Sprueche 13:21

21 Das Böse verfolgt die Sünder, aber den Gerechten wird man mit Gutem vergelten.

Sprueche 13:21 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 13:21

Evil pursueth sinners
They pursue the evil of sin, and the evil of punishment pursues them, and at last overtakes them; their damnation, though it may seem to slumber and linger, it does not; it is upon the full speed after them, and will quickly seize upon them. Some understand this of the evil of sin in the conscience, which pursues the sinner, and fills him with terror; but to the righteous good shall be repaid;
or, "he shall recompense the righteous with good" F21, or "good to the righteous"; that is, God shall do it; for all the good things they have done, from a right principle, and to a right end; which good works of theirs will pursue and follow them; and for all the ill things they have suffered for righteousness's sake, a reward of grace, though not of debt, will be given them; as they have had their evil things here, they shall have their good things hereafter; as well as are often recompensed in this life, either in themselves or in their posterity, as follows.


F21 (bwj Mlvy Myqydu taw) "et justis reddet bonum", Pagninus, Montanus, Mercerus, Gejerus; "justes remunerabit Deus bono", Michaelis; "justis autem bonum rependet", Tigurine version, Piscator, so Cocceius.

Sprueche 13:21 In-Context

19 Ein erfülltes Begehren ist der Seele süß, und den Toren ist's ein Greuel, vom Bösen zu weichen.
20 Wer mit Weisen umgeht, wird weise; aber wer sich zu Toren gesellt, wird schlecht.
21 Das Böse verfolgt die Sünder, aber den Gerechten wird man mit Gutem vergelten.
22 Der Gute vererbt auf Kindeskinder, aber des Sünders Reichtum ist aufbewahrt für den Gerechten.
23 Der Neubruch der Armen gibt viel Speise, aber mancher geht zu Grunde durch Unrechtlichkeit.
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