Jeremias 23:1-9

1 Ai dos pastores que destroem e dispersam as ovelhas do meu pasto, diz o Senhor.
2 Portanto assim diz o Senhor, o Deus de Israel, acerca dos pastores que apascentam o meu povo: Vós dispersastes as minhas ovelhas, e as afugentastes, e não as visitastes. Eis que visitarei sobre vós a maldade das vossas ações, diz o Senhor.
3 E eu mesmo recolherei o resto das minhas ovelhas de todas as terras para onde as tiver afugentado, e as farei voltar aos seus apriscos; e frutificarão, e se multiplicarão.
4 E levantarei sobre elas pastores que as apascentem, e nunca mais temerão, nem se assombrarão, e nem uma delas faltará, diz o Senhor
5 Eis que vêm dias, diz o Senhor, em que levantarei a Davi um Renovo justo; e, sendo rei, reinará e procederá sabiamente, executando o juízo e a justiça na terra.
6 Nos seus dias Judá será salvo, e Israel habitará seguro; e este é o nome de que será chamado: O SENHOR JUSTIÇA NOSSA.
7 Portanto, eis que vêm dias, diz o Senhor, em que nunca mais dirão: Vive o Senhor, que tirou os filhos de Israel da terra do Egito;
8 mas: Vive o Senhor, que tirou e que trouxe a linhagem da casa de Israel da terra do norte, e de todas as terras para onde os tinha arrojado; e eles habitarão na sua terra.
9 Quanto aos profetas. O meu coração está quebrantado dentro de mim; todos os meus ossos estremecem; sou como um homem embriagado, e como um homem vencido do vinho, por causa do Senhor, e por causa das suas santas palavras.

Images for Jeremias 23:1-9

Jeremias 23:1-9 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter contains threatenings to the Jewish governors, and to their priests and prophets, on account of their manifold sins; intermixed with gracious promises to the Lord's people, and particularly with a famous promise of the Messiah. The pastors or governors of Israel are charged with scattering and driving away the Lord's flock, for which they are threatened, Jer 23:1,2; and a promise is made of the gathering of the remnant of them, and of setting up other shepherds over them, under whom they should increase, and be comfortable, Jer 23:3,4; particularly the Messiah is promised; as David's righteous Branch; as a prosperous and righteous King; as the author of righteousness to his people, under whom they should have salvation and safety, Jer 23:5,6; so that in comparison of this salvation, the deliverance out of Egypt should not be spoken of, Jer 23:7,8; and then follows a sad complaint of the priests and prophets; of their profaneness, their adultery, swearing, lying, hypocrisy, and deception of the people; for all which they are severely threatened, Jer 23:9-15; wherefore the people are exhorted not to hearken to them, promising them peace and safety; whereas, by attending to the word of God, it might easily be seen that a storm of wrath was gone forth, and was ready to break, and would fall upon the head of the wicked, to the executing of the thoughts and purposes of God's heart, Jer 23:16-20; and the Lord declares he had not sent these prophets, as might be known from their not turning the people from their evil ways, Jer 23:21,22; whose conduct and behaviour could not be hid from the sight of the Lord, nor their prophecies from his ears, which were no other than dreams, and the deceits of their own hearts; and there was as great a difference between them and the word of the Lord, as between chaff and wheat; seeing his word in his hand is of great virtue and efficacy, whereas there was none in theirs, Jer 23:23-29; wherefore the Lord declares himself to be against these prophets, for stealing his word from their neighbour; for making use of his name, when they were not sent by him; and for causing the people to err by their lies, Jer 23:30-32; and both people, priest, and prophet, are severely threatened for jeering and scoffing at the word of the Lord, calling it the burden of the Lord; which phrase they are forbid to use in a sneering way; and should they persist in it, they are told that God would forsake and forget them, and cast them out, and everlastingly punish them, Jer 23:39,40.

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