2 Corinthians 2:14

But thanks be unto God (twi de qewi cari). Sudden outburst of gratitude in contrast to the previous dejection in Troas. Surely a new paragraph should begin here. In point of fact Paul makes a long digression from here to 2 Corinthians 6:10 on the subject of the Glory of the Christian Ministry as Bachmann points out in his Kommentar (p. 124), only he runs it from Mark 2:12-7:1 (Aus der Tiefe in die Hohe, Out of the Depths to the Heights). We can be grateful for this emotional outburst, Paul's rebound of joy on meeting Titus in Macedonia, for it has given the world the finest exposition of all sides of the Christian ministry in existence, one that reveals the wealth of Paul's nature and his mature grasp of the great things in service for Christ. See my The Glory of the Ministry (An Exposition of II Cor. 2:12-6:10). Always (pantote). The sense of present triumph has blotted out the gloom at Troas. Leadeth in triumph (qriambeuonti). Late common Koin word from qriambo (Latin triumphus, a hymn sung in festal processions to Bacchus). Verbs in -euw (like maqhteuw, to make disciples) may be causative, but no example of qriambeuw has been found with this meaning. It is always to lead in triumph, in papyri sometimes to make a show of. Picture here is of Paul as captive in God's triumphal procession. The savour (thn osmhn). In a Roman triumph garlands of flowers scattered sweet odour and incense bearers dispensed perfumes. The knowledge of God is here the aroma which Paul had scattered like an incense bearer.