Search Results for "clean heart"§ion=0

Found 2669 Results for "clean heart"§ion=0

In his book Psalms of the Heart, George Sweeting illustrated a great truth from the experience of two Moody Bible Institute graduates, John and Elaine Beekman. God called them to missionary work among...

Eternal Life

In November 1993 Esquire magazine carried an article entitled "How to Live Forever." The article said that if all gerontogenes are deactivated, if cancer and heart disease are conquered, if genes can ...

Illustration: Abundant Life

According to news reports, the International Journal of Epidemiology just published an article that maintains bored people die sooner than people who are excited about life. Britton and Shipley of the...


At the heart of the city of Indianapolis stands a towering granite monument. About it are clustered statues depicting various scenes from the Civil War. Carved on the stone are these words: "To Indian...


Happy people live longer. That is the conclusion of Marilyn Elias writing in USA Today. She quoted Beverly Bennett of Duke University Medical Center as saying, “People could potentially exten...


In her book The Key to a Loving Heart, Karen Mains includes a parable about the church titled "The Brawling Bride." It tells about the most climactic moment in a wedding ceremony. The families have be...


Man does not like to admit that his sinfulness and rebellion are at the heart of the problems of society. He's much more comfortable discussing imperfections, weaknesses, mistakes, and errors in judgm...


The Praying Hypocrite I knelt to pray when day was done, And prayed, "Lord, bless everyone; Lift from each heart the pain, And let the sick be well again." And then I woke again one day, And careles...

Illustration: Service, Leadership

Unamuno, the Spanish philosopher, tells about the aqueduct built by the Romans in Segovia in 109 A.D. For 1800 years, that aqueduct carried cool water from the mountains down to the hot, thirsty city....

The Bible

If you've ever been to Yellowstone National park, you were probably given a piece of paper by a ranger at the park entrance. On it in big letters was the warning "Do Not Feed the Bears." You no sooner...

Illustration: Loneliness, a Thief of Life and Joy

Loneliness is a thief seeking to steal, kill and destroy those it impacts....


Maybe you read in the paper about Cincinnati Bengal's quarterback, Jon Kitna. Kitna was credited with being a part of the Cincinnati Bengal's dramatic turnaround. But also, Kitna was fined for wearing...

Christ's Compassion & Faithfulness

According to Henry Jacobsen, six Scottish miners were forced to make a heart-rending decision. While they were working some 1,500 feet below the surface, a shaft collapsed. Debris trapped one of their...

Unity, Worship

In the book, The Pursuit of God, A.W. Tozer gives this interesting illustration: "Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other?...

Earthly Riches - Deceptive

We often put our affection of stuff that has a price tag. I read recently about an old, rich man with a cranky, miserable attitude who visited a Rabbi. The Rabbi was a simple man whose heart was right...


David Jeremiah notes that, "One of the better known treasure hunts in modern times has been the quest to find the rumored wealth known as the "Beale treasure." The hunt began when an eccentric man, wh...

Stewardship Of Life

Dedicated Little Things A little girl who loved the Lord longed to share the message of salvation with those who had never heard it. So she contributed a penny to a missionary to help with the work of...

Evil Speaking

…CBS released The Karen Carpenter Story. Karen died unexpectedly …of heart failure at age 32 brought on by years of self abuse from the eating disorder Anorexia Nervosa. But what brought...