Philip Tandy

Philip Tandy was a minister in the established church, but afterwards joined the brethren of the separation, and espoused the sentiments of the baptists, observing the seventh day as the christian sabbath. He was remarkably zealous to promote his own views of divine truth, and appears to have been a person of great abilities and piety. Edwards denominates him " a great sectary," who had been at York, and in the northern parts, propagating his sentiments. While he was in the north, he held a disputation concerning his opinions, with a pious and learned minister of York. The debate was carried on by letters, in one of which Mr. Tandy remarks as follows: "Let us lay aside tradition, custom, the reputation of learning, and all selfish respects; and let us speak and write so as knowing that we must shortly give an account to Jesus Christ for all that we build, whether it be hay or stubble, gold or wood. For my part, I am confident, that, within a few years, I shall see him whom my soul loveth, and much will it go to my heart, if I either oppose a truth, or maintain an error. Sir, let us look about us: the vail is not yet taken off. In something most good men have been blinded. It may be in this for one. It is good to be tenderly jealous. Pardon me, that I thus exhort you. I see so liianv temptations that strongly invite even godly men to contend for paedobaptism, and so far do I see, also, into the mystery of antichrist's sitting in the temple of God as God, that I cannot but give a caution to the godliest man upon earth, who undertakes the defence of this practice." Mr. Tandy undertook, in his next letter, to vindicate his own views of baptism and the fourth commandment concerning the sabbath; to which the minister mentioned above wrote a large and full reply, in which, it is said, he confuted him in all the particulars contained in his letter.* It does not appear at what place Mr. Tandy preached, or when he died, but he was living in the year 1646.

* Edwards's Gangrzna, part iii. p. 54—59.