Hébreux 8

1 Or, le point capital de ce que nous avons dit, c'est que nous avons un tel souverain Sacrificateur, qui est assis à la droite du trône de la Majesté dans les cieux,
2 Et qui est Ministre du sanctuaire et du véritable tabernacle, que le Seigneur a dressé, et non l'homme.
3 Car tout souverain sacrificateur est établi pour offrir des dons et des sacrifices; c'est pourquoi il est nécessaire que celui-ci ait aussi quelque chose à offrir.
4 Car s'il était sur la terre, il ne serait même pas sacrificateur, puisqu'il y a des sacrificateurs qui offrent les dons selon la loi,
5 Et qui rendent un culte, image et ombre des choses célestes, selon l'ordre divin qui fut donné à Moïse, lorsqu'il devait dresser le tabernacle: Prends garde, lui dit-Il, de faire tout selon le modèle qui t'a été montré sur la montagne.
6 Mais maintenant Christ a obtenu un ministère d'autant plus excellent, qu'il est Médiateur d'une alliance plus excellente, et qui a été établie sur de meilleures promesses.
7 En effet, si la première alliance avait été sans défaut, il n'y aurait pas eu lieu d'en établir une seconde.
8 Car en leur adressant des reproches, Dieu dit aux Juifs: Voici, les jours viendront, dit le Seigneur, que je traiterai une alliance nouvelle avec la maison d'Israël, et avec la maison de Juda;
9 Non une alliance comme celle que je fis avec leurs pères, au jour où les prenant par la main, je les tirai du pays d'Égypte; car ils n'ont pas persévéré dans mon alliance, et je les ai abandonnés, dit le Seigneur.
10 Or, voici l'alliance que je traiterai avec la maison d'Israël, après ces jours-là, dit le Seigneur, je mettrai mes lois dans leur esprit, et je les écrirai sur leur cœur. Je serai leur Dieu, et ils seront mon peuple;
11 Et aucun n'enseignera plus ni son prochain ni son frère, en disant: Connais le Seigneur; parce que tous me connaîtront, depuis le plus petit d'entre eux jusqu'au plus grand;
12 Parce que je serai apaisé à l'égard de leurs injustices, et que je ne me souviendrai plus de leurs péchés, ni de leurs iniquités.
13 En parlant d'une alliance nouvelle, il déclare ancienne la première; or, ce qui est devenu ancien et a vieilli est près de disparaître.

Hébreux 8 Commentary

Chapter 8

The excellence of Christ's priesthood above that of Aaron is shown. (1-6) The great excellence of the new covenant above the former. (7-13)

Verses 1-6 The substance, or summary, of what had been declared was, that Christians had such a High Priest as they needed. He took upon himself human nature, appeared on earth, and there gave himself as a sacrifice to God for the sins of his people. We must not dare to approach God, or to present any thing to him, but in and through Christ, depending upon his merits and mediation; for we are accepted only in the Beloved. In all obedience and worship, we should keep close to God's word, which is the only and perfect standard. Christ is the substance and end of the law of righteousness. But the covenant here referred to, was that made with Israel as a nation, securing temporal benefits to them. The promises of all spiritual blessings, and of eternal life, revealed in the gospel, and made sure through Christ, are of infinitely greater value. Let us bless God that we have a High Priest that suits our helpless condition.

Verses 7-13 The superior excellence of the priesthood of Christ, above that of Aaron, is shown from that covenant of grace, of which Christ was Mediator. The law not only made all subject to it, liable to be condemned for the guilt of sin, but also was unable to remove that guilt, and clear the conscience from the sense and terror of it. Whereas, by the blood of Christ, a full remission of sins was provided, so that God would remember them no more. God once wrote his laws to his people, now he will write his laws in them; he will give them understanding to know and to believe his laws; he will give them memories to retain them; he will give them hearts to love them, courage to profess them, and power to put them in practice. This is the foundation of the covenant; and when this is laid, duty will be done wisely, sincerely, readily, easily, resolutely, constantly, and with comfort. A plentiful outpouring of the Spirit of God will make the ministration of the gospel so effectual, that there shall be a mighty increase and spreading of Christian knowledge in persons of all sorts. Oh that this promise might be fulfilled in our days, that the hand of God may be with his ministers so that great numbers may believe, and be turned to the Lord! The pardon of sin will always be found to accompany the true knowledge of God. Notice the freeness of this pardon; its fulness; its fixedness. This pardoning mercy is connected with all other spiritual mercies: unpardoned sin hinders mercy, and pulls down judgments; but the pardon of sin prevents judgment, and opens a wide door to all spiritual blessings. Let us search whether we are taught by the Holy Spirit to know Christ, so as uprightly to love, fear, trust, and obey him. All worldly vanities, outward privileges, or mere notions of religion, will soon vanish away, and leave those who trust in them miserable for ever.

Chapter Summary


The apostle observing that the priesthood of Christ is the sum of what he had treated of in the preceding chapter, proceeds to show the superior excellency of it in other instances, particularly in the place where Christ now officiates, which is in heaven; he being set down at the right hand of God there, and so was a minister of the sanctuary, and true tabernacle pitched by God, and not man; whereas the priests of Aaron's line only ministered on earth, and in the typical sanctuary and tabernacle, Heb 8:1,2 and after he had observed that Christ must have something to offer, meaning his body, to answer to the gifts and sacrifices priests were ordained to offer, Heb 8:3 he proves the necessity of his ministering in heaven, because if he was on earth he would not be a priest, a complete one, and would have been useless and needless, Heb 8:4 and besides, it was proper that he should go up to heaven, and minister there, as the antitype of the priests, who, to the example and shadow of heavenly things, served in the tabernacle which was made by Moses, by the order of God, and according to the pattern showed him in the Mount, Heb 8:5 and that the ministry of Christ in the true sanctuary is much more excellent than the ministry of the priests in the shadowy one, is evident from his being the Mediator of a better covenant, Heb 8:6 and that the covenant he is the Mediator of is the better covenant, appears froth the better promises of which it consists, and from the faultiness of the former covenant, Heb 8:6,7 and that that was faulty, and succeeded by another, he proves from a passage in Jer 31:31-34 in which mention is made of a new covenant, and as distinct from that made with the Jewish fathers, and violated by them; and several of the promises of this new and second covenant are rehearsed, and which manifestly appear to be better than what were in the former, Heb 8:8-12 from all which the apostle concludes, that a new covenant being made, the old one must be antiquated; and that whereas it was decaying and waxing old, it was just ready to vanish away, Heb 8:13.

Hébreux 8 Commentaries

The Ostervald translation is in the public domain.