2 Timothée 2

1 Toi donc, mon enfant, fortifie-toi dans la grâce qui est en Jésus-Christ.
2 Et ce que tu as entendu de moi en présence de beaucoup de témoins, confie-le à des hommes fidèles, qui soient capables de l'enseigner aussi à d'autres.
3 Souffre avec moi, comme un bon soldat de Jésus-Christ.
4 Il n'est pas de soldat qui s'embarrasse des affaires de la vie, s'il veut plaire à celui qui l'a enrôlé;
5 et l'athlète n'est pas couronné, s'il n'a combattu suivant les règles.
6 Il faut que le laboureur travaille avant de recueillir les fruits.
7 Comprends ce que je dis, car le Seigneur te donnera de l'intelligence en toutes choses.
8 Souviens-toi de Jésus-Christ, issu de la postérité de David, ressuscité des morts, selon mon Evangile,
9 pour lequel je souffre jusqu'à être lié comme un malfaiteur. Mais la parole de Dieu n'est pas liée.
10 C'est pourquoi je supporte tout à cause des élus, afin qu'eux aussi obtiennent le salut qui est en Jésus-Christ, avec la gloire éternelle.
11 Cette parole est certaine: Si nous sommes morts avec lui, nous vivrons aussi avec lui;
12 si nous persévérons, nous régnerons aussi avec lui; si nous le renions, lui aussi nous reniera;
13 si nous sommes infidèles, il demeure fidèle, car il ne peut se renier lui-même.
14 Rappelle ces choses, en conjurant devant Dieu qu'on évite les disputes de mots, qui ne servent qu'à la ruine de ceux qui écoutent.
15 Efforce-toi de te présenter devant Dieu comme un homme éprouvé, un ouvrier qui n'a point à rougir, qui dispense droitement la parole de la vérité.
16 Evite les discours vains et profanes; car ceux qui les tiennent avanceront toujours plus dans l'impiété,
17 et leur parole rongera comme la gangrène. De ce nombre sont Hyménée et Philète,
18 qui se sont détournés de la vérité, disant que la résurrection est déjà arrivée, et qui renversent la foi de quelques uns.
19 Néanmoins, le solide fondement de Dieu reste debout, avec ces paroles qui lui servent de sceau: Le Seigneur connaît ceux qui lui appartiennent; et: Quiconque prononce le nom du Seigneur, qu'il s'éloigne de l'iniquité.
20 Dans une grande maison, il n'y a pas seulement des vases d'or et d'argent, mais il y en a aussi de bois et de terre; les uns sont des vases d'honneur, et les autres sont d'un usage vil.
21 Si donc quelqu'un se conserve pur, en s'abstenant de ces choses, il sera un vase d'honneur, sanctifié, utile à son maître, propre à toute bonne oeuvre.
22 Fuis les passions de la jeunesse, et recherche la justice, la foi, la charité, la paix, avec ceux qui invoquent le Seigneur d'un coeur pur.
23 Repousse les discussions folles et inutiles, sachant qu'elles font naître des querelles.
24 Or, il ne faut pas qu'un serviteur du Seigneur ait des querelles; il doit, au contraire, avoir de la condescendance pour tous, être propre à enseigner, doué de patience;
25 il doit redresser avec douceur les adversaires, dans l'espérance que Dieu leur donnera la repentance pour arriver à la connaissance de la vérité,
26 et que, revenus à leur bon sens, ils se dégageront des pièges du diable, qui s'est emparé d'eux pour les soumettre à sa volonté.

2 Timothée 2 Commentary

Chapter 2

The apostle exhorts Timothy to persevere with diligence, like a soldier, a combatant, and a husbandman. (1-7) Encouraging him by assurances of a happy end of his faithfulness. (8-13) Warnings to shun vain babblings and dangerous errors. (14-21) Charges to flee youthful lusts, and to minister with zeal against error, but with meekness of spirit. (22-26)

Verses 1-7 As our trials increase, we need to grow stronger in that which is good; our faith stronger, our resolution stronger, our love to God and Christ stronger. This is opposed to our being strong in our own strength. All Christians, but especially ministers, must be faithful to their Captain, and resolute in his cause. The great care of a Christian must be to please Christ. We are to strive to get the mastery of our lusts and corruptions, but we cannot expect the prize unless we observe the laws. We must take care that we do good in a right manner, that our good may not be spoken evil of. Some who are active, spend their zeal about outward forms and doubtful disputations. But those who strive lawfully shall be crowned at last. If we would partake the fruits, we must labour; if we would gain the prize, we must run the race. We must do the will of God, before we receive the promises, for which reason we have need of patience. Together with our prayers for others, that the Lord would give them understanding in all things, we must exhort and stir them up to consider what they hear or read.

Verses 8-13 Let suffering saints remember, and look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of their faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despised the shame, and is now set down at the right hand of the throne of God. We must not think it strange if the best men meet with the worst treatment; but this is cheering, that the word of God is not bound. Here we see the real and true cause of the apostle's suffering trouble in, or for, the sake of the gospel. If we are dead to this world, its pleasures, profits, and honours, we shall be for ever with Christ in a better world. He is faithful to his threatenings, and faithful to his promises. This truth makes sure the unbeliever's condemnation, and the believer's salvation.

Verses 14-21 Those disposed to strive, commonly strive about matters of small moment. But strifes of words destroy the things of God. The apostle mentions some who erred. They did not deny the resurrection, but they corrupted that true doctrine. Yet nothing can be so foolish or erroneous, but it will overturn the temporary faith of some professors. This foundation has two writings on it. One speaks our comfort. None can overthrow the faith of any whom God hath chosen. The other speaks our duty. Those who would have the comfort of the privilege, must make conscience of the duty Christ gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, ( Titus 2:14 ) . The church of Christ is like a dwelling: some furniture is of great value; some of smaller value, and put to meaner uses. Some professors of religion are like vessels of wood and earth. When the vessels of dishonour are cast out to be destroyed, the others will be filled with all the fulness of God. We must see to it that we are holy vessels. Every one in the church whom God approves, will be devoted to his Master's service, and thus fitted for his use.

Verses 22-26 The more we follow that which is good, the faster and the further we shall flee from that which is evil. The keeping up the communion of saints, will take us from fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness. See how often the apostle cautions against disputes in religion; which surely shows that religion consists more in believing and practising what God requires, than in subtle disputes. Those are unapt to teach, who are apt to strive, and are fierce and froward. Teaching, not persecution, is the Scripture method of dealing with those in error. The same God who gives the discovery of the truth, by his grace brings us to acknowledge it, otherwise our hearts would continue to rebel against it. There is no "peradventure," in respect of God's pardoning those who do repent; but we cannot tell that he will give repentance to those who oppose his will. Sinners are taken in a snare, and in the worst snare, because it is the devil's; they are slaves to him. And if any long for deliverance, let them remember they never can escape, except by repentance, which is the gift of God; and we must ask it of him by earnest, persevering prayer.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter the apostle continues his exhortations to Timothy, with respect both to his office and his conversation, and closes with the character of a minister of the Gospel. The apostle having exhorted Timothy, in the former chapter, to abide by the Gospel, notwithstanding whatsoever he might suffer for it, here points out to him that grace and strength in Christ, which he would have him have recourse unto, to enable him to discharge his duty, \\2Ti 2:1\\ and that the Gospel might continue, he advises him to take care of a succession, and to commit the Gospel preached by him to others, whose qualifications for it are faithfulness and aptitude to teach, \\2Ti 2:2\\ and in order to animate him to labour diligently in the Gospel, and suffer cheerfully for it, he observes to him that he was a soldier, and must endure hardships, and not indulge to the ease and pleasures of life; was a runner in a race, and therefore must strive before he received the crown; and was as an husbandman that must first labour before he partakes of the fruit: which things he would have him seriously consider; and desires that the Lord would give him understanding in them, 2Ti 2:3-7, and then with the same view, to encourage him to suffer for the Gospel of Christ, he puts him in mind of the incarnation and resurrection of Christ, as a summary of the Gospel, and a specimen of what he had heard of him, 2Ti 2:8 and instances in his own sufferings for it, the nature, use, and end of them, by way of example and imitation, 2Ti 2:9,10, and for the same purpose mentions several useful sayings and pithy sentences, as true and, to be depended on, 2Ti 2:11-13 which he would have Timothy put his hearers in mind of, and especially those to whom he committed the Gospel to preach; charging them, in a solemn manner, not to strive about words, which is not only unprofitable, but hurtful, 2Ti 2:14 and with respect to himself, he exhorts him to diligence and study, in interpreting and explaining the word of God, that so he might be approved unto God, and not be ashamed before men, 2Ti 2:15 and on the contrary, to avoid false doctrines, as being profane, empty, and mere babble; and as tending to greater impiety; and as being dangerous and threatening, like the spreading canker; of which he gives instances in Hymenaeus and Philetus, 2Ti 2:16,17 whose error was, that the resurrection was already past; and succeeded in the spreading of it, to the subversion of the faith of some, 2Ti 2:18. However, for the comfort of real believers, it is observed, that notwithstanding such errors, and the success of them, the foundation stands sure; God has a certain knowledge of his own people, and will keep them; and therefore it becomes such who either call on the name, or are called by the name of Christ, to depart from such evil doctrines, 2Ti 2:19 and that such things happening in the world, and in churches, should not be thought strange, the apostle illustrates the case by a simile of a great house, which has vessels of all sorts in it, and for different uses and purposes, 2Ti 2:21,22. Wherefore, to conclude his exhortations to Timothy, he advises him to flee those lusts which are incident to youth; to follow things that are good, and to avoid foolish and unlearned questions, which tend to strife, 2Ti 2:22,23 which leads him on to give the character of a servant of the Lord, or a preacher of the Gospel; that he must not strive, but be gentle, patient, and meek, in instructing adversaries; for which he should have an aptness; and is encouraged to act this part, from the consideration of success under a divine blessing; namely, bringing such persons to repentance, and to own the truth, and the recovery of them out of the snare of the devil, 2Ti 2:24,25

2 Timothée 2 Commentaries

The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.