Daniel 7

1 Anno primo Baltassar regis Babylonis, Daniel somnium vidit: visio autem capitis eius in cubili suo: et somnium scribens, brevi sermone comprehendit: summatimque perstringens, ait:
2 Videbam in visione mea nocte, et ecce quattuor venti caeli pugnabant in mari magno.
3 Et quattuor bestiae grandes ascendebant de mari diversae inter se.
4 Prima quasi leaena, et alas habebat aquilae: aspiciebam donec evulsae sunt alae eius, et sublata est de terra, et super pedes quasi homo stetit; et cor hominis datum est ei.
5 Et ecce bestia alia similis urso in parte stetit: et tres ordines erant in ore eius, et in dentibus eius, et sic dicebant ei: Surge, comede carnes plurimas.
6 Post haec aspiciebam, et ecce alia quasi pardus, et alas habebat quasi avis, quattuor super se, et quattuor capita erant in bestia, et potestas data est ei.
7 Post haec aspiciebam in visione noctis, et ecce bestia quarta terribilis, atque mirabilis, et fortis nimis, dentes ferreos habebat magnos, comedens atque comminuens, et reliqua pedibus suis conculcans: dissimilis autem erat ceteris bestiis, quas videram ante eam, et habebat cornua decem.
8 Considerabam cornua, et ecce cornu aliud parvulum ortum est de medio eorum: et tria de cornibus primis evulsa sunt a facie eius: et ecce oculi, quasi oculi hominis erant in cornu isto, et os loquens ingentia.
9 Aspiciebam donec throni positi sunt, et antiquus dierum sedit: vestimentum eius candidum quasi nix, et capilli capitis eius quasi lana munda: thronus eius flammae ignis: rotae eius ignis accensus.
10 Fluvius igneus, rapidusque egrediebatur a facie eius. millia millium ministrabant ei, et decies millies centena millia assistebant ei: iudicium sedit, et libri aperti sunt.
11 Aspiciebam propter vocem sermonum grandium, quos cornu illud loquebatur: et vidi quoniam interfecta esset bestia, et perisset corpus eius, et traditum esset ad comburendum igni:
12 aliarum quoque bestiarum ablata esset potestas, et tempora vitae constituta essent eis usque ad tempus, et tempus.
13 Aspiciebam ergo in visione noctis, et ecce cum nubibus caeli quasi filius hominis veniebat, et usque ad antiquum dierum pervenit: et in conspectu eius obtulerunt eum.
14 Et dedit ei potestatem, et honorem, et regnum: et omnes populi, tribus, et linguae ipsi servient: potestas eius, potestas aeterna, quae non auferetur: et regnum eius, quod non corrumpetur.
15 Horruit spiritus meus, ego Daniel territus sum in his, et visiones capitis mei conturbaverunt me.
16 Accessi ad unum de assistentibus, et veritatem quaerebam ab eo de omnibus his. Qui dixit mihi interpretationem sermonum, et docuit me:
17 Hae quattuor bestiae magnae: quattuor sunt regna, quae consurgent de terra.
18 Suscipient autem regnum sancti Dei altissimi: et obtinebunt regnum usque in saeculum, et saeculum saeculorum.
19 Post hoc volui diligenter discere de bestia quarta, quae erat dissimilis valde ab omnibus, et terribilis nimis: dentes et ungues eius ferrei: comedebat, et comminuebat, et reliqua pedibus suis conculcabat:
20 et de cornibus decem, quae habebat in capite: et de alio, quod ortum fuerat, ante quod ceciderant tria cornua: et de cornu illo, quod habebat oculos, et os loquens grandia, et maius erat ceteris.
21 Aspiciebam, et ecce cornu illud faciebat bellum adversus sanctos, et praevalebat eis,
22 donec venit antiquus dierum, et iudicium dedit sanctis Excelsi, et tempus advenit, et regnum obtinuerunt sancti.
23 Et sic ait: Bestia quarta, regnum quartum erit in terra, quod maius erit omnibus regnis, et devorabit universam terram, et conculcabit, et comminuet eam.
24 Porro cornua decem ipsius regni, decem reges erunt: et alius consurget post eos, et ipse potentior erit prioribus, et tres reges humiliabit.
25 Et sermones contra Excelsum loquetur, et sanctos Altissimi conteret: et putabit quod possit mutare tempora, et leges, et tradentur in manu eius usque ad tempus, et tempora, et dimidium temporis.
26 Et iudicium sedebit ut auferatur potentia, et conteratur, et dispereat usque in finem.
27 Regnum autem, et potestas, et magnitudo regni, quae est subter omne caelum, detur populo sanctorum Altissimi: cuius regnum, regnum sempiternum est, et omnes reges servient ei, et obedient.
28 Hucusque finis verbi. Ego Daniel multum cogitationibus meis conturbabar, et facies mea mutata est in me: verbum autem in corde meo conservavi.

