Mark 9:5-15

5 And Peter answered, and said to Jesus, Master it is good us to be here [it good us for to be here]; and make we here three tabernacles, one to thee, one to Moses, and one to Elias.
6 For he knew not what he should say; for they were aghast by dread. [Soothly he wist not what he should say; for they were afeared by dread.]
7 And there was made a cloud overshadowing them; and a voice came out of the cloud, and said [saying], This is my most dear-worthy Son, hear ye him.
8 And at once [And anon] they beheld about, and saw no more any man, but Jesus only with them.
9 And when they came down from the hill, he commanded them, that they should not tell to any man those things that they had seen, but when man's Son hath risen again from death [no but when man's Son hath risen from dead].
10 And they held the word at themselves, seeking what this should be, when he had risen again from death [when he hath risen from dead].
11 And they asked him, and said [saying], What then say [the] Pharisees and [the] scribes, that it behooveth Elias to come first.
12 And he answered, and said to them, When Elias cometh, he shall first restore all things [When Elias shall come first, he shall restore all things]; and as it is written of man's Son [and how it is written of man's Son], that he suffer many things, and be despised.
13 And I say to you [But I say to you], that [also] Elias is come, and they did to him whatever things they would, as it is written of him.
14 And he coming to his disciples, saw a great company about them, and [the] scribes disputing with them [and scribes asking with them].
15 And at once [And anon] all the people seeing Jesus, was astonished, and they dreaded; and they running [to,] greeted him.
Copyright © 2001 by Terence P. Noble. For personal use only.