assigna une demeure à son père et à ses frères, et il leur donna une possession au pays d'Égypte, dans le meilleur endroit du pays, dans le pays de Ramsès, comme l'avait ordonné Pharaon.
12 Et Joseph fournit de pain son père, ses frères, et toute la maison de son père, selon le nombre des enfants.
13 Or, il n'y avait point de pain dans tout le pays, car la famine était très grande; et le pays d'Égypte et le pays de Canaan étaient épuisés par la famine.
14 Et Joseph amassa tout l'argent qui se trouvait dans le pays d'Égypte et dans le pays de Canaan, en échange du blé qu'on achetait; et Joseph fit entrer cet argent dans la maison de Pharaon.
15 Et quand l'argent manqua au pays d'Égypte et au pays de Canaan, tous les Égyptiens vinrent à Joseph, en disant: Donne-nous du pain; et pourquoi mourrions-nous devant toi, parce qu'il n'y a plus d'argent?
16 Et Joseph répondit: Donnez votre bétail, et je vous donnerai du pain en échange de votre bétail, s'il n'y a plus d'argent.
17 Alors ils amenèrent leur bétail à Joseph, et Joseph leur donna du pain, en échange des chevaux, des troupeaux de brebis, des troupeaux de bœufs et des ânes. Il leur fournit du pain en échange de tous leurs troupeaux cette année-là.
18 Cette année écoulée, ils revinrent l'année suivante, et lui dirent: Nous ne cacherons point à mon seigneur que l'argent est épuisé, et que les troupeaux de bétail ont passé à mon seigneur; il ne reste rien devant mon seigneur que nos corps et nos terres.
19 Pourquoi péririons-nous sous tes yeux, nous et nos terres? Achète-nous, nous et nos terres, pour du pain, et nous serons, avec nos terres, esclaves de Pharaon. Et donne-nous de quoi semer, afin que nous vivions et ne mourions pas, et que le sol ne soit point désolé.
20 Et Joseph acquit tout le sol de l'Égypte à Pharaon; car les Égyptiens vendirent chacun leur champ, parce que la famine les y força; et la terre fut à Pharaon.
21 Quant au peuple, il le fit passer dans les villes, depuis une extrémité du territoire de l'Égypte jusqu'à l'autre.
22 Les terres des prêtres furent les seules qu'il n'acquit point; car les prêtres recevaient de Pharaon une portion fixée, et ils mangeaient la portion que Pharaon leur avait donnée. C'est pourquoi, ils ne vendirent point leurs terres.
23 Et Joseph dit au peuple: Je vous ai acquis aujourd'hui, vous et vos terres, à Pharaon. Voici pour vous de la semence, afin que vous ensemenciez le sol.
24 Et au temps des récoltes, vous donnerez le cinquième à Pharaon, et les quatre autres parties seront à vous, pour semer les champs, et pour votre nourriture, et pour celle des gens qui sont dans vos maisons, et pour la nourriture de vos petits enfants.
25 Et ils dirent: Tu nous as sauvé la vie! Que nous trouvions grâce aux yeux de mon seigneur, et nous serons esclaves de Pharaon.
26 Et Joseph en fit une loi, qui dure jusqu'à ce jour, sur les terres d'Égypte: Le cinquième à Pharaon. Il n'y eut que les terres des prêtres qui ne furent point à Pharaon.
27 Israël habita donc au pays d'Égypte, au pays de Gossen; et ils y acquirent des propriétés, et ils s'accrurent, et multiplièrent beaucoup.
28 Et Jacob vécut au pays d'Égypte dix-sept ans. Et les jours de Jacob, les années de sa vie, furent de cent quarante-sept ans.
29 Et quand le jour de la mort d'Israël approcha, il appela son fils Joseph, et lui dit: Si j'ai trouvé grâce à tes y eux, mets, je te prie, ta main sous ma cuisse, et use envers moi de bonté et de fidélité: je te prie, ne m'enterre point en Égypte.
30 Quand je serai couché avec mes pères, emporte-moi d'Égypte, et enterre-moi dans leur tombeau. Et il répondit: Je ferai selon ta parole.
31 Il dit: Jure-le-moi. Et il le lui jura. Et Israël se prosterna sur le chevet du lit.

Genèse 47 Commentary

Chapter 47

Joseph presents his brethren to Pharaoh. (1-6) Jacob blesses Pharaoh. (7-12) Joseph's dealings with the Egyptians during the famine. (13-26) Jacob's age. His desire to be buried in Canaan. (27--31)

Verses 1-6 Though Joseph was a great man, especially in Egypt, yet he owned his brethren. Let the rich and great in the world not overlook or despise poor relations. Our Lord Jesus is not ashamed to call us brethren. In answer to Pharaoh's inquiry, What is your calling? they told him that they were shepherds, adding that they were come to sojourn in the land for a time, while the famine prevailed in Canaan. Pharaoh offered to employ them as shepherds, provided they were active men. Whatever our business or employment is, we should aim to excel in it, and to prove ourselves clever and industrious.