Images for Daniel 7

Daniel 7 Commentary

Chapter 7

Daniel's vision of the four beasts. (1-8) and of Christ's kingdom. (9-14) The interpretation. (15-28)

Verses 1-8 This vision contains the same prophetic representations with Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The great sea agitated by the winds, represented the earth and the dwellers on it troubled by ambitious princes and conquerors. The four beasts signified the same four empires, as the four parts of Nebuchadnezzar's image. Mighty conquerors are but instruments of God's vengeance on a guilty world. The savage beast represents the hateful features of their characters. But the dominion given to each has a limit; their wrath shall be made to praise the Lord, and the remainder of it he will restrain.

Verses 9-14 These verses are for the comfort and support of the people of God, in reference to the persecutions that would come upon them. Many New Testament predictions of the judgment to come, have plain allusion to this vision; especially ( revelation 20:11 revelation 20:12 ) . The Messiah is here called the Son of man; he was made in the likeness of sinful flesh, and was found in fashion as a man, but he is the Son of God. The great event foretold in this passage, is Christ's glorious coming, to destroy every antichristian power, and to render his own kingdom universal upon earth. But ere the solemn time arrives, for manifesting the glory of God to all worlds in his dealings with his creatures, we may expect that the doom of each of us will be determined at the hour of our death; and before the end shall come, the Father will openly give to his incarnate Son, our Mediator and Judge, the inheritance of the nations as his willing subjects.

Verses 15-28 It is desirable to obtain the right and full sense of what we see and hear from God; and those that would know, must ask by faithful and fervent prayer. The angel told Daniel plainly. He especially desired to know respecting the little horn, which made war with the saints, and prevailed against them. Here is foretold the rage of papal Rome against true Christians. St. John, in his visions and prophecies, which point in the first place at Rome, has plain reference to these visions. Daniel had a joyful prospect of the prevalence of God's kingdom among men. This refers to the second coming of our blessed Lord, when the saints shall triumph in the complete fall of Satan's kingdom. The saints of the Most High shall possess the kingdom for ever. Far be it from us to infer from hence, that dominion is founded on grace. It promises that the gospel kingdom shall be set up; a kingdom of light, holiness, and love; a kingdom of grace, the privileges and comforts of which shall be the earnest and first-fruits of the kingdom of glory. But the full accomplishment will be in the everlasting happiness of the saints, the kingdom that cannot be moved. The gathering together the whole family of God will be a blessedness of Christ's coming.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains Daniel's vision of the four beasts, The time, place, manner, writing, and declaration of the vision, Da 7:1, the rise of the beasts, and the description of them, Da 7:2-8, the judgment of God upon them, especially the last, and the delivery of universal monarchy to his Son, Da 7:9-14, the interpretation of the vision at the request of Daniel, being greatly affected with it, Da 7:15-18, a particular inquiry of his about the fourth beast, concerning which a full account is given, Da 7:19-27, all which caused in him many thoughts of heart, and reflections of mind, Da 7:28.

Daniel 7 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.