Gevurot 6

1 Now in these yamim of the Messianic talmidim being increased, there was a complaint by the Greekspeaking Yehudim keneged (against) the Sabra Yehudim mitzad (as to) their Greekspeaking Jewish almanot being overlooked in the daily support.
2 And the Sheneym Asar, having called the multitude of the talmidim together, said, "It is not desirable for us to neglect the dvar Hashem in order to serve tishen.
3 "But select from among you Achim b’Moshiach, that is, shivah anashim, being of shem tov (good reputation) and full of the Ruach Hakodesh and chochmah, whom we will appoint over this duty; [SHEMOT 18:21; NECHEMYAH 13:13]
4 "But we will be devoted to tefillah and to the avodas kodesh service of the Dvar of the Besuras HaGeulah."
5 And this dvar found approval before all the multitude and they chose Stefanos, a man full of emunah (faith) and of the Ruach Hakodesh, and they also chose Philippos and Prochorus and Nikanor and Timon and Parmenas and Nicholas, a ger (proselyte) of Antioch
6 Whom they placed before the Moshiach’s Shlichim. And having davened, Moshiach’s Shlichim gave them s’michah, laying their hands on them. [BAMIDBAR 8:10; 27:18]
7 And the Dvar Hashem was increasing, and the number of talmidim was being greatly multiplied in Yerushalayim, and a kama (quite a number) of the kohanim were obeying the [Orthodox Jewish Messianic] emunah (faith).
8 And Stefanos, full of the Chen v’Chesed Hashem and ko’ach (power), was effecting otot and moftim gedolim among the people.
9 But some of the men from the shul called the Beit Knesset of the Meshuchrarim (the Freedmen) and the Cyrenians and the Alexandrians, and the ones from Cilicia and Asia, rose up and argued with Stefanos,
10 And they were not able to contradict the chochmah and the Ruach Hakodesh with which he was speaking.
11 Then they secretly induced anashim to say, "We have heard him commit Chillul Hashem in the words he spoke keneged (against) Moshe Rabbenu and Hashem." [MELACHIM ALEF 21:10]
12 And they aroused the people and the Zekenim and the Sofrim and they came upon Stefanos and they seized him and they brought him to the Sanhedrin,
13 And edei sheker (false witnesses) swore falsely, saying, "This man is not ceasing to speak words keneged (against) Makom HaKadosh HaZeh and the Torah. [SHEMOT 23:1; TEHILLIM 27:12]
14 "For we have heard him saying that this Yehoshua from Natzeret will destroy this place [the Beis Hamikdash] and will change the chukim of the Torah which Moshe Rabbenu handed down to us."
15 And having stared intently at him, all the ones sitting in the Sanhedrin saw his ponem looking like the face of a malach.

Gevurot 6 Commentary

Chapter 6

The appointment of deacons. (1-7) Stephen falsely accused of blasphemy. (8-15)

Verses 1-7 Hitherto the disciples had been of one accord; this often had been noticed to their honour; but now they were multiplied, they began to murmur. The word of God was enough to take up all the thoughts, cares, and time of the apostles. The persons chosen to serve tables must be duly qualified. They must be filled with gifts and graces of the Holy Ghost, necessary to rightly managing this trust; men of truth, and hating covetousness. All who are employed in the service of the church, ought to be commended to the Divine grace by the prayers of the church. They blessed them in the name of the Lord. The word and grace of God are greatly magnified, when those are wrought upon by it, who were least likely.

Verses 8-15 When they could not answer Stephen's arguments as a disputant, they prosecuted him as a criminal, and brought false witnesses against him. And it is next to a miracle of providence, that no greater number of religious persons have been murdered in the world, by the way of perjury and pretence of law, when so many thousands hate them, who make no conscience of false oaths. Wisdom and holiness make a man's face to shine, yet will not secure men from being treated badly. What shall we say of man, a rational being, yet attempting to uphold a religious system by false witness and murder! And this has been done in numberless instances. But the blame rests not so much upon the understanding, as upon the heart of a fallen creature, which is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Yet the servant of the Lord, possessing a clear conscience, cheerful hope, and Divine consolations, may smile in the midst of danger and death.

Gevurot 6 Commentaries

The Orthodox Jewish Bible fourth edition, OJB. Copyright 2002,2003,2008,2010, 2011 by Artists for Israel International. All rights reserved.