Melachim Bais 2:6

6 And Eliyahu said unto him, Tarry, now, here; for Hashem hath sent me to the Yarden. And he said, As Hashem liveth, and as thy nefesh liveth, I will not leave thee. And they two walked on.

Melachim Bais 2:6 Meaning and Commentary

2 Kings 2:6

And Elijah said unto him, tarry, I pray thee, here
At Jericho, seemingly very desirous to get rid of him, that he might not see his assumption:

for the Lord hath sent me to Jordan:
where passing that he was to be taken up:

and he said,
&c; Elisha swore, as before, he would not leave him:

and they two went on;
to Jordan, which was six miles from Jericho F11.


F11 Travels p. 205.

Melachim Bais 2:6 In-Context

4 And Eliyahu said unto him, Elishah, tarry here, now; for Hashem hath sent me to Yericho. And he said, As Hashem liveth, and as thy nefesh liveth, I will not leave thee. So they came to Yericho.
5 And the Bnei HaNevi’im that were at Yericho came to Elishah, and said unto him, Doest thou have da’as that hayom (today) Hashem will take away thy adon from over thy rosh? And he answered, Yes, I have da’as; be silent.
6 And Eliyahu said unto him, Tarry, now, here; for Hashem hath sent me to the Yarden. And he said, As Hashem liveth, and as thy nefesh liveth, I will not leave thee. And they two walked on.
7 And chamishim ish (fifty men) of the Bnei HaNevi’im went, standing opposite them at a distance; and they two stood by the Yarden.
8 And Eliyahu took his aderet (mantle, cloak), and rolled it up, and struck the mayim, and they were split from here and from there, so that they two crossed over on charavah (dry ground [See Yehoshua 3:17]).
The Orthodox Jewish Bible fourth edition, OJB. Copyright 2002,2003,2008,2010, 2011 by Artists for Israel International. All rights reserved.