
Bogota, Columbia -The keynote speaker at the Advanced Evangelism Explosion Seminar in Bogota, Columbia, was Rev. Rodolfo Loyola, a pastor from Madrid, Spain. His testimony was shared with UPDATE by Rev. R. Craig Strickland of Second Presbyterian Church of Memphis, TN., who accompanied Woody Lajara to the Seminar as a Clinic teacher.

Sixteen years ago, Rev. Loyola was a pastor and professor in Cuba. The Cuban government instructed him to either abandon his faith or quit teaching school. They gave him 15 days to decide. Rev. Loyola said, "I don't need 15 days. I don't need 15 minutes. I won't be back to teach tomorrow."

Several days later, in the middle of the night, he was abducted and imprisoned in a Cuban concentration camp for over two years. In part because of his dedication to sharing the gospel with those around him, he was transferred 13 times to new concentration camps.

Finally, he was told by Castro's government that he had 30 days to find two thousand dollars to take his family out of Cuba. Over the weekend, he and his wife prayed for guidance, writing to family and friends in other countries. Thirty days later, there was two thousand and ten dollars. So with ten dollars in his pocket, Rev. Loyola and his family were sent to Spain where he now joyfully exclaims that he is a missionary to Spain sent by Castro!"