John 12:1-16

1 Then Iesus sixe dayes before ester came to Bethany where Lazarus was which was deed and who Iesus raysed from deeth.
2 There they made him a supper and Martha served: But Lazarus was one of them that sate at the table with him.
3 Then toke Mary a pounde of oyntmet called Nardus perfecte and precious and anoynted Iesus fete and wipt his fete with her heer and the housse was filled of the savre of the oyntmet.
4 Then sayde one of his disciples name Iudas Iscariot Simos sonne which afterwarde betrayed him:
5 why was not this oyntmet solde for thre hondred pence and geve to the poore?
6 This sayde he not that he cared for the pooer: but because he was a thefe and kept the bagge and bare that which was geven.
7 Then sayde Iesus: Let her alone agaynst the daye of my buryinge she kept it.
8 The poore all wayes shall ye have with you but me shall ye not all wayes have.
9 Moche people of the Iewes had knowledge that he was there. And they came not for Iesus sake only but yt they myght se Lazarus also whom he raysed from deeth.
10 The hye prestes therfore held a counsell that they myght put Lazarus to deeth also
11 because that for his sake many of the Iewes went awaye and beleved on Iesus.
12 On the morowe moche people that were come to the feast when they hearde yt Iesus shuld come to Ierusalem
13 toke braunches of palme trees and went and met him and cryed: Hosanna blessed is he that in the name of the Lorde commeth kynge of Israel.
14 And Iesus got a yonge asse and sate thero accordinge to that which was writte:
15 feare not doughter of Sio beholde thy kynge cometh sittinge on an asses coolte.
16 These thinges vnderstode not his disciples at ye fyrst: but when Iesus was gloryfied then remembryd they that soche thinges were written of him and that soche thinges they had done vnto him.
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