Search Results for jer 1-3

Found 487 Results for jer 1-3

\\INTRODUCTION TO AMOS\\ This book in the Hebrew Bibles is called Sepher Amos, the Book of Amos; and, in the Vulgate Latin and Syriac versions, the P...

God, Names of

God, Names of Names are more than labels. In Old Testament times a name expressed identification, but also identity. Significant meaning often attache...

12.2.2. The Motivations of Preterism

Although all preterists insist that their view of Scripture is the best way to understand and explain the text, it is useful to understand that some ...

Revelation 16:1

In the previous chapter, John saw the seven angels having the seven last plagues wherein the wrath of God is complete (Rev. Rev. 15:1+). He was also ...

Efesios 3

EFESIOS 3DIVISI?N DE P?RRAFOS EN LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNASReina-Valera 1960(RV-1960)New Revised Standard Version(NRSV)Dios Habla Hoy(DHH)Biblia Jerusa...

Psalms 9:11

Psalms 9:11 Sing praises to the Lord, which dwelleth in Zion The psalmist having determined in the strength of grace to praise the Lord himself, and s...

Godly, Godliness

Godly, Godliness Reverence for God and a life of holiness in the world.The Old Testament. The Lord has set apart the godly for himself ( Psalm 4:3 ); ...


Marriage [N] [T] [E] [S]An intimate and complementing union between a man and a woman in which the two become one physically, in the whole of life. Th...

Revelation 1:3

Blessed is he Luther?s comments underscore the need for a consistently literal interpretation of this book: ?Even if it were a blessed thing to believ...

Teach, Teacher

Teach, Teacher Although several Hebrew words are translated teach in English translations of the Old Testament, two words predominate: yara [h'ry], to...


Building [N] [E]From Sacred Space to Holy House The localized presence of God and God's glory among his people is central to the unfolding story of th...

2 Kings 23

Chapter?23We have here, I. The happy continuance of the goodness of Josiah?s reign, and the progress of the reformation he began, reading the law (v.?...

Revelation 1:18

I am He who lives John calls Him ? ??? [ho z?n] , ?the living one? (present, active participle). ?Life? is an essential attribute of God Who is consi...

Revelation 6:1

Having taken the scroll from the Father, the Lamb now begins to open the seals. As each seal is opened, a new judgment comes upon the earth. John is ...

Micah, Theology of

Micah, Theology of Although unlike Isaiah ( 6:1-9 ), Jeremiah ( 1:4-10 ), and Ezekiel (2:1-3:27) Micah gives his audience no autobiographical account ...


Wages [N] [E] [S]Payment given for services rendered. The semantic field of this term is usually found in economic contexts, where payment means some ...

Ezekiel 20

The Book of EzekielChapter 20Chapter Overview: The prophet consulted by the elders, signifies God's displeasure against them, ver. 1 - 3. Gives the...

Introduccion a Apocalipsis

INTRODUCCI?N AL APOCALIPSISAFIRMACIONES INICIALES La mayor parte de mi vida adulta como acad?mico y te?logo he tenido la preocupaci?n deque quienes cr...

Romanos 2

ROMANOS 2DIVISION DE PARRAFOS EN LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNAS*Reina-Valera 1960(RV-1960)La Biblia de las Am?ricas(LBLA)Dios Habla Hoy(DHH)Reina-Valera Re...

A Puritan Confession

CHAPTER 1 - Of the Holy Scriptures1. The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedi...