Illustration: Adversity

Illustration: Adversity
It has been said that you can learn a lot in jail—most of it bad—but there are some good things that can be learned in prison. Just ask John Bunyan. In 1660, he was arrested for preaching without a license. While there, he began writing his great book Pilgrim's Progress. Just ask Alexander Solzhenitsyn. He was imprisoned for criticizing the communists. While there, he wrote poems in his head, which he later was able to publish. Just ask Corrie Ten Boom. She was imprisoned for trying to save Jews from the Nazis. In her imprisonment, she lost her family; but she learned that no matter how deep the pit you are in, God's love is deeper still. Just ask Joseph. He learned compassion, perseverance and perhaps humility. That allowed him to serve Pharaoh well and eventually protect his family. There are many kinds of prisons. What happens to us when we find ourselves there is up to us.