Search Results for eat

Found 67 Results for eat
Illustration: Rules

Rules are rules, even for the drill sergeant....


A little girl was wearing one of those Medical Alert bracelets. Someone asked her what the bracelet was for. She replied, "I'm allergic to nuts and eggs." The person asked, "Are you allergic to cats?"...


Gordon Moyes, pastor of Wesley Mission in Sydney, Australia, said in a recent sermon: "Taking life, even to eat, is never a trivial thing. God tells Moses: "For the life of a creature is in the blood...

Illustration: Attitude

The world’s oldest man recently died at the age of 114. His name was Walter Breuning. ...

You May Be A Preacher If...

- You've ever lied to the choir director about how good the cantata sounded. - Your wife has amassed a huge collection of unsolicited casserole recipes.......


Ann Landers recently asked her readers the question: Has your sex life gone down hill since marriage? One reader, a man age 52, from Newark, New Jersey put it best: "Your question - has sex gone do...


An enthusiastic believer in Christ, Dan Richardson, lost his battle with cancer. But his life demonstrated that even though the physical body may be destroyed by disease, the spirit can remain triumph...


There once was a poor, rural family who were greatly concerned because their little boy had not started talking. The family didn’t have many resources to call upon, so the problem went on for a long t...

Generosity, Miserliness

Once a year, Charles H. Spurgeon preached "for his orphans." At that event, an offering would be received for his orphanage. After one of these meetings a person accosted him with the charge, "Why, Mr...

Bravery, Death, Eternal Life

This is an illustration from the movie Big Fish, courtesy of The Big Idea: Knowing the future makes you fearless. Scene Setup: Early in his life, Edward believed that he had seen ho...

Illustration: Cost of Commitment

From a recent "Hagar the Horrible" comic: Hagar is inciting on his troops. “This is the moment we've been waiting for men! The moment we do battle with the enemy! Is everyone here?” ...

Purpose Of Life

The Mystery of Life I wish that life was as easily explained as that great philosopher of the comic strips, Charlie Brown, once deduced that it was. Lucy is saying to him, "Life is a mystery Charlie B...

The Lord's Supper

According to news sources, there is an 88-year-old woman in Colorado Springs who walks laps around her nursing home property every day. She has reached 10,000 miles. Why does she do it? ...

White Robes

In a university town a self-styled "truth student, healer, teacher and facilitator" invited the public to a special program when he would channel a Day with the Masters including "Kwan Yin, Lord Sanan...

Value of Families

The old adage, "The family that prays together stays together," received some additional credence this week. A survey by the National Study of Youth and Religion at the University of North Carolina at...


How to Join the Coronary Club Membership Requirements: 1. Never say NO to a request - always say YES. 2. Your job comes first; personal considerations are secondary. 3. Accept all invitations to mee...

Illustration: Sacrifice

Recently, The Cincinnati Enquirer told the story of a man who donated 80 gallons of blood. He is the record holder for the local blood bank. According to the report, if 60 people gave every drop of bl...


Each September in the country of Malaysia Chinese people there celebrate the Mooncake Festival. It is observed a time when the moon is very bright and supposedly closer to the earth. The festival is f...

Illustration: Loneliness, a Thief of Life and Joy

Loneliness is a thief seeking to steal, kill and destroy those it impacts....