Verses 7-12 With the gravity of old age, the piety of a true believer, and the authority of a patriarch and a prophet, Jacob besought the Lord to bestow a blessing upon Pharaoh. He acted as a man not ashamed of his religion; and who would express gratitude to the benefactor of himself and his family. We have here a very uncommon answer given to a very common question. Jacob calls his life a pilgrimage; the sojourning of a stranger in a foreign country, or his journey home to his own country. He was not at home upon earth; his habitation, his inheritance, his treasures were in heaven. He reckons his life by days; even by days life is soon reckoned, and we are not sure of the continuance of it for a day. Let us therefore number our days. His days were few. Though he had now lived one hundred and thirty years, they seemed but a few days, in comparison with the days of eternity, and the eternal state. They were evil; this is true concerning man. He is of few days and full of trouble; since his days are evil, it is well they are few. Jacob's life had been made up of evil days. Old age came sooner upon him than it had done upon some of his fathers. As the young man should not be proud of his strength or beauty, so the old man should not be proud of his age, and his hoary hairs, though others justly reverence them; for those who are accounted very old, attain not to the years of the patriarchs. The hoary head is only a crown of glory, when found in the way of righteousness. Such an answer could not fail to impress the heart of Pharaoh, by reminding him that worldly prosperity and happiness could not last long, and was not enough to satisfy. After a life of vanity and vexation, man goes down into the grave, equally from the throne as the cottage. Nothing can make us happy, but the prospect of an everlasting home in heaven, after our short and weary pilgrimage on earth.

Verses 13-26 Care being taken of Jacob and his family, which mercy was especially designed by Providence in Joseph's advancement, an account is given of the saving the kingdom of Egypt from ruin. There was no bread, and the people were ready to die. See how we depend upon God's providence. All our wealth would not keep us from starving, if rain were withheld for two or three years. See how much we are at God's mercy, and let us keep ourselves always in his love. Also see how much we smart by our own want of care. If all the Egyptians had laid up corn for themselves in the seven years of plenty, they had not been in these straits; but they regarded not the warning. Silver and gold would not feed them: they must have corn. All that a man hath will he give for his life. We cannot judge this matter by modern rules. It is plain that the Egyptians regarded Joseph as a public benefactor. The whole is consistent with Joseph's character, acting between Pharaoh and his subjects, in the fear of God. The Egyptians confessed concerning Joseph, Thou hast saved our lives. What multitudes will gratefully say to Jesus, at the last day, Thou hast saved our souls from the most tremendous destruction, and in the season of uttermost distress! The Egyptians parted with all their property, and even their liberty, for the saving of their lives: can it then be too much for us to count all but loss, and part with all, at His command, and for His sake, who will both save our souls, and give us an hundredfold, even here, in this present world? Surely if saved by Christ, we shall be willing to become his servants.

Verses 27-31 At last the time drew nigh that Israel must die. Israel, a prince with God, had power over the Angel, and prevailed, yet must die. Joseph supplied him with bread, that he might not die by famine, but that did not secure him from dying by age or sickness. He died by degrees; his candle gradually burnt down to the socket, so that he saw the time drawing nigh. It is an advantage to see the approach of death, before we feel it, that we may be quickened to do, with all our might, what our hands find to do. However, death is not far from any of us. Jacob's care, as he saw the day approach, was about his burial; not the pomp of it, but he would be buried in Canaan, because it was the land of promise. It was a type of heaven, that better country, which he declared plainly he expected, ( Hebrews 11:14 ) . Nothing will better help to make a death-bed easy, than the certain prospect of rest in the heavenly Canaan after death. When this was done, Israel bowed himself upon the bed's head, worshipping God, as it is explained, see ( Hebrews 11:21 ) , giving God thanks for all his favours; in feebleness thus supporting himself, expressing his willingness to leave the world. Even those who lived on Joseph's provision, and Jacob who was so dear to him, must die. But Christ Jesus gives us the true bread, that we may eat and live for ever. To Him let us come and yield ourselves, and when we draw near to death, he who supported us through life, will meet us and assure us of everlasting salvation.

Chapter Summary


This chapter gives an account of the presentation of five of Joseph's brethren, and then of his father, to Pharaoh, and of what passed between them, Ge 47:1-10; of Joseph's settlement of them, according to the direction of Pharaoh, in the land of Rameses in Goshen, and of his provision for them there, Ge 47:11,12; of his getting into his hands, for Pharaoh, the money, cattle, and lands, of the Egyptians, excepting the lands belonging to the priests, for corn he had supplied them with, Ge 47:13-22; of his giving them seed to sow with, on condition of Pharaoh's having a fifth part of the produce, Ge 47:23-26, of the increase of Jacob's substance in Egypt, and that of his children; of the time of his living there, and his approaching death, when he called Joseph to him, and obliged him by an oath to bury him in the burying place of his fathers, Ge 47:27-31.

Genèse 47 Commentaries

The Ostervald translation is in the public domain.