Isaiah 1:22

22 argentum tuum versum est in scoriam vinum tuum mixtum est aqua

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Isaiah 1:22 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 1:22

Thy silver is become dross
Meaning either that such persons, who had the appearance of goodness, looked like genuine silver, were now become reprobate, and, as the wicked of the earth, like dross, ( Jeremiah 6:30 ) ( Psalms 119:119 ) or that the word of God, which is as silver purified seven times, was now corrupted with false glosses and human traditions, which were as dross: thy wine mixed with water
F13; the wine of the divine word, which was mixed and blended with the inventions of men, as before; so the roof of the church's mouth, which is no other than the ministry of the word, is compared to the best wine, ( Song of Solomon 7:9 Song of Solomon 7:11 ) .


F13 It being usual to mix water with wine, and drink it, and this being not at all reproachful, but commendable, Gussetius thinks such a version does not express the sense of the words; he therefore thinks that (lhm) is the same as (llwhm) contracted, which signified "infatuated"; and so the words should be rendered, "thy wine is infatuated into water"; is degenerated, and has lost its spirit and sprightliness, and is become insipid and tasteless. So Jarchi mentions a Midrash, which interprets it by the same word in ( Ecclesiastes 2:2 ) . It is a word only used in this place. Joseph Kimchi says that <arabic> in the Arabic, language has the signification of mixture, but without giving any instance. Indeed, according to Castel, it is used for the lees of oil.

Isaiah 1:22 In-Context

20 quod si nolueritis et me provocaveritis ad iracundiam gladius devorabit vos quia os Domini locutum est
21 quomodo facta est meretrix civitas fidelis plena iudicii iustitia habitavit in ea nunc autem homicidae
22 argentum tuum versum est in scoriam vinum tuum mixtum est aqua
23 principes tui infideles socii furum omnes diligunt munera sequuntur retributiones pupillo non iudicant et causa viduae non ingreditur ad eos
24 propter hoc ait Dominus exercituum Fortis Israhel heu consolabor super hostibus meis et vindicabor de inimicis meis
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.