Search Results for father

Found 1466 Results for father
10 Things You Need to Know about the Trinity

Fred Sanders

Jesus tells us there’s something about a child’s way of believing that ought to be true of all of us. We must, he tells us, become like them if we’re going to enter the kingdom of God at all. In one s...

What God Really Thinks about Women

Sharon Jaynes

We can tell how beloved women are to God by how radically Jesus treated women as he walked the earth. He broke every societal rule to include, encourage, and uplift women--and believes in you the same...

5 Unexpected Ways Grace Looks Amazing on You

Amy Seiffert

Sometimes grace looks amazing on us in the least glamorous places. But grace has never been about glam. In fact, grace is all about the grime. There are beautiful examples of this throughout the Bible...

4 Ways Christianity Is Unique from Other Religions

Rachel Britton

Christianity is the only faith with an empty grave, whose leader came back from the dead and walked and talked with his followers. Without the incarnation of God in the flesh and Jesus Christ’s resurr...

What Do We Know about Asher in the Bible?

Melissa Henderson

What do we know about Asher in the Bible? Was he tall or short, plump or skinny? Was he gifted with creativity or hospitality? Scripture shares a small bit of information about Asher. Yet, Asher was a...

3 Powerful Life Lessons from the Baptism of Jesus

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The baptism, or anointing, of our Lord Jesus spans Eternity Past and Eternity Future. The ceremonial act fulfills the signs and symbols anticipated in the Old Testament priesthood and looks toward His...

Powerful Prayers of Thanks and Gratitude to God For His Many Blessings

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

Having a thankful heart can change your entire perspective and outlook on life. One of the best ways to experience the power of thanksgiving is to through prayer. When we offer a prayer of thanks to G...

Why Is God Called "King of Kings"?

Heather Adams

When we see God as the King of Kings, we are agreeing that He has absolute dominion. The title ought to stir up a sense of respect, worship, and even wonder within us. ...

Forgiveness: The Very Essence of Our Faith

Forgiveness is something all of us want to receive but most of us hesitate to give. Jesus makes it clear, however, that we can’t have it without giving it....

Never Underestimate Your Weaknesses

Frank Santora

Most of us by the time we reach adulthood, find ourselves walking with a hobble and limping our way into the presence of Almighty God! You may think that a limp makes you weak and vulnerable, but...

7 Ways to Uncover a Christian Meaning in Thanksgiving

Jessica Brodie

Many Christians are surprised to learn how much of the original concept of Thanksgiving was spiritual, as well as how many Bible stories echo the need for thanksgiving-type celebrations....

Biblical Encouragement for Those Facing Infertility

Bethany Verrett

Infertility is not a punishment from God, but a byproduct of living in a fallen world; it can also be an opportunity to get to know the Lord better, and pursue different kinds of opportunities to crea...

Jesus Is Our Light, Not Only at Christmas, but Always

Dawn Wilson

Light is one of the many symbols of Christmas. Whether we light candles or place lights on a Christmas tree, glowing lights have a special place in our hearts during the holiday season. For Christ-fol...

A Prayer from Psalm 34

Stephen Altrogge

Here is a prayer based on the popular Psalm 34....

What Was the Crucifixion of Jesus? Facts about His Death on the Cross

Meg Bucher

The Crucifixion of Jesus is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. All of Scripture leads up to this pinnacle moment in the history of humanity. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, gave His life in order t...

What Did Jesus Mean When He Said "I Am the Light of the World" (John 8:12)?

Meg Bucher

Jesus consistently focused on linking Himself to the Father. The Greek word for light in this verse is phos, defined as the light; anything emitting light; light, i.e. brightness. God profoundly state...

11 Attributes of God to Cling to When Life Feels Crazy

Meg Bucher

Attributes represent qualities, characteristics, or properties that contribute to the way we see or know something or someone. Our Triune God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in one. He reigns o...

How to Talk to God: What Does the Bible Say about Prayer?

Meg Bucher

Prayer runs alongside worship in regard to the different ways in which we express our faith. Carefully memorized prayers repeated religiously, journaled thoughts, silent sacred moments with God, and h...

25 Bible Verses to Memorize with Your Kids

Debbie McDaniel

One of the most powerful things we can do as parents is to teach our children God’s Word....

12 Prayers and Verses for Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Health

Heather Adams

God is concerned with our total well-being: physical, mental, and spiritual. Our Heavenly Father wants to work in us, with us, and then through us. And prayer is the way to invite Him in to start the ...