Salmos 142

1 Masquil de David: Oración que hizo cuando estaba en la cueva. Con mi voz clamaré al SEÑOR, con mi voz pediré misericordia al SEÑOR.
2 Delante de él derramaré mi querella; delante de él denunciaré mi angustia.
3 Cuando mi espíritu se angustiaba dentro de mí, tú conociste mi senda. En el camino en que andaba, me escondieron lazo.
4 Miraba a la mano derecha, y observaba; mas no había quién me conociese; no tuve refugio, no había quién volviese por mi vida.
5 Clamé a ti, oh SEÑOR, Dije: Tú eres mi esperanza, y mi porción en la tierra de los vivientes.
6 Escucha mi clamor, que estoy muy afligido; líbrame de los que me persiguen, porque son más fuertes que yo.
7 Saca mi alma de la cárcel para que alabe tu Nombre; conmigo harán fiesta los justos, cuando me hubieras destetado.

Salmos 142 Commentary

Chapter 142

David's comfort in prayer.

- There can be no situation so distressing or dangerous, in which faith will not get comfort from God by prayer. We are apt to show our troubles too much to ourselves, poring upon them, which does us no service; whereas, by showing them to God, we might cast the cares upon him who careth for us, and thereby ease ourselves. Nor should we allow any complaint to ourselves or others, which we cannot make to God. When our spirits are overwhelmed by distress, and filled with discouragement; when we see snares laid for us on every side, while we walk in his way, we may reflect with comfort that the Lord knoweth our path. Those who in sincerity take the Lord for their God, find him all-sufficient, as a Refuge, and as a Portion: every thing else is a refuge of lies, and a portion of no value. In this situation David prayed earnestly to God. We may apply it spiritually; the souls of believers are often straitened by doubts and fears. And it is then their duty and interest to beg of God to set them at liberty, that they may run the way of his commandments. Thus the Lord delivered David from his powerful persecutors, and dealt bountifully with him. Thus he raised the crucified Redeemer to the throne of glory, and made him Head over all things for his church. Thus the convinced sinner cries for help, and is brought to praise the Lord in the company of his redeemed people; and thus all believers will at length be delivered from this evil world, from sin and death, and praise their Saviour for ever.

Chapter Summary

Maschil of David; A Prayer when he was in the cave. Of the word "maschil," See Gill on "Ps 32:1," title. This psalm is called a prayer, as some others are, the ninetieth and hundred second psalms: and was composed by David when either in the cave of Adullam, 1 Samuel 22:1; or rather in the cave at Engedi, where he cut off Saul's skirt, 1 Samuel 24:3; as Jarchi and Kimchi think. The psalm represents the troubles of David, and of the Messiah his antitype, and is applicable to the church of God, or to any particular soul when in distress.

Salmos 142 Commentaries
