Êxodo 24

1 Depois disse Deus a Moisés: Subi ao Senhor, tu e Arão, Nadabe e Abiú, e setenta dos anciãos de Israel, e adorai de longe.
2 Só Moisés se chegará ao Senhor; os, outros não se chegarão; nem o povo subirá com ele.
3 Veio, pois, Moisés e relatou ao povo todas as palavras do Senhor e todos os estatutos; então todo o povo respondeu a uma voz: Tudo o que o Senhor tem falado faremos.
4 Então Moisés escreveu todas as palavras do Senhor e, tendo-se levantado de manhã cedo, edificou um altar ao pé do monte, e doze colunas, segundo as doze tribos de Israel,
5 e enviou certos mancebos dos filhos de Israel, os quais ofereceram holocaustos, e sacrificaram ao Senhor sacrifícios pacíficos, de bois.
6 E Moisés tomou a metade do sangue, e a pôs em bacias; e a outra metade do sangue espargiu sobre o altar.
7 Também tomou o livro do pacto e o leu perante o povo; e o povo disse: Tudo o que o Senhor tem falado faremos, e obedeceremos.
8 Então tomou Moisés aquele sangue, e espargiu-o sobre o povo e disse: Eis aqui o sangue do pacto que o Senhor tem feito convosco no tocante a todas estas coisas.
9 Então subiram Moisés e Arão, Nadabe e Abiú, e setenta dos anciãos de Israel,
10 e viram o Deus de Israel, e debaixo de seus pés havia como que uma calçada de pedra de safira, que parecia com o próprio céu na sua pureza.
11 Deus, porém, não estendeu a sua mão contra os nobres dos filhos de Israel; eles viram a Deus, e comeram e beberam.
12 Depois disse o Senhor a Moisés: Sobe a mim ao monte, e espera ali; e dar-te-ei tábuas de pedra, e a lei, e os mandamentos que tenho escrito, para lhos ensinares.
13 E levantando-se Moisés com Josué, seu servidor, subiu ao monte de Deus,
14 tendo dito aos anciãos: Esperai-nos aqui, até que tornemos a vós; eis que Arão e Hur ficam convosco; quem tiver alguma questão, se chegará a eles.
15 E tendo Moisés subido ao monte, a nuvem cobriu o monte.
16 Também a glória do Senhor repousou sobre o monte Sinai, e a nuvem o cobriu por seis dias; e ao sétimo dia, do meio da nuvem, Deus chamou a Moisés.
17 Ora, a aparência da glória do Senhor era como um fogo consumidor no cume do monte, aos olhos dos filhos de Israel.
18 Moisés, porém, entrou no meio da nuvem, depois que subiu ao monte; e Moisés esteve no monte quarenta dias e quarenta noites.

Êxodo 24 Commentary

Chapter 24

Moses is called up into the mountain, The people promise obedience. (1-8) The glory of the Lord appears. (9-11) Moses goes up into the mountain. (12-18)

Verses 1-8 A solemn covenant was made between God and Israel. Very solemn it was, typifying the covenant of grace between God and believers, through Christ. As soon as God separated to himself a peculiar people, he governed them by a written word, as he has done ever since. God's covenants and commands are so just in themselves, and so much for our good, that the more we think of them, and the more plainly and fully they are set before us, the more reason we may see to comply with them. The blood of the sacrifice was sprinkled on the altar, on the book, and on the people. Neither their persons, their moral obedience, nor religious services, would meet with acceptance from a holy God, except through the shedding and sprinkling' of blood. Also the blessings granted unto them were all of mercy; and the Lord would deal with them in kindness. Thus the sinner, by faith in the blood of Christ, renders willing and acceptable obedience.

Verses 9-11 The elders saw the God of Israel; they had some glimpse of his glory, though whatever they saw, it was something of which no image or picture could be made, yet enough to satisfy them that God was with them of a truth. Nothing is described but what was under his feet. The sapphires are the pavement under his feet; let us put all the wealth of this world under our feet, and not in our hearts. Thus the believer sees in the face of Jesus Christ, far clearer discoveries of the glorious justice and holiness of God, than ever he saw under terrifying convictions; and through the Saviour, holds communion with a holy God.

Verses 12-18 A cloud covered the mount six days; a token of God's special presence there. Moses was sure that he who called him up would protect him. Even those glorious attributes of God which are most terrible to the wicked, the saints with humble reverence rejoice in. And through faith in the atoning Sacrifice, we hope for greater honour than Moses ever enjoyed on earth. Now we see through a glass darkly, but when he shall appear, then face to face. This vision of God will continue with equal, if not increasing brightness of joy; not for a few days only, but through eternity.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter we have an account that Moses was ordered to come up to the Lord alone, Ex 24:1,2, but that before he did go up, he related to the people all the above laws delivered to him, which they promised obedience to, and so a covenant was made between God and the people by sacrifice, and by the sprinkling of blood, Ex 24:3-8, upon which he and Aaron, and his two sons and seventy elders of Israel, went up part of the mountain, and had a vision of God, Ex 24:9-11, when Moses with Joshua was called, and went up higher, until at length he entered into the cloud where the Lord was, and continued forty days and forty nights, Ex 24:12-18.

Êxodo 24 Commentaries

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