Zechariah 11:17

17 “Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered, his right eye totally blinded!”

Zechariah 11:17 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
17 Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
English Standard Version (ESV)
17 "Woe to my worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! Let his arm be wholly withered, his right eye utterly blinded!"
New Living Translation (NLT)
17 “What sorrow awaits this worthless shepherd who abandons the flock! The sword will cut his arm and pierce his right eye. His arm will become useless, and his right eye completely blind.”
The Message Bible (MSG)
17 "Doom to you, useless shepherd, walking off and leaving the sheep! A curse on your arm! A curse on your right eye! Your arm will hang limp and useless. Your right eye will go stone blind."
American Standard Version (ASV)
17 Woe to the worthless shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
17 "How horrible it will be for the foolish shepherd who abandoned the sheep. A sword will strike his arm and his right eye. His arm will be completely withered. His right eye will be completely blind."
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
17 Woe to the worthless shepherd who deserts the flock! May a sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm wither away and his right eye go completely blind!"
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
17 "How terrible it will be for that worthless shepherd! He deserts the flock. May a sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his powerful arm become weak! May his right eye be totally blinded!"

Zechariah 11:17 Meaning and Commentary

Zechariah 11:17

Woe to the idol shepherd
Or, "the shepherd of nothing" F23; that is, no true shepherd, that is good for nothing, for an idol is nothing in the world, ( 1 Corinthians 8:4 ) and who is an idol himself, sits in the temple of God, and is worshipped as if he was God. ( 2 Thessalonians 2:4 ) ( Revelation 13:4 Revelation 13:8 Revelation 13:15 ) and is an encourager and defender of idolatry:

that leaveth the flock;
has no regard to its spiritual concerns; does not feed it, but fleece it, and leaves it to the cruelty and avarice of his creatures under him:

the sword [shall be] upon his arm;
with which he should feed the flock:

and upon his right eye;
with which he should watch over it:

his arm shall be clean dried up;
his power shall be taken away from him; the antichristian states, which supported him, shall withdraw from him; the ten kings shall hate the whore, strip her naked, eat her flesh, and burn her with fire, ( Revelation 17:16 ) :

and his right eye shall be utterly darkened;
not only given up to judicial blindness, which has been always his case; but his kingdom shall be full of darkness, ( Revelation 16:10 ) his hidden things of darkness shall be exposed; all his crafty schemes will be confounded; and all his wit, cunning, and subtlety, will cease; and everything desirable to him will be taken away from him. His "arm" may denote his secular power, which shall be taken away from him: and his "right eye" his knowledge of the Scriptures, judgment in controversies, and infallibility pretended to by him, which wilt cease, even in the opinion of men. Ben Melech interprets it the eye of his heart or mind; and so Aben Ezra.


F23 (lylah yer) "pastori nihili", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Drusius, So R. So. Urbin. Ohel Moed, fol. 4. 2.

Zechariah 11:17 In-Context

15 Then the LORD said to me, “Take again the equipment of a foolish shepherd.
16 For I am going to raise up a shepherd over the land who will not care for the lost, or seek the young, or heal the injured, or feed the healthy, but will eat the meat of the choice sheep, tearing off their hooves.
17 “Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered, his right eye totally blinded!”

Cross References 4

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