Matthew 5:37-47

37 But your comunicacion shalbe ye ye: nay nay. For whatsoeuer is more then yt cometh of yvell.
38 Ye have hearde how it ys sayd an eye for an eye: a tothe for a tothe.
39 But I saye to you that ye resist not wroge. But whosoever geve the a blowe on thy right cheke tourne to him the other.
40 And yf eny man will sue the at the lawe and take awaye thy coote let hym have thy cloocke also.
41 And whosoever wyll copell the to goo a myle goo wyth him twayne.
42 Geve to him that axeth and fro him that wolde borowe tourne not awaye.
43 Ye have hearde how it is sayde: thou shalt love thyne neghbour and hate thine enimy.
44 But I saye vnto you love youre enimies. Blesse the that coursse you. Do good to them that hate you. Praye for them which doo you wronge and persecute you
45 that ye maye be ye chyldern of youre father that is in heauen: for he maketh his sunne to aryse on ye yvell and on the good and sendeth his reyn on the iuste and vniuste.
46 For yf ye love them which love you: what rewarde shall ye have? Doo not the Publicans euen so?
47 And yf ye be frendly to youre brethren onlye: what singuler thynge doo ye? Do not the Publicans lyke wyse?

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