Isaia 49:14-26

14 Ma Sion ha detto: "L’Eterno m’ha abbandonata, il Signore m’ha dimenticata".
15 Una donna dimentica ella il bimbo che allatta, cessando d’aver pietà del frutto delle sue viscere? Quand’anche le madri dimenticassero, io non dimenticherò te.
16 Ecco, io t’ho scolpita sulle palme delle mia mani; le tua mura mi stan del continuo davanti agli occhi.
17 I tuoi figliuoli accorrono; i tuoi distruttori, i tuoi devastatori s’allontanano da te.
18 Volgi lo sguardo all’intorno, e mira: Essi tutti si radunano, e vengono a te. Com’è vero ch’io vivo, dice l’Eterno, tu ti rivestirai d’essi come d’un ornamento, te ne cingerai come una sposa.
19 Nelle tue ruine, ne’ tuoi luoghi desolati, nel tuo paese distrutto, sarai ora troppo allo stretto per i tuoi abitanti; e quelli che ti divoravano s’allontaneranno da te.
20 I figliuoli di cui fosti orbata ti diranno ancora all’orecchio: "Questo posto è troppo stretto per me; fammi largo, perch’io possa stanziarmi".
21 E tu dirai in cuor tuo: "Questi, chi me li ha generati? giacché io ero orbata dei miei figliuoli, sterile, esule, scacciata. Questi, chi li ha allevati? Ecco, io ero rimasta sola; questi, dov’erano?"
22 Così parla il Signore, l’Eterno: Ecco, io leverò la mia mano verso le nazioni, alzerò la mia bandiera verso i popoli, ed essi ti ricondurranno i tuoi figliuoli in braccio, e ti riporteranno le tue figliuole sulle spalle.
23 Dei re saranno tuoi balii, e le loro regine saranno tue balie; essi si prostreranno dinanzi a te con la faccia a terra, e leccheranno la polvere de’ tuoi piedi; e tu riconoscerai che io sono l’Eterno, e che coloro che sperano in me non saranno confusi.
24 Si strapperà egli il bottino al potente? e i giusti fatti prigioni saranno essi liberati?
25 Sì; così dice l’Eterno: Anche i prigioni del potente saran portati via, e il bottino del tiranno sarà ripreso; io combatterò con chi combatte teco, e salverò i tuoi figliuoli.
26 E farò mangiare ai tuoi oppressori la loro propria carne, e s’inebrieranno col loro proprio sangue, come col mosto; e ogni carne riconoscerà che io, l’Eterno, sono il tuo salvatore, il tuo redentore, il Potente di Giacobbe.

Images for Isaia 49:14-26

Isaia 49:14-26 Meaning and Commentary


This is a prophecy concerning Christ, and redemption by him; and of the enlargement of the church in the latter day, by the conversion of Jews and Gentiles; which the isles, and people afar off, are exhorted to listen and hearken to, delivered out by the prophet, in the person of Christ; who gives an account of his call to his office, and the time of it; of what the Lord did for him, and said unto him, Isa 49:1-3, then follows a complaint of his labouring in vain, and a correction of it, Isa 49:4 and a further declaration of his call and appointment to office, and of each of the parts of the work assigned him, with encouragement to it, Isa 49:5,6. Christ is again represented under discouraging circumstances, as despised of men, abhorred by the nation, and a servant of rulers; who is encouraged by divine promises that kings should rise up before him, and worship him; that God would be faithful to his promise to him, and yet choose him, hear and help him, at a proper time; preserve him, and give him for a covenant to the people, to the establishment of the earth, and making it habitable, Isa 49:7,8 for the release of prisoners, and feeding, leading, and guiding them, and removing all difficulties out of the way, Isa 49:9-11 when the calling of the Gentiles is foretold, which would occasion great joy in the world, Isa 49:12,13 yet the church is introduced as complaining that she was forsaken of God, Isa 49:14 which is denied, and the contrary affirmed; being dear to the Lord as a sucking child to its mother, and more so; never forgotten by him, and always under his care, Isa 49:16, and, for her comfort, she is assured that those who had destroyed and made her waste should be removed; and that she should have converts that would be an ornament to her, and these numerous, insomuch that the place of their habitation would be too strait and narrow, and which would be matter of astonishment to her, Isa 49:17-21 and, besides those that would be converted in the land of Judea, there would be great numbers in the Gentile world converted by the power of God accompanying his Gospel, set up as a standard there, kings and queens countenancing and encouraging the interest of Christ, Isa 49:22,23 and yet still it is questioned whether the church should be delivered from her oppressors, Isa 49:24 to which it is answered, that she should be delivered, and her persecutors destroyed; by which it would be known that the Lord is the Redeemer and Saviour of his people, Isa 49:25,26.

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