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Isaiah 60:11

11 et aperientur portae tuae iugiter die et nocte non claudentur ut adferatur ad te fortitudo gentium et reges earum adducantur

Isaiah 60:11 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 60:11

Therefore thy gates shall be open continually
This is expressive both of the peaceable state of the church, that she shall be in no danger, nor fear of enemies; there being none to hurt and destroy in all the holy mountain; and therefore under no concern to keep her gates shut; see ( Ezekiel 38:11 ) and of the vast concourse of people to it continually; converts from all parts shall be always coming in, and the gates of the church will stand open always to receive them; they will be welcome, come as many as will; there will be no objection to them, no hinderance of them; ministers and people will gladly embrace them; see ( Isaiah 26:2 ) and likewise of the capacity of the church to receive them; for though they will be continually coming in great numbers, yet still there will be room; the gates will not be shut upon them, as unable to receive more; place will be given for them to dwell in; her tents will be enlarged; the curtains of her habitation stretched out; her cords lengthened, and stakes strengthened; so that though she breaks forth on the right hand, and on the left, there will be room for them all, ( Isaiah 54:2 ) ( 49:20 ) , they shall not be shut day nor night;
this clause is referred to in ( Revelation 21:25 ) but there differently expressed, and the gates of it shall not be shut at all day, for there shall be no
night there;
the reason of which difference is, because the New Jerusalem state, or personal reign of Christ, will be a perfect state, and no night at all in it; but the spiritual reign of Christ, to which this prophecy relates, will be an imperfect one, though glorious; and therefore mention is made both of day and night: that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles;
the whole strength of them, their armies; (See Gill on Isaiah 60:5). The Targum paraphrases it, the substance of the people, their wealth and riches: and that their kings may be brought;
or "led" F4, either in state, as kings on horseback sometimes are, or rather as captives in chains; see ( Isaiah 20:4 ) , so the Targum renders it, "bound"; being conquered by mighty grace, and led in chains of love to Christ, and to his church, and become obedient. Kimchi has this note,

``they shall come before the King Messiah, as servants before their masters.''


F4 (Mygwhn) "ducti", Vatablus, Calvin; "ducantur", Tigurine version; "ductos", Cocceius.

Isaiah 60:11 In-Context

9 me enim insulae expectant et naves maris in principio ut adducam filios tuos de longe argentum eorum et aurum eorum cum eis nomini Domini Dei tui et Sancto Israhel quia glorificavit te
10 et aedificabunt filii peregrinorum muros tuos et reges eorum ministrabunt tibi in indignatione enim mea percussi te et in reconciliatione mea misertus sum tui
11 et aperientur portae tuae iugiter die et nocte non claudentur ut adferatur ad te fortitudo gentium et reges earum adducantur
12 gens enim et regnum quod non servierit tibi peribit et gentes solitudine vastabuntur
13 gloria Libani ad te veniet abies et buxus et pinus simul ad ornandum locum sanctificationis meae et locum pedum meorum glorificabo
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.