Why You Should Be Encouraged this Election Day

Why You Should Be Encouraged this Election Day

Well, Election Day has finally arrived. After endless months of campaigning, scandals, soul-searching, and spiritual debates, American Christians will go to the polls and cast their vote for the next president of the United States. If you’re like me, you’re probably ready for this whole thing to be over. The negativity of this election has been exhausting, and the anxiety it’s produced has reached truly historic levels. Still, even as the nation waits for the ballots to be tallied, Christians everywhere are being reminded that God is in control.

A number of prayers from prominent Christian writers and speakers have already begun to flood social media. Their words hope to offer encouragement and peace at a time when strife is running rampant. Today, we invite you to meditate on these devotions, beginning with Melissa Kruger and her rendition of the Lord’s Prayer        

“Our Father, who art in heaven”

“Father, it’s good to remember this day where you dwell.  Heaven is your throne and the earth is your footstool.  You reign over all. You are mighty, sovereign, and just. And, you are loving, kind, and good. You are our gracious Father and we can come to you with all our earthly requests.”

Hallowed be thy name

“Whatever happens today, may your name be declared holy. May you be glorified and honored. May your people honor you with their hearts, words, and actions this day whether they speak in the public sphere or in the privacy of their own homes.”

Joe Rigney, at Desiring God, uses his opportunity to reflect on the nation’s character. He notes our obvious sins of pride and greed, and urges his readers seek forgiveness in the face of uncertainty,     

Anxiety and Fear

“Father, as your people, we too live in fear. We have baptized the worries and anxieties of the world. We have feared what they fear, and lived in dread of what they dread. And in our fear and anxiety, we have become reactionary and easily manipulated. And because our anxiety and fear feels so justified by the riskiness of life, we do not feel it to be really sinful. We do not feel the arrogance in our insecurities.”

“Forgive us, O God, in your great mercy.”

Finally, Joel E. Landis and Timothy W. Taylor of Christianity Today embolden Christians to vote with joy. The church has a long and lustrous history, they observe, and we should welcome the opportunity of live out our faith,

Applying Virtues to Voting  

“If Christians accept that God has ordained our democracy, we then desire to possess a character of civic engagement that reflects this fact, driving us to learn about our society and to consider in prayer the best course for our nation. Not only should we feel compelled to vote, we should desire to vote, joyfully accepting the civic task involved in living in a democracy.”

This election season has been hard on everyone. It has created division and discord, and no amount of tension within the Church. Yet in all things Christ is good. As believers, we can rest in the assurance that God will stand with us no matter who resides in the White House. So remember to cast your vote, and do so without fear.

Be sure get out and vote today! Do you have a prayer of encouragement you’d like to share with others? Be sure to leave it in the comments below.

(Image courtesy of thinkstock.com)

**Published 11/8/2016