1 Johannes 3

1 Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeigt, daß wir Gottes Kinder sollen heißen! Darum kennt euch die Welt nicht; denn sie kennt ihn nicht.
2 Meine Lieben, wir sind nun Gottes Kinder; und es ist noch nicht erschienen, was wir sein werden. Wir wissen aber, wenn es erscheinen wird, daß wir ihm gleich sein werden; denn wir werden ihn sehen, wie er ist.
3 Und ein jeglicher, der solche Hoffnung hat zu ihm, der reinigt sich, gleichwie er auch rein ist.
4 Wer Sünde tut, der tut auch Unrecht, und die Sünde ist das Unrecht.
5 Und ihr wisset, daß er ist erschienen, auf daß er unsre Sünden wegnehme, und es ist keine Sünde in ihm.
6 Wer in ihm bleibt, der sündigt nicht; wer da sündigt, der hat ihn nicht gesehen noch erkannt.
7 Kindlein, laßt euch niemand verführen! Wer recht tut, der ist gerecht, gleichwie er gerecht ist.
8 Wer Sünde tut, der ist vom Teufel; denn der Teufel sündigt von Anfang. Dazu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes, daß er die Werke des Teufels zerstöre.
9 Wer aus Gott geboren ist, der tut nicht Sünde, denn sein Same bleibt bei ihm; und kann nicht sündigen, denn er ist von Gott geboren.
10 Daran wird's offenbar, welche die Kinder Gottes und die Kinder des Teufels sind. Wer nicht recht tut, der ist nicht von Gott, und wer nicht seinen Bruder liebhat.
11 Denn das ist die Botschaft, die ihr gehört habt von Anfang, daß wir uns untereinander lieben sollen.
12 Nicht wie Kain, der von dem Argen war und erwürgte seinen Bruder. Und warum erwürgte er ihn? Weil seine Werke böse waren, und die seines Bruders gerecht.
13 Verwundert euch nicht, meine Brüder, wenn euch die Welt haßt.
14 Wir wissen, daß wir aus dem Tode in das Leben gekommen sind; denn wir lieben die Brüder. Wer den Bruder nicht liebt, der bleibt im Tode.
15 Wer seinen Bruder haßt, der ist ein Totschläger; und ihr wisset, daß ein Totschläger hat nicht das ewige Leben bei ihm bleibend.
16 Daran haben wir erkannt die Liebe, daß er sein Leben für uns gelassen hat; und wir sollen auch das Leben für die Brüder lassen.
17 Wenn aber jemand dieser Welt Güter hat und sieht seinen Bruder darben und schließt sein Herz vor ihm zu, wie bleibt die Liebe Gottes bei ihm?
18 Meine Kindlein, laßt uns nicht lieben mit Worten noch mit der Zunge, sondern mit der Tat und mit der Wahrheit.
19 Daran erkennen wir, daß wir aus der Wahrheit sind, und können unser Herz vor ihm damit stillen,
20 daß, so uns unser Herz verdammt, Gott größer ist denn unser Herz und erkennt alle Dinge.
21 Ihr Lieben, so uns unser Herz nicht verdammt, so haben wir eine Freudigkeit zu Gott,
22 und was wir bitten, werden wir von ihm nehmen; denn wir halten seine Gebote und tun, was vor ihm gefällig ist.
23 Und das ist sein Gebot, daß wir glauben an den Namen seines Sohnes Jesu Christi und lieben uns untereinander, wie er uns ein Gebot gegeben hat.
24 Und wer seine Gebote hält, der bleibt in ihm und er in ihm. Und daran erkennen wir, daß er in uns bleibt, an dem Geist, den er uns gegeben hat.

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1 Johannes 3 Commentary

Chapter 3

The apostle admires the love of God in making believers his children. (1,2) The purifying influence of the hope of seeing Christ, and the danger of pretending to this, and living in sin. (3-10) Love to the brethren is the character of real Christians. (11-15) That love described by its actings. (16-21) The advantage of faith, love, and obedience. (22-24)

Verses 1-2 Little does the world know of the happiness of the real followers of Christ. Little does the world think that these poor, humble, despised ones, are favourites of God, and will dwell in heaven. Let the followers of Christ be content with hard fare here, since they are in a land of strangers, where their Lord was so badly treated before them. The sons of God must walk by faith, and live by hope. They may well wait in faith, hope, and earnest desire, for the revelation of the Lord Jesus. The sons of God will be known, and be made manifest by likeness to their Head. They shall be transformed into the same image, by their view of him.

Verses 3-10 The sons of God know that their Lord is of purer eyes than to allow any thing unholy and impure to dwell with him. It is the hope of hypocrites, not of the sons of God, that makes allowance for gratifying impure desires and lusts. May we be followers of him as his dear children, thus show our sense of his unspeakable mercy, and express that obedient, grateful, humble mind which becomes us. Sin is the rejecting the Divine law. In him, that is, in Christ, was no sin. All the sinless weaknesses that were consequences of the fall, he took; that is, all those infirmities of mind or body which subject man to suffering, and expose him to temptation. But our moral infirmities, our proneness to sin, he had not. He that abides in Christ, continues not in the practice of sin. Renouncing sin is the great proof of spiritual union with, continuance in, and saving knowledge of the Lord Christ. Beware of self-deceit. He that doeth righteousness is righteous, and to be a follower of Christ, shows an interest by faith in his obedience and sufferings. But a man cannot act like the devil, and at the same time be a disciple of Christ Jesus. Let us not serve or indulge what the Son of God came to destroy. To be born of God is to be inwardly renewed by the power of the Spirit of God. Renewing grace is an abiding principle. Religion is not an art, a matter of dexterity and skill, but a new nature. And the regenerate person cannot sin as he did before he was born of God, and as others do who are not born again. There is that light in his mind, which shows him the evil and malignity of sin. There is that bias upon his heart, which disposes him to loathe and hate sin. There is the spiritual principle that opposes sinful acts. And there is repentance for sin, if committed. It goes against him to sin with forethought. The children of God and the children of the devil have their distinct characters. The seed of the serpent are known by neglect of religion, and by their hating real Christians. He only is righteous before God, as a justified believer, who is taught and disposed to righteousness by the Holy Spirit. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil. May all professors of the gospel lay these truths to heart, and try themselves by them.

Verses 11-15 We should love the Lord Jesus, value his love, and therefore love all our brethren in Christ. This love is the special fruit of our faith, and a certain sign of our being born again. But none who rightly know the heart of man, can wonder at the contempt and enmity of ungodly people against the children of God. We know that we are passed from death to life: we may know it by the evidences of our faith in Christ, of which love to our brethren is one. It is not zeal for a party in the common religion, or affection for those who are of the same name and sentiments with ourselves. The life of grace in the heart of a regenerate person, is the beginning and first principle of a life of glory, whereof they must be destitute who hate their brother in their hearts.

Verses 16-21 Here is the condescension, the miracle, the mystery of Divine love, that God would redeem the church with his own blood. Surely we should love those whom God has loved, and so loved. The Holy Spirit, grieved at selfishness, will leave the selfish heart without comfort, and full of darkness and terror. By what can it be known that a man has a true sense of the love of Christ for perishing sinners, or that the love of God has been planted in his heart by the Holy Spirit, if the love of the world and its good overcomes the feelings of compassion to a perishing brother? Every instance of this selfishness must weaken the evidences of a man's conversion; when habitual and allowed, it must decide against him. If conscience condemn us in known sin, or the neglect of known duty, God does so too. Let conscience therefore be well-informed, be heard, and diligently attended to.

Verses 22-24 When believers had confidence towards God, through the Spirit of adoption, and by faith in the great High Priest, they might ask what they would of their reconciled Father. They would receive it, if good for them. And as good-will to men was proclaimed from heaven, so good-will to men, particularly to the brethren, must be in the hearts of those who go to God and heaven. He who thus follows Christ, dwells in Him as his ark, refuge, and rest, and in the Father through him. This union between Christ and the souls of believers, is by the Spirit he has given them. A man may believe that God is gracious before he knows it; yet when faith has laid hold on the promises, it sets reason to work. This Spirit of God works a change; in all true Christians it changes from the power of Satan to the power of God. Consider, believer, how it changes thy heart. Dost not thou long for peace with God? Wouldst thou not forego all the world for it? No profit, pleasure, or preferment shall hinder thee from following Christ. This salvation is built upon Divine testimony, even the Spirit of God.

1 Johannes 3 Commentaries

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