Jean 11:6

6 Lors donc qu'il eut appris que Lazare était malade, il resta deux jours encore dans le lieu où il était,

Jean 11:6 Meaning and Commentary

John 11:6

When he had heard therefore that he was sick
Though Christ had heard that Lazarus was sick, and by such good hands, a message being sent him by his sisters, to acquaint him with it; and though he had such a very great love for him, and the whole family, yet he did not go directly to him, and to his assistance:

but he abode two days still in the same place where he was;
at Bethabara, beyond Jordan; this he did to try the faith and patience of the sisters of Lazarus, and that the miracle of raising him from the dead might be the more manifest, and his own glory might be the more illustrious, and yet equal, if not greater tenderness and love be shown to his friends.

Jean 11:6 In-Context

4 Après avoir entendu cela, Jésus dit: Cette maladie n'est point à la mort; mais elle est pour la gloire de Dieu, afin que le Fils de Dieu soit glorifié par elle.
5 Or, Jésus aimait Marthe, et sa soeur, et Lazare.
6 Lors donc qu'il eut appris que Lazare était malade, il resta deux jours encore dans le lieu où il était,
7 et il dit ensuite aux disciples: Retournons en Judée.
8 Les disciples lui dirent: Rabbi, les Juifs tout récemment cherchaient à te lapider, et tu retournes en Judée!
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