Genesis 21

1 The lorde visyted Sara as he had sayde and dyd vnto her acordynge as he had spoken.
2 And Sara was with childe and bare Abraha a sonne in his olde age euen the same season which the LORde had appoynted.
3 And Abraham called his sonnes name that was borne vnto him which Sara bare him Isaac:
4 and Abra circucysed Isaac his sone whe he was .viij. dayes olde as God commaunded him
5 And Abraha was an hundred yere olde when his sonne Isaac was borne vnto him.
6 And Sara sayde: God hath made me a laughinge stocke: for all yt heare will laugh at me
7 She sayde also: who wolde haue sayde vnto Abraham that Sara shulde haue geuen childern sucke or yt I shulde haue borne him a sonne in his olde age:
8 The childe grewe and was wened and Abraham made a great feast the same daye that Isaac was wened.
9 Sara sawe the sonne of Hagar the Egiptian which she had borne vnto Abraham a mockynge.
10 Then she sayde vnto Abraham: put awaye this bondemayde and hyr sonne: for the sonne of this bondwoman shall not be heyre with my sonne Isaac:
11 But the wordes semed verey greavous in Abrahams syghte because of his sonne.
12 Than the LORde sayde vnto Abraham: let it not be greavous vnto the because of the ladd and of thy bondmayde: But in all that Sara hath saide vnto the heare hir voyce for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.
13 Moreouer of the sonne of the Bondwoman will I make a nation because he is thy seed.
14 And Abraham rose vp early in the mornyng and toke brede and a bottell with water and gaue it vnto Hagar puttynge it on hir shulders wyth the lad also and sent her awaye. And she departed and wadred vpp and doune in the wyldernes of Berseba.
15 When the water was spent that was in the botell she cast the lad vnder a bush
16 and went and satt her out of syghte a great waye as it were a bowshote off: For she sayde: I will not se the lad dye. And she satt doune out of syghte and lyfte vp hyr voyce and wepte.
17 And God herde the voyce of the childe. And the angell of God called Hagar out of heaven and sayde vnto her: What ayleth the Hagar? Feare not for God hath herde the voyce of the childe where he lyeth.
18 Aryse and lyfte vp the lad and take hym in thy hande for I will make off him a greate people.
19 And God opened hir eyes and she sawe a well of water. And she went and fylled the bottell with water and gaue the boye drynke.
20 And God was wyth the lad and he grewe and dweld in the wildernesse and became an archer.
21 And he dweld in the wyldernesse of Pharan. And hys mother gott him a wyfe out of the land of Egypte.
22 And it chaunced the same season that Abimelech and Phicoll his chefe captayne spake vnto Abraham saynge: God is wyth the in all that thou doist.
23 Now therfore swere vnto me even here by God that thou wylt not hurt me nor my childern nor my childerns childern. But that thou shalt deale with me and the contre where thou art a straunger acordynge vnto the kyndnesse that I haue shewed the.
24 Then sayde Abraham: I wyll swere.
25 And Abraham rebuked Abimelech for a well of water which Abimelech servauntes had taken awaye.
26 And Abimelech answered I wyst not who dyd it: Also thou toldest me not nether herde I of it but this daye.
27 And Abraham toke shepe and oxen and gaue them vnto Abimelech. And they made both of them a bonde together.
28 And Abraham sett vij. lambes by them selues.
29 And Abimelech sayde vnto Abraham: what meane these .vij. lamdes which thou hast sett by them selues.
30 And he answered: vij. lambes shalt thou take of my hande that it maye be a wytnesse vnto me that I haue dygged this well:
31 Wherfore the place is called Berseba because they sware both of them.
32 Thus made they a bonde to gether at Berseba.Than Abimelech and Phicoll his chefe captayne rose vp and turned agayne vnto the lande of the Philistines.
33 And Abraham planted a wodd in Berseba and called there on the name of the LORde the everlastynge God:
34 and dwelt in the Phelistinlade alonge season

Genesis 21 Commentary

Chapter 21

Birth of Isaac, Sarah's joy. (1-8) Ishmael mocks Isaac. (9-13) Hagar and Ishmael are cast forth, They are relieved and comforted by an angel. (14-21) Abimelech's covenant with Abraham. (22-34)

Verses 1-8 Few under the Old Testament were brought into the world with such expectations as Isaac. He was in this a type of Christ, that Seed which the holy God so long promised, and holy men so long expected. He was born according to the promise, at the set time of which God had spoken. God's promised mercies will certainly come at the time which He sets, and that is the best time. Isaac means "laughter," and there was good reason for the name, ch. ( 17:17 , 18:13 ) . When the Sun of comfort is risen upon the soul, it is good to remember how welcome the dawning of the day was. When Sarah received the promise, she laughed with distrust and doubt. When God gives us the mercies we began to despair of, we ought to remember with sorrow and shame our sinful distrust of his power and promise, when we were in pursuit of them. This mercy filled Sarah with joy and wonder. God's favours to his covenant people are such as surpass their own and others' thoughts and expectations: who could imagine that he should do so much for those that deserve so little, nay, for those that deserve so ill? Who would have said that God should send his Son to die for us, his Spirit to make us holy, his angels to attend us? Who would have said that such great sins should be pardoned, such mean services accepted, and such worthless worms taken into covenant? A short account of Isaac's infancy is given. God's blessing upon the nursing of children, and the preservation of them through the perils of the infant age, are to be acknowledged as signal instances of the care and tenderness of the Divine providence. See Ps. 22:9, Ps. 22:10 ; Ho. 11:1, Ho. 11:2 .

Verses 9-13 Let us not overlook the manner in which this family matter instructs us not to rest in outward privileges, or in our own doings. And let us seek the blessings of the new covenant by faith in its Divine Surety. Ishmael's conduct was persecution, being done in profane contempt of the covenant and promise, and with malice against Isaac. God takes notice of what children say and do in their play; and will reckon with them, if they say or do amiss, though their parents do not. Mocking is a great sin, and very provoking to God. And the children of promise must expect to be mocked. Abraham was grieved that Ishmael should misbehave, and Sarah demand so severe a punishment. But God showed him that Isaac must be the father of the promised Seed; therefore, send Ishmael away, lest he corrupt the manners, or try to take the rights of Isaac. The covenant seed of Abraham must be a people by themselves, not mingled with those who were out of covenant: Sarah little thought of this; but God turned aright what she said.

Verses 14-21 If Hagar and Ishmael had behaved well in Abraham's family, they might have continued there; but they were justly punished. By abusing privileges, we forfeit them. Those who know not when they are well off, will be made to know the worth of mercies by the want of them. They were brought to distress in the wilderness. It is not said that the provisions were spent, or that Abraham sent them away without money. But the water was spent; and having lost their way, in that hot climate Ishmael was soon overcome with fatigue and thirst. God's readiness to help us when we are in trouble, must not slacken, but quicken our endeavours to help ourselves. The promise concerning her son is repeated, as a reason why Hagar should bestir herself to help him. It should engage our care and pains about children and young people, to consider that we know not what great use God has designed them for, and may make of them. The angel directs her to a present supply. Many who have reason to be comforted, go mourning from day to day, because they do not see the reason they have for comfort. There is a well of water near them in the covenant of grace, but they are not aware of it, till the same God that opened their eyes to see their wound, opens them to see their remedy. Paran was a wild place, fit for a wild man; such as Ishmael. Those who are born after the flesh, take up with the wilderness of this world, while the children of the promise aim at the heavenly Canaan, and cannot be at rest till they are there. Yet God was with the lad; his outward welfare was owing to this.

Verses 22-34 Abimelech felt sure that the promises of God would be fulfilled to Abraham. It is wise to connect ourselves with those who are blessed of God; and we ought to requite kindness to those who have been kind to us. Wells of water are scarce and valuable in eastern countries. Abraham took care to have his title to the well allowed, to prevent disputes in future. No more can be expected from an honest man than that he be ready to do right, as soon as he knows he has done wrong. Abraham, being now in a good neighbourhood, stayed a great while there. There he made, not only a constant practice, but an open profession of his religion. There he called on the name of the Lord, as the everlasting God; probably in the grove he planted, which was his place of prayer. Abraham kept up public worship, in which his neighbours might join. Good men should do all they can to make others so. Wherever we sojourn, we must neither neglect nor be ashamed of the worship of Jehovah.

Chapter Summary


This chapter gives an account of the conception, birth, circumcision, and weaning of Isaac, Ge 21:1-8; of the mocking of Ishmael, and of the casting out of him and his mother from Abraham's house, at the request of Sarah, which, though grievous to Abraham, he complied with at the direction of God, Ge 21:9-13; of the provision Abraham made for their departure, and of the supply they met with in the wilderness from God, where Ishmael was brought up, and where he married, Ge 21:14-21; and of a covenant between Abraham and Abimelech, king of Gerar, Ge 21:22-32; and of Abraham's planting a grove, and calling on the name of the Lord, Ge 21:33; and the chapter is closed with this observation, that Abraham sojourned in the land of the Philistines many days, Ge 21:34.

Genesis 21 Commentaries

The Tyndale Bible is in the public domain.