Exodus 27

1 facies et altare de lignis setthim quod habebit quinque cubitos in longitudine et totidem in latitudine id est quadrum et tres cubitos in altitudine
2 cornua autem per quattuor angulos ex ipso erunt et operies illud aere
3 faciesque in usus eius lebetas ad suscipiendos cineres et forcipes atque fuscinulas et ignium receptacula omnia vasa ex aere fabricabis
4 craticulamque in modum retis aeneam per cuius quattuor angulos erunt quattuor anuli aenei
5 quos pones subter arulam altaris eritque craticula usque ad altaris medium
6 facies et vectes altaris de lignis setthim duos quos operies lamminis aeneis
7 et induces per circulos eruntque ex utroque latere altaris ad portandum
8 non solidum sed inane et cavum intrinsecus facies illud sicut tibi in monte monstratum est
9 facies et atrium tabernaculi in cuius plaga australi contra meridiem erunt tentoria de bysso retorta centum cubitos unum latus tenebit in longitudine
10 et columnas viginti cum basibus totidem aeneis quae capita cum celaturis suis habebunt argentea
11 similiter in latere aquilonis per longum erunt tentoria centum cubitorum columnae viginti et bases aeneae eiusdem numeri et capita earum cum celaturis suis argentea
12 in latitudine vero atrii quod respicit ad occidentem erunt tentoria per quinquaginta cubitos et columnae decem basesque totidem
13 in ea quoque atrii latitudine quae respicit ad orientem quinquaginta cubiti erunt
14 in quibus quindecim cubitorum tentoria lateri uno deputabuntur columnaeque tres et bases totidem
15 et in latere altero erunt tentoria cubitos obtinentia quindecim columnas tres et bases totidem
16 in introitu vero atrii fiet tentorium cubitorum viginti ex hyacintho et purpura coccoque bis tincto et bysso retorta opere plumarii columnas habebit quattuor cum basibus totidem
17 omnes columnae atrii per circuitum vestitae erunt argenti lamminis capitibus argenteis et basibus aeneis
18 in longitudine occupabit atrium cubitos centum in latitudine quinquaginta altitudo quinque cubitorum erit fietque de bysso retorta et habebit bases aeneas
19 cuncta vasa tabernaculi in omnes usus et caerimonias tam paxillos eius quam atrii ex aere facies
20 praecipe filiis Israhel ut adferant tibi oleum de arboribus olivarum purissimum piloque contusum ut ardeat lucerna semper
21 in tabernaculo testimonii extra velum quod oppansum est testimonio et conlocabunt eam Aaron et filii eius ut usque mane luceat coram Domino perpetuus erit cultus per successiones eorum a filiis Israhel

Exodus 27 Commentary

Chapter 27

The altar of burnt offerings. (1-8) The court of the tabernacle. (9-19) The oil for the lamps. (20,21)

Verses 1-8 In the court before the tabernacle, where the people attended, was an altar, to which they must bring their sacrifices, and on which their priests must offer them to God. It was of wood overlaid with brass. A grate of brass was let into the hollow of the altar, about the middle of which the fire was kept, and the sacrifice burnt. It was made of net-work like a sieve, and hung hollow, that the ashes might fall through. This brazen altar was a type of Christ dying to make atonement for our sins. The wood had been consumed by the fire from heaven, if it had not been secured by the brass: nor could the human nature of Christ have borne the wrath of God, if it had not been supported by Divine power.

Verses 9-19 The tabernacle was enclosed in a court, about sixty yards long and thirty broad, formed by curtains hung upon brazen pillars, fixed in brazen sockets. Within this enclosure the priests and Levites offered the sacrifices, and thither the Jewish people were admitted. These distinctions represented the difference between the visible nominal church, and the true spiritual church, which alone has access to God, and communion with him.

Verses 20-21 The pure oil signified the gifts and graces of the Spirit, which all believers receive from Christ, the good Olive, and without which our light cannot shine before men. The priests were to light the lamps, and tend them. It is the work of ministers, by preaching and expounding the Scriptures, which are as a lamp, to enlighten the church, God's tabernacle upon earth. Blessed be God, this light is not now confined to the Jewish tabernacle, but is a light to lighten the gentiles, and for salvation unto the ends of the earth.

Chapter Summary


This chapter treats of the altar of burnt offering, and of all things relative to it, Ex 27:1-8, of the court of the tabernacle, its hangings on each side, with pillars, sockets, and hooks for them, Ex 27:9-19 and it is concluded with an order to the Israelites to bring oil olive for the lamp of the sanctuary, Ex 27:20,21.

Exodus 27 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.