1 Samuel 20

Listen to 1 Samuel 20

Jonathan Warns David

1 Then David fled from Naioth 1in Ramah and came and said before Jonathan, "What have I done? What is my guilt? And what is my sin before your father, that he seeks my life?"
2 And he said to him, "Far from it! You shall not die. Behold, my father does nothing either great or small without disclosing it to me. And why should my father hide this from me? It is not so."
3 But David vowed again, saying, "Your father knows well that 2I have found favor in your eyes, and he thinks, 'Do not let Jonathan know this, lest he be grieved.' But truly, 3as the LORD lives and 4as your soul lives, there is but a step between me and death."
4 Then Jonathan said to David, "Whatever you say, I will do for you."
5 David said to Jonathan, "Behold, tomorrow is 5the new moon, and I should not fail to sit at table with the king. But let me go, 6that I may hide myself in the field till the third day at evening.
6 7If your father misses me at all, then say, 'David earnestly asked leave of me to run 8to Bethlehem his city, for there is a yearly 9sacrifice there for all the clan.'
7 If he says, 'Good!' it will be well with your servant, but if he is angry, then know that 10harm is determined by him.
8 Therefore deal kindly with your servant, 11for you have brought your servant into a covenant of the LORD with you. 12But if there is guilt in me, kill me yourself, for why should you bring me to your father?"
9 And Jonathan said, "Far be it from you! If I knew that 13it was determined by my father that harm should come to you, would I not tell you?"
10 Then David said to Jonathan, "Who will tell me if your father answers you roughly?"
11 And Jonathan said to David, "Come, let us go out into the field." So they both went out into the field.
12 And Jonathan said to David, "The LORD, the God of Israel, be witness![a] When I have sounded out my father, about this time tomorrow, or the third day, behold, if he is well disposed toward David, shall I not then send and disclose it to you?
13 But should it please my father to do you harm, 14the LORD do so to Jonathan and more also if I do not disclose it to you and send you away, that you may go in safety. 15May the LORD be with you, as he has been with my father.
14 If I am still alive, show me the steadfast love of the LORD, that I may not die;
15 16and do not cut off[b] your steadfast love from my house forever, when the LORD cuts off every one of the enemies of David from the face of the earth."
16 And Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, saying, 17"May[c] the LORD take vengeance on David's enemies."
17 And Jonathan made David swear again by his love for him, 18for he loved him as he loved his own soul.
18 Then Jonathan said to him, 19"Tomorrow is the new moon, and 20you will be missed, because 21your seat will be empty.
19 On the third day go down quickly to the place where you hid yourself when the matter was in hand, and remain beside the stone heap.[d]
20 And I will shoot three arrows to the side of it, as though I shot at a mark.
21 And behold, I will send the young man, saying, 'Go, find the arrows.' If I say to the young man, 'Look, the arrows are on this side of you, take them,' then you are to come, for, 22as the LORD lives, it is safe for you and there is no danger.
22 But if I say to the youth, 23'Look, the arrows are beyond you,' then go, for the LORD has sent you away.
23 24And as for the matter of which you and I have spoken, behold, 25the LORD is between you and me forever."
24 So David hid himself in the field. And when the new moon came, the king sat down to eat food.
25 The king sat on his seat, as at other times, on the seat by the wall. Jonathan sat opposite,[e] and Abner sat by Saul's side, 26but David's place was empty.
26 Yet Saul did not say anything that day, for he thought, "Something has happened to him. 27He is not clean; surely he is not clean."
27 But on 28the second day, the day after the new moon, 29David's place was empty. And Saul said to Jonathan his son, "Why has not the son of Jesse come to the meal, either yesterday or today?"
28 Jonathan answered Saul, 30"David earnestly asked leave of me to go to Bethlehem.
29 He said, 'Let me go, for our clan holds a sacrifice in the city, and my brother has commanded me to be there. So now, if I have found favor in your eyes, let me get away and see my brothers.' For this reason he has not come to the king's table."
30 Then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan, and he said to him, "You son of a perverse, rebellious woman, do I not know that you have chosen the son of Jesse to your own shame, and to the shame of your mother's nakedness?
31 For as long as the son of Jesse lives on the earth, neither you nor your kingdom shall be established. Therefore send and bring him to me, for he shall surely die."
32 Then Jonathan answered Saul his father, 31"Why should he be put to death? What has he done?"
33 32But Saul hurled his spear at him to strike him. So Jonathan knew 33that his father was determined to put David to death.
34 And Jonathan rose from the table in fierce anger and ate no food the second day of the month, for he was grieved for David, because his father had disgraced him.
35 In the morning Jonathan went out into the field to the appointment with David, and with him a little boy.
36 And he said to his boy, "Run and find the arrows that I shoot." As the boy ran, he shot an arrow beyond him.
37 And when the boy came to the place of the arrow that Jonathan had shot, Jonathan called after the boy and said, 34"Is not the arrow beyond you?"
38 And Jonathan called after the boy, "Hurry! Be quick! Do not stay!" So Jonathan's boy gathered up the arrows and came to his master.
39 But the boy knew nothing. Only Jonathan and David knew the matter.
40 And Jonathan gave his weapons to his boy and said to him, "Go and carry them to the city."
41 And as soon as the boy had gone, David rose from beside the stone heap[f] and fell on his face to the ground and bowed three times. And they kissed one another and wept with one another, David weeping the most.
42 Then Jonathan said to David, 35"Go in peace, because we have sworn both of us in the name of the LORD, saying, 36'The LORD shall be between me and you, 37and between my offspring and your offspring, forever.'" And he rose and departed, and Jonathan went into the city.[g]

1 Samuel 20 Commentary

Chapter 20

David consults Jonathan. (1-10) Jonathan's covenant with David. (11-23) Saul, missing David, seeks to kill Jonathan. (24-34) Jonathan takes leave of David. (35-42)

Verses 1-10 The trials David met with, prepared him for future advancement. Thus the Lord deals with those whom he prepares unto glory. He does not put them into immediate possession of the kingdom, but leads them to it through much tribulation, which he makes the means of fitting them for it. Let them not murmur at his gracious appointment, nor distrust his care; but let them look forward with joyful expectation to the crown which is laid up for them. Sometimes it appears to us that there is but a step between us and death; at all times it may be so, and we should prepare for the event. But though dangers appear most threatening, we cannot die till the purpose of God concerning us is accomplished; nor till we have served our generation according to his will, if we are believers. Jonathan generously offers David his services. This is true friendship. Thus Christ testifies his love to us, Ask, and it shall be done for you; and we must testify our love to him, by keeping his commandments.

Verses 11-23 Jonathan faithfully promises that he would let David know how he found his father affected towards him. It will be kindness to ourselves and to ours, to secure an interest in those whom God favours, and to make his friends ours. True friendship rests on a firm basis, and is able to silence ambition, self-love, and undue regard for others. But who can fully understand the love of Jesus, who gave himself as a sacrifice for rebellious, polluted sinners! how great then ought to be the force and effects of our love to him, to his cause, and his people!

Verses 24-34 None were more constant than David in attending holy duties; nor had he been absent, but self-preservation obliged him to withdraw. In great peril present opportunities for Divine ordinances may be waved. But it is bad for us, except in case of necessity, to omit any opportunity of statedly attending on them. Jonathan did wisely and well for himself and family, to secure an interest in David, yet for this he is blamed. It is good to take God's people for our people. It will prove to our advantage at last, however it may now be thought against our interest. Saul was outrageous. What savage beasts, and worse, does anger make men!

Verses 35-42 The separation of two such faithful friends was grievous to both, but David's case was the more deplorable, for David was leaving all his comforts, even those of God's sanctuary. Christians need not sorrow, as men without hope; but being one with Christ, they are one with each other, and will meet in his presence ere long, to part no more; to meet where all tears shall be wiped from their eyes.

Cross References 37

  • 1. 1 Samuel 1:19
  • 2. See Genesis 33:15
  • 3. 1 Samuel 25:26; 2 Kgs. 2:2, 4, 6; 2 Kings 4:30; See Ruth 3:13
  • 4. 1 Samuel 1:26
  • 5. ver. 18; Numbers 10:10; Numbers 28:11
  • 6. 1 Samuel 19:2, 3
  • 7. ver. 18
  • 8. 1 Samuel 16:4
  • 9. [1 Samuel 9:12]
  • 10. 1 Samuel 25:17; Esther 7:7; [ver. 33]
  • 11. ver. 16, 42; 1 Samuel 18:3; 1 Samuel 23:18; [2 Samuel 21:7]
  • 12. 2 Samuel 14:32
  • 13. [See ver. 7 above]
  • 14. [Ruth 1:17]
  • 15. Joshua 1:5, 17; 1 Kings 1:37; 1 Chronicles 22:11, 16; [1 Samuel 17:37]
  • 16. 2 Sam. 9:1, 3, 7; 2 Samuel 21:7
  • 17. [1 Samuel 25:22; Joshua 22:23]
  • 18. 1 Samuel 18:1, 3
  • 19. ver. 5
  • 20. ver. 6
  • 21. ver. 25, 27
  • 22. ver. 3; See Ruth 3:13
  • 23. ver. 37
  • 24. ver. 14, 15
  • 25. ver. 42
  • 26. ver. 18
  • 27. Leviticus 7:21; See Leviticus 11:24-28; Leviticus 15:1-4
  • 28. [ver. 34]
  • 29. [See ver. 25 above]
  • 30. ver. 6
  • 31. 1 Samuel 19:5
  • 32. 1 Samuel 18:11; 1 Samuel 19:10
  • 33. ver. 7
  • 34. ver. 22
  • 35. ver. 13; 1 Samuel 1:17
  • 36. ver. 23
  • 37. ver. 15

Footnotes 7

  • [a]. Hebrew lacks be witness
  • [b]. Or but if I die, do not cut off
  • [c]. Septuagint earth, 16let not the name of Jonathan be cut off from the house of David. And may
  • [d]. Septuagint; Hebrew the stone Ezel
  • [e]. Compare Septuagint; Hebrew stood up
  • [f]. Septuagint; Hebrew from beside the south
  • [g]. This sentence is 21:1 in Hebrew

Chapter Summary


David fleeing from Naioth came to Jonathan, and acquainted him with his circumstances, and entreated his favour, 1Sa 20:1-8; which Jonathan promised, and renewed the covenant with him, 1Sa 20:9-17; a scheme was formed between them, by which David might know whether Saul was reconciled to him, and he might come to court, 1Sa 20:18-23; which being tried, Jonathan found it was not safe for him to appear, 1Sa 20:24-34; of which he gave notice by the signals agreed on, 1Sa 20:35-40; and they took their leave of one another with strong expressions of affection and attachment to each other, 1Sa 20:41,42.

1 Samuel 20 Commentaries

The English Standard Version is published with the permission of Good News Publishers